an entanglement circuit as used in the quantum communication lecture
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Entanglement Sensing in Lab Course

Students demonstrate quantum advantage of highly entangled GHZ states in interferometry experimentally.
an entanglement circuit as used in the quantum communication lecture
Image: Falk Eilenberger


A phase sensing circuit based on a 4-QuBit GHZ state
A phase sensing circuit based on a 4-QuBit GHZ state
Picture: Falk Eilenberger

In the new lab course Experimental Quantum Technologies students have created highly entangled GHZ-states. They could show experimentally that GHZ-states have better interferometric properties than QuBits.

Download the live Lab Notebookipynb, 1 mb or view the HTML-versionhtml, 2 mb to see the results for yourself.

This marks a new phase in teaching Quantum Technologies, as highly advanced quantum resources become accessible to researchers and students alike.

The experiments were carried out on the Fraunhofer-IBM QSystem One networkExternal link, with kind support by the QuantumNow initiative of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.