Design of an optical nanostructure.
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7-8th November 2022 via zoom

Design of an optical nanostructure.
Graphic: IAP (University Jena)

The Conference 

The Friedrich Schiller University Jena has organized a two-day workshop on structured light and its applications. The workshop aimed to foster exchange of ideas and disseminate the state of the art in the field of structured light. By including different aspects of the vast field of structured light, the goal is to provide a comprehensive view on this exciting field, to nurture new ideas by the meeting of specialists in different sub-fields, and eventually to pave the way to new collaborations between researchers with complementary expertise.

The workshop was intended both for established and young researchers -PhD students, early stage researchers and highly motivated Master students- who want either to learn how to exploit all the degrees of freedom of a light beam for their own research, or to find new ideas to pursue along their academic career.

We invited submissions in the general area of structured light with topics including but were not limited to:

  • Sub-wavelength design of photonic devices
  • Optical angular momentum and its manipulation
  • Structured beams for optical tweezing
  • Complex polarization states for information processing in the classical and in the quantum regime
  • Geometric phase in optics
  • Spin-orbit interaction in photonics
  • Tunable beam shaping using liquid crystals
  • Optical metasurfaces for beam shaping
  • Nonlinear optics with structured beams
  • Light-matter interaction with structured beams

Poster Award Winners

Congratulations to Esther, Sharareh and Jeetendra for being the first three best poster award winners. The prize is sponsored by the SPIE-OPTICA student chapter of the University Jena.
They were chosen based on the polls plus the recommendations from the expert committee.

Esther Nabadda, Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche, Spain
Retrieving the phase distribution of structured light beams by a self-interferometric technique

Sharareh Jalali, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Study of the superposition of optical vortex beams

