- Cai, H. Gross, Generalized chromatic aberrations in non-rotationally symmetric optical systems-Part I: mathematical approach, Applied Optics,60 (21), 6313-6321, 2021, link
- Cai, H. Gross, Generalized chromatic aberrations in non-rotationally symmetric optical systems-Part II: applications,Applied Optics,60 (21), 6322-6330, 2021, link
- Li, M. Chambonneau, M. Blothe, H. Gross, S. Nolte, Flexible, fast, and benchmarked vectorial model for focused laser beams, Applied Optics,60 (13), 3954-3963, 2021, link
- Lu, H. Gross, Wigner function-based modeling and propagation of partially coherent light in optical systems with scattering surfaces, Optics Express,29 (10), 14985-15000, 2021, link
- Tang, H. Gross, Extended aberration analysis in symmetry-free optical systems - part I: method of calculation, Optics Express,29 (24), 39967-39982, 2021, link
- Tang, H. Gross, Extended aberration analysis in symmetry-free optical systems - part II: evaluation and application, Optics Express,29 (25), 42020-42036, 2021, link
- Tang, H. Gross, Improved correction by freeform surfaces in prism spectrometer concepts, Applied Optics,60 (2), 333-341, 2021, link
- Hartung, S. Merx, H. von Lukowicz,"Compensation of general asymmetric static loads for acomplete optical system of freeform mirrorsExternal link,"Appl. Optics 59 (6), 1507-1518 (2020).
- Gross, ,"Cascaded Diffraction in Optical Systems. Part I: Simulation ModelExternal link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 37 (2), 240-249 (2020).
- Gross, ,"Cascaded Diffraction in Optical Systems. Part II: Simulation ModelExternal link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 37 (2), 250-256 (2020).
- Worku, H. Gross,"Application of Gaussian pulsed beam decomposition in modeling optical systems with diffraction gratingExternal link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 37 (5), 797-806 (2020).
- Worku, H. Gross,"Gaussian pulsed beam decomposition for propagation of ultra-short pulses through optical systemsExternal link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 37 (1), 98-107 (2020).
- Worku, H. Gross,"Spatially truncated Gaussian pulsed beam and its application in modeling diffraction of ultrashort pulses from hard apertures External link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 37 (2), 317-326 (2020).
- Schmidt, S. Thiele, A, Toulouse, C. Bösel, T. Tiess, A. Herkommer, H. Gross, H. Giessen,"Tailored micro-optical freeform holograms for integrated complex beam shapingExternal link,"Optica 7 (10, 1279-1286 (2020).
- Merx, J. Stock, F. Widiasari, H. Gross,"Beam Characterization by phase retrieval solving the transport-of-intensity equationExternal link,"Opt. Express 28 (14), 20898-20907 (2020).
- Lu, H. Gross,"Efficient simulation of surface scattering in symmetry-free optical systemsExternal link,"Opt. Express 28 (26), 39368 - 39386 (2020).
- Zhong, Z. Tang, H. Gross,"Correction of 2D-telecentric scan systems with freeform surfaces External link,"Opt. Express 28 (3), 3041-3056 (2020).
- Stock, M. Beier, J. Hartung, S. Merx, H. Gross,"Simulation and analysis of optical imaging systems including real freeform componentsExternal link,"Adv. Opt. Technol. 8 (2), 111-117 (2019).
- Zhang, H. Gross,"Systematic Design of Microscopic Lenses IExternal link,"Adv. Opt. Technol. 8 (5), 313 (2019).
- Zhang, H. Gross,"Systematic Design of Microscopic Lenses IIExternal link,"Adv. Opt. Technol. 8 (5), 349 (2019).
- Zhang, H. Gross,"Systematic Design of Microscopic Lenses IIIExternal link,"Adv. Opt. Technol. 8 (5), 385 (2019).
- Bösel, H. Gross,"Compact freeform illumination system design for pattern generation with extended light sourcesExternal link,"Appl. Optics 58 (10), 2713-2724 (2019).
- Lu, O. Rodenko, Y.Q. Zhang, H. Gross,"Efficient simulation of autofluorescence effects in microscope lensesExternal link,"Appl. Optics 58 (13), 3589-3596 (2019).
- Lu, Y.Q. Zhang, H. Gross,"General analysis and optimization strategy to suppress autofluorescence in microscopic lensesExternal link,"Appl. Optics 58 (27), 7404-7415 (2019).
- Tang, M. Sonntag, H. Gross,"Ant colony optimization in lens designExternal link,"Appl. Optics 58 (23), 6357-6364 (2019).
- Cai, H. Gross,"Obscuration elimination in three-dimensional non-symmetrical optical systemsExternal link,"J. Phys.: Photon. 1 (4), 044002 (2019).
- Worku, H. Gross,"Propagation of truncated Gaussian beams and their application in modeling sharp-edge diffractionExternal link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 36 (5), 859-868 (2019).
- Merx, J. Stock, H. Gross,"Fast computation and characterization of perturbed Bessel-Gauss beamsExternal link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 36 (11), 1892-1897 (2019).
