New fiber optical cryostat installed
Thanks to generous funding by the BMBF we are now in command of a custom-built cryostat for quantum experiments with waveguides and fibers.
A TMD-coated optical fiber installed in a custom waveguide testing cryostat.
Image: Quyet NgoAfter long and enlightening discussions with the producer and an even longer waiting time, we have finally recieved and installed a new cryostat in one of your quantum labs.
The device is custom-built to accomodate waveguide and will be one of the few in the world, dedicated to guided-wave quantum-cryo-photonics. In the image you can already see a TMD-coated optical fiber installed in a custom waveguide testing cryostat, such as those demonstrated in Scalable Functionalization of Optical Fibers Using Atomically Thin SemiconductorsExternal link.
Stay tuned for interesting results and beware, because: WINTER IS COMING.