Elementary components for high-energy short-pulse fiber laser systems in the 2 µm wavelength range are fiber-integrated not available. Instead, free space components with large footprints are used. In Grate2Lase, two key components are being developed: efficient and customizable, low-noise, fiber-based pulse stretchers and tailored fiber preamplifiers. This reduces complexity, footprint and cost, while greatly increasing robustness and stability. This forms the basis for establishing reliable industrial high-energy short-pulse fiber laser systems for 2 µm.
Sub-project University Jena:
Fiber-based stretchers and preamplifiers for 2 µm ultrashort pulse fiber lasers
Commercially available chirped fiber Bragg gratings are currently produced using UV lasers. As part of this sub-project, a process is being developed to realize gratings with defined spectral and dispersive properties using ultrashort pulse lasers. In addition, a compact, completely fiber-integrated and thus adjustment-free preamplifier system based on thulium fibers is being developed, which contains the fiber gratings as pulse stretchers.