- Vetter, R. Steinkopf, K. Bergner, M. Ornigotti, S. Nolte, H. Gross, A. Szameit,"Realization of Free-Space Long-Distance Self-Healing Bessel BeamsExternal link,"Laser Photon. Rev. 13 (10), 1900103 (2019).
- Barysheva, S.A. Garakhin, S.Yu.Zuev, V.N. Polkovnikov, N.N. Salashchenko, M.V. Svechnikov, N.I. Chkhalo, S. Yulin,"Comparison of approaches in the manufacture of broadband mirrors for the EUV range: Aperiodic and stack structuresExternal link,"Quantum Electron. 49 (4), 380-385 (2019).
- Schulz, ,"Hybrid organic-inorganic materials for broadband antireflection coatings: Towards broadening the AR spectral range to address curved lenses and oblique light incidenceExternal link,"SVC-Bulletin Spring 2019, 38-43 (2019).
- Liu, H. Gross,"Numerical optimization strategy for multi-lens imaging systems containingfreeform surfacesExternal link,"Appl. Optics 57 (20), 5758-5768 (2018).
- Oleszko, H. Gross,"Analysis of freeform mirror systems based on the decomposition of the total wave aberration into Zernike surface contributionsExternal link,"Appl. Optics 57 (9), 1998-2006 (2018).
- Pertermann, J. Hartung, M. Beier, M. Trost, S. Schröder, S. Risse, R. Eberhardt, A. Tünnermann, H. Gross,"Angular resolved power spectra density analysis for improving mirror manufacturingExternal link,"Appl. Optics 57 (29), 8692-8698 (2018).
- Jenne, F. Zimmermann, D. Flamm, D. Grossmann, J. Kleiner, M. Kumkar, S. Nolte,"Multi Pulse Pump-Probe Diagnostics for Development of Advanced Transparent Materials ProcessingExternal link,"J. Laser Micro Nanoeng. 13 (3), 273-279 (2018).
- Berner, E. Kasperkiewicz, Y. Zhang, H. Gross,"3rd order spherochromatism surface contribution and its intrinsic and induced aberration partsExternal link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 35 (8), 1368-1378 (2018).
- Bösel, H. Gross,"Double freeform illumination design for prescribed wavefronts and irradiancesExternal link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 35 (2), 236-243 (2018).
- Worku, R. Hambach, H. Gross,"Decomposition of an arbitrary field with smooth wavefront to set of Gaussian beams with non-zero curvaturesExternal link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 35 (7), 1091-1102 (2018).
- Zhong, H. Gross,"Improvement of Scheimpflug systems with freeform surfacesExternal link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 57 (6), 1482-1491 (2018).
- Zhong, H. Gross,"Vectorial aberrations of biconic surfacesExternal link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 35 (8), 1385-1392 (2018).
- Matz, B. Messerschmidt, H. Gross,"Fast and reliable reconstruction of the refractive index profile of gradient index lenses produced by ion-exchange processesExternal link,"Opt. Lett. 43 (3), 407-410 (2018).
- Brömel, C. Liu, Y. Zhong, H. Gross,"Freeform surface descriptions. Part II: Application benchmarkExternal link,"Adv. Opt. Technol. 6 (5), 337-347 (2017).
- Brömel, U. Lippmann, H. Gross,"Freeform surface descriptions. Part I: Mathematical representationsExternal link,"Adv. Opt. Technol. 6 (5), 327-336 (2017).
- Bösel, N. Worku, H. Gross,"Ray mapping approach in double freeform surface design for collimated beam shaping beyond the paraxial approximationExternal link,"Appl. Optics 56 (13), pp. 3679-3688 (2017).
- Liu, C. Straif, T. Flügel-Paul, U.D. Zeitner, H. Gross,"Comparison of hyperspectral imaging spectrometer designs and the improvement of system performance with freeform surfacesExternal link,"Appl. Optics 56 (24), 6894-6901 (2017).
- Stock, A. Brömel, J. Hartung, D. Ochse, H. Gross,"Description and reimplementation of real freeform surfacesExternal link,"Appl. Optics 56 (3), 391-396 (2017).
- Nie, H. Gross, Y. Zhong, F. Duerr,"Freeform optical design for a nonscanning corneal imaging system with a convexly curved imageExternal link,"Appl. Optics 56 (20), 5630-5638 (2017).
- Matz, B. Messerschmidt, W. Goebel, S. Filser, C. Betz, M. Kirsch, O. Uckermann, M. Kunze, S. Flaemig, A. Ehrhardt, K.-M- Irion, M. Haack, J. Herms, H. Gross,"Chip-on-the-tip compact flexible endoscopic epifluorescence video-microscope for in-vivo imaging in medicine and biomedicineExternal link,"Biomed. Opt. Express 8 (7), 3329-3342 (2017).
- Berner, T. Nobis, H. Gross,"Induced axial and lateral color surface contributionsExternal link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 34 (5), 685-695 (2017).
- Bösel, H. Gross,"Single freeform surface design for prescribed input wavefront and target irradianceExternal link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 34 (9), 1490-1499 (2017).
- Stock, N. G. Worku, H. Gross,"Coherent field propagation between tilted planes External link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 34 (10), 1849-1855 (2017).
