The Institute for Theoretical Physics (TPI) is part of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Its main research focus lies on Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity as well as their mutual interplay.
Quantum Field Theories are of great significance for our understanding of the fundamental interactions of Nature at microscopic length scales. Moreover, Quantum Field Theory provides a useful tool-set for the study of phase transitions and dynamics in many-body system and has gained increasing relevance in applied fields like micro and nano-technology.
The dominant force at large distance scales in our Universe is the gravitational force, as it is formulated by the gravitational theory based on Einstein's General Relativity. Moreover, this theory describes small distortions of space-time, which propagate through space as so-called gravitational waves. The study of such waves gives rise to gravitational-wave astronomy.
In recent years, Quantum Gravity has been established as a third pillar of the TPI. The aim of this research direction is to understand both Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity as limits of one single fundamental theory. One particular approach is given by the so-called Holographic Principle, a very active research area, which over the last two decades has provided various fascinating insights into the quantum nature of Black Holes and space-time, as well as the dynamics of strongly interacting quantum fields.
Fröbelstieg 1
07743 Jena
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Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 7am - 7pm
Postal address:
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Max-Wien-Platz 1
07743 Jena