Peer Reviewed
Spiess C, Töpfer S, Sharma S, Kržič A, Cabrejo-Ponce M, Chandrashekara U, et al. Clock synchronization with correlated photons. Physical Review Applied. 2023;19(5):054082.
Kržič A, Döll N, Chandrashekara U, Spiess C, Steinlechner F. Adjustable spatial filter for optimal free-space quantum communication round the clock. Optics Express Vol. 31, Issue 20, pp. 32362-32372 (2023)
Kržič A, Sharma S, Spiess C, Chandrashekara U, Töpfer S, Sauer G, et al. Towards metropolitan free-space quantum networks. npj Quantum Information. 2023;9(1):95.
Cabrejo‐Ponce M, Muniz ALM, Huber M, Steinlechner F. High‐Dimensional Entanglement for Quantum Communication in the Frequency Domain. Laser & Photonics Reviews. 2023;17(9):2201010.
Brambila E, Gómez R, Fazili R, Gräfe M, Steinlechner F. Ultrabright polarization-entangled photon pair source for frequency-multiplexed quantum communication in free-space. Optics Express. 2023;31(10):16107–17.
Baghdasaryan B, Steinlechner F, Fritzsche S. Enhancing the purity of single photons in parametric down-conversion through simultaneous pump-beam and crystal-domain engineering. Physical Review A. 2023;108(2):023718.
Camphausen, R., Perna, A. S., Cuevas, A., Demuth, A., Chillon, J. A., Gräfe, M., Steinlechner, F., Pruneri, V., Fast quantum-enhanced imaging with visible-wavelength entangled photons, Opt. Express 31 (4), 6039-6050, 2023. link
Krzic A, Heinig D, Goy M, Steinlechner F. Dual-downlink quantum key distribution with entangled photons: prospects for daylight operation. In: International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2022. SPIE; 2023. p. 909–24.
Sevilla-Gutiérrez C, Kaipalath VR, Steinlechner F. Engineering of Spectral Correlations of the Two-Photon State in Parametric Down-Conversion via Spatial Mode Projection. arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.01913. 2022;
Sauer G, Kolarczik M, Gomez R, Conrad J, Steinlechner F. Resolving Photon Numbers Using Ultra-High-Resolution Timing of a Single Low-Jitter Superconducting Nanowire Detector. arXiv preprint arXiv:231012472. 2023;
Gilaberte Basset M, Sondenheimer R, Fuenzalida J, Vega A, Töpfer S, Santos EA, et al. Experimental analysis on image resolution of quantum imaging with undetected light through position correlations. arXiv e-prints. 2023;arXiv: 2306.01884.
M. Cabrejo-Ponce, C. Spiess, A. L. M. Muniz, P. Ancsin, F. Steinlechner, GHz-pulsed source of entangled photons for reconfigurable quantum networks, Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 (4), 8, 2022. link
B. Baghdasaryan, F. Steinlechner, S. Fritzsche, Maximizing the validity of the Gaussian approximation for the biphoton state from parametric down-conversion, Phys. Rev. A 106 (6), art. no. 063714, 2022. link
S. Töpfer, M. Gilaberte Basset, J. Fuenzalida, F. Steinlechner, J. P. Torres, M. Gräfe, Quantum holography with undetected light. Sci. Adv. 8 (2), eabl4301, 2022. link
A. S. Perna, E. Ortega, M. Gräfe, F. Steinlechner, Visible-wavelength polarization-entangled photon source for quantum communication and imaging, Appl. Phys. Lett. 120 (7), 4, 2022. link
R. Camphausen, A. Cuevas, L. Duempelmann, R. A. Terborg, E. Wajs, S. Tisa, A. Ruggeri, I. Cusini, F. Steinlechner, V. Pruneri, A quantum-enhanced wide-field phase imager, Sci. Adv. 7 (47), eabj2155, 2021. link
A. Anwar, C. Perumangatt, F. Steinlechner, T. Jennewein, A. Ling, Entangled photon-pair sources based on three-wave mixing in bulk crystals, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92 (4), 29, 2021. link
B. Baghdasaryan, F. Steinlechner, S. Fritzsche, Justifying the thin-crystal approximation in spontaneous parametric down-conversion for collinear phase matching, Phys. Rev. A 103 (6), 5, 2021. link
S. Ecker, B. Liu, J. Handsteiner, M. Fink, D. Rauch, F. Steinlechner, T. Scheidl, A. Zeilinger, R. Ursin, Strategies for achieving high key rates in satellite-based QKD, npj Quantum Inf. 7 (1), 7, 2021. link
Y. Chen, S. Ecker, L. Chen, F. Steinlechner, M. Huber, R. Ursin, Temporal distinguishability in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference for harnessing high-dimensional frequency entanglement, npj Quantum Inf. 7, 167, 2021. link
M. Gilaberte Basset, A. Hochrainer, S. Töpfer, F. Riexinger, P. Bickert, J. R. Leon-Torres, F. Steinlechner, M. Gräfe, Video-Rate Imaging with Undetected Photons, Laser Photon. Rev. 15 (6), 6, 2021. link
B. Baghdasaryan, F. Steinlechner, S. Fritzsche, Characterization of opening angle correlations of a biphoton state decomposed in Bessel modes, Phys. Rev. A 101 (4), 043844, 2020. link
B. Septriani, O. de Vries, F. Steinlechner, M. Gräfe, Parametric study of the phase diffusion process in a gain-switched semiconductor laser for randomness assessment in quantum random number generator, AIP Adv. 10 (5), 055022, 2020. link
S. Wengerowsky, S.K. Joshi, F. Steinlechner, J.R. Zichi, B. Liu, T. Scheidl, S.M. Dobrovolskiy, R. van der Molen, J.W.N. Los, V. Zwiller, M.A.M. Versteegh, A. Mura, D. Calonico, M. Inguscio, A. Zeilinger, A. Xuereb, R. Ursin, Passively stable distribution of polarisation entanglement over 192 km of deployed optical fibre, npj Quantum Inf. 6 (1), 5, 2020. link
Y.Y. Chen, S. Ecker, J. Bavaresco, T. Scheidl, L.X. Chen, F. Steinlechner, M. Huber, R. Ursin, Verification of high-dimensional entanglement generated in quantum interference, Phys. Rev. A 101 (3), 032302, 2020. link -
Book Chapters
Tünnermann A, Gräfe M, Steinlechner F, Selmke M, Temmler A. Quantenmehrwerte für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft–Beispiele aus der Quantenkommunikation und der quantenbasierten Bildgebung. In: Chancen und Risiken von Quantentechnologien: Praxis der zweiten Quantenrevolution für Entscheider in Wirtschaft und Politik. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Wiesbaden; 2023. p. 59–67.