Dr. Tobias Vogl is leading the new research group "Integrated Quantum Systems".
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Research Group Integrated Quantum System Officially Started

July 1st marks the official starting day for former PostDoc Tobias Vogl's new research group "Integrated Quantum Systems". Congratulations!
Dr. Tobias Vogl is leading the new research group "Integrated Quantum Systems".
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)


Experimental setup elements in an optical laboratory.
Experimental setup elements in an optical laboratory.
Image: Ira Winkler (University Jena)

Congratulatios to former PostDoc Tobias Vogl, who has been successful in aquiring a prestiguous QuantumFutur AwardExternal link of the federal ministry of education and science. The project, entitled ATOMIQSExternal link is the basis for Tobias' research group "Integrated Quantum Systems" at the Institute of Applied Physics and the Fraunhofer IOF.

In this group Tobias will pursue his vision to create nanophotonic devices based on integrated single photon emitter using hexgonal boron nitride and similar high-end materials. Combining these with resonant optical systems, such as microcavities and integrated waveguide circuits will allow him to evaluate quantum information applications, including satellite-based quantum cryptography and quantum interferometry.