How to join us

The Nano & Quantum Optics group of the Institute of Applied Physics is looking permanently for talented and enthusiastic new colleagues at all levels of qualification who would like to contribute to cutting edge research projects on photonics and quantum optics at the nano scale.

If you are interested in our research and could imagine joining our group as Postdoc, PhD Student, MSc students, or just for a short term Research project, please contact one of the following scientists preferably by an email, in which you describe your interest and already obtained qualifications:

  • PhD & PostDoc positions

    We are currently looking for excellent graduates in physics, photonics, or a related subject to fill open PhD and Postdoc positions:

    • PhD: Controlling light emission by dielectric nanoantennas
    • PhD: Machine learning-based design of metamaterials  & Metamaterial-based machine learning systems
    • PhD: Strong coupling to quantum emitters by plasmonic superfocusing
    • PhD: Spatiotemporal dynamics of nano-scale light-matter interactions in metasurfaces & atomic membranes
    • PhD/Postdoc: Nanoscale integrated quantum photonics
    • PhD/Postdoc: Quantum imaging and sensing
    • PhD/Postdoc: Quantum communication and single photon sources
    • Postdoc: Quantum photonics

    Please direct your applications to our central online application system at https://apply.asp.uni-jena.deExternal link and make sure to indicate that you are applying to the "Nano and Quantum Optics Lab". Applicants for postdoctoral positions should also use the PhD application window of the online system. All applications will be evaluated continuously until all open positions are filled.

    Generally, the group covers a broad range of research fields in experiment and theory:

    • ultrafast light-matter interactions and optical quantum phenomena in nanostructured matter, as e.g. photonic nanomaterials, metamaterials, photonic crystals, and 2D-materials (TMDCs)
    • nonlinear spatio-temporal dynamics, plasmonics, near field optics, high-Q nonlinear optical microresonators, opto-optical processes in integrated optics, and all-optical signal processing
    • integrated quantum optics, quantum imaging, and quantum sensing
    • photonics in 2D-materials for imaging and quantum light sources, integration of 2D-materials in optical systems
    • multi-tip scanning nearfield optical microscopy (SNOM), photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM)
    • application of photonic nanomaterials for multi-functional diffractive optical elements
    • application of optical nanostructures for efficiency enhancement of photovoltaic elements
    • application of advanced photonic concepts for astronomical instruments
  • Bachelor & Master Theses

    The topics listed, are just a selection of ongoing research projects, which students could join during their studies. Further topics could be identified by individual discussions, e.g. just contact us directly in our lectures and ask for other appropriate topics (see also: Most topics can be adjusted for short-term research periods during the BSc and MSc studies and can be expanded into Bachelor thesis projects, Master thesis projects and even doctoral projects. An overview of our current research can be found at our webpage here link
    List of currently available topics for a research projects or a Master thesis in the Nano & Quantum Optics group:

    • Sources for entangled photon pairs
    • Quantum Imaging and Sensing
    • Nanostructured photonic metamaterials
    • Control of the optical nearfield by plasmonic nanostructures and SNOM investigation
    • Ultrafast multidimensional, spatiotemporal pulse measurement techniques
    • Resonant Interaction of Light with 2D-Materials
    • Actively tunable nanoantennas
  • Funding & Scholarships

    Funding of our doctoral students and postdocs is usually provided by third party funded research projects of our group, by scholarships from several graduate schools, or by individual scholarships. We are part of the following graduate schools or coordinated research programs, which you might want to check for current opportunities for funding of your research in our group:

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