Poster session at DoKDoKlite in 2021
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First and Second Poster Prize at DoKDoK lite

Congrats Fatemeh "Ghazale" Abtahi and Katsuya Tanaka
Poster session at DoKDoKlite in 2021
Image: IAP (University Jena)


Congrats Fatemeh "Ghazale" Abtahi and Katsuya Tanaka of for second and first poster prize at DoKDoK 2021.

Ghazale's work on "Surface Nonlinearities in Dielectric Nanofilm" is part of the SFBNOA is a cooperation with the ALD group of the Fraunhofer IOFExternal link, whereas Katsuya's work on "Femtosecond pulse shaping with semiconductor Huygens' metasurface", has been conducted as part of the Max Planck School of Photonics programme.

Keep up the great work and a big shoutout to the organizers of DoKDoK.