- Oleszko, R. Hambach, H. Gross ,"Decomposition of the total wave aberration in generalized optical systems External link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 34 (10), 1856-1864 (2017).
- Zhong, H. Gross,"Initial system design method for non-rotationally symmetric systems based on Gaussian brackets and Nodal aberration theoryExternal link,"Opt. Express 25 (9), 10016-10030 (2017).
- Schmidt, S. Thiele, A. Herkommer, A. Tünnermann, H. Gross,"Rotationally symmetric formulation of the wave propagation method-application to the straylight analysis of diffractive lensesExternal link,"Opt. Lett. 42 (8), 1612-1615 (2017).
- Schmidt, T. Tiess, S. Schrotter, A. Schwuchow, M. Jager, H. Bartelt, A. Tünnermann, H. Gross,"Noninvasive characterization of optical fibersExternal link,"Opt. Lett. 42 (23), 4946-4949 (2017).
- Zhong, H. Gross,"Phase space of partially coherent light with discontinuous surfacesExternal link,"J. Eur. Opt. Soc.-Rapid Publ. 12, 5 (2016).
- Zhong, H. Gross,"Propagation algorithms for Wigner functionsExternal link,"J. Eur. Opt. Soc.-Rapid Publ. 12, 7 (2016).
- Bösel, H. Gross,"Ray mapping approach for the efficient design of continuous freeform surfacesExternal link,"Opt. Express 24, 14271 (2016).
- Matz, B. Messerschmidt, H. Gross,"Design and evaluation of new color-corrected rigid endomicroscopic high NA grin-objectives with a submicron resolution and large field of viewExternal link,"Opt. Express 24 (10), 10987-1001 (2016).
- Schmidt, A. E. Klein, T. Paul, H. Gross, S. Diziain, M. Steinert, A. C. Assafrao, T. Pertsch, H. P. Urbach, C. Rockstuhl,"Image formation properties and inverse imaging problem in aperture based scanning near field optical microscopyExternal link,"Opt. Express 24 (4), 4128-4142 (2016).
- Schmidt, T. Tiess, S. Schröter, R. Hambachg, M. Jäger, H. Bartelt, A. Tünnermann, H. Gross,"Wave-optical modeling beyond the thin-element-approximation External link,"Opt. Express 24 (26), 30188-30200 (2016).
- Eßlinger, H. Gross,"Simulation of differential interference contrast microscopy and influence of aberrationsExternal link,"J. Microsc. 259 (1), 59-65 (2015).
- Tessmer, H. Gross,"Generalized propagation of light through optical systems. II. Mathematical basics External link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 32 (2), 258-266 (2015).
- Tessmer, H. Gross,"Generalized propagation of light through optical systems. II. Numerical resultsExternal link,"J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 32 (12), 2276-2285 (2015).
previous years
- Gross,"Waveoptical Simulation of a spectral narrowed resonator,"#NV 7717-28 (2010).
- Kieweg, H. Gross, T. Sievers, L. Müller,"Ill-posedness of space variant image deconvolutionExternal link,"#NV 7800-K (2010).
- Gross, M. Hofmann, R. Jedamzik, P. Hartmann, S. Sinzinger,"Measurement and Simulation of Striae in Optical Glass,"#NV 7389-49 (2009).
- Möller, H. Gross,"Characterization of complex optical systems based on wavefront retrieval from point spread function,"#NV 5965-42 (2005).
- Uhlendorf, H. Gross, L. Schreiber, R. Wartmann,"Development and design of optical systems for microscopes at Carl ZeissExternal link,"#NV 5962-23 (2005).
- Wald. M. Burkhardt, A. Pesch, H. Gross, J. Greif,"Design of a microscopy illumination using a partial coherent light sourceExternal link,"#NV 5962-50 (2005).
- Förster, H. Gross, F. Höller, L. Höring,"Extended depth of focus as a process of pupil manipulationExternal link,"#NV 5962, 44-53 (2005).
- Gross,"Numerical propagation of partially coherent laser beams through optical systemsExternal link,"Opt. Laser Technol. 29, 257 (1997).
- Freimann, H. Gross,"Propagation of the phase distribution through double telecentric optical systems,"Optik 105, 69 (1997).
- Gross,"Calculation of the propagation of partially coherent beams through optical systemsExternal link,"#NV 2870-20 (1996).
- Petersen, D. Eisel, J. Brzezinski, H. Gross,"Mode and wavelength selectivity in slab geometry CO2 lasersExternal link,"#NV 2206-12 (1994).
- Ludwig, P. Schäffer, H. Gross, T. Lasser, P. Reimer,"Simulation of the PRK photoablation process and consequences for retinal image formation,"#NV 6, 239 (1994).
- Dorsel, H. Gross, A. Reule,"Estimation of production tolerances for a focusing grating couplerExternal link,"Appl. Optics 31, 5158 (1992).
- Glatzel, P. Pauschinger, H.-J. Frasch, H. Gross,"Optical Performance Prediction of Thin-Walled Wolter Type I Mirror Shells for X-Rays in the 1-8 keV energy range,"#NV 1742, 18 (1992).