using quantum light in the lab
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Quantum Light

using quantum light in the lab
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)

Quantum light sources are a driverof quantum technology in general. 2D-materials excellent platforms for generate quantum states of light, such as single and entangled photons, and to put them to use in demsontrations of quantum advantage. We focus on 

  • the integration of defect state emitters, based on hexagonal boron nitride and transition metal dichalcogenides, into guided wave and resonant optical systems to create nanoscale quantum light sources
  • the application of quantum states of light in interferomeric sensing and quantum key distribution

News: a large part of endevaour was spun out into a new, competivitely funded, junior research group "Integrated Quantum Systems" under fomer PostDoc Tobias Vogl.