T.Goebel and R.Krämer are happy about their experimental results.
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T.Goebel and R.Krämer are happy about their experimental results.
Foto: Jan-Peter Kasper (Universität Jena)

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Auch das Abbe Center of Photonics  enbietet eine gesammelte Auswahl an Forschungsstellen in der lokalen Optik- und Photonik-Akademie an.

Paid internship or Master thesis at Research Group “Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy and Microscopy”

Short wavelength radiation in the extreme ultraviolet and X-ray spectral region enables unique insights into matter with nanoscale resolution and high elemental contrast. Significant advances in compact light sources and matched computational imaging methods are required to push resolution, contrast and speed to application-relevant levels.
The “Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy and Microscopy en” group at HI-Jena and IAP develops unique solutions in thisfield.
We offer:

  • interesting and application-relevant topics
  • Excellent supervision from internship level up to PhD
  • Highly endowed renumeration
  • Exceptional networking and career opportunities

The group enjoys an excellent reputation as one of the leading research groups in this field world-wide. The success of the group is based on excellent equipment, an outstanding team spirit and deep knowledge of the underlying physics.
If you are interested in working in the field of computational imaging and short-wavelength physics, please get in contact and learn more about available topics, e.g. as trial period in a paid internship or Master thesis.

Download job advertisementpdf, 971 kb · en

Contact: Priv. Doz. Dr. Jan Rothhardt jan.rothhardt@uni-jena.de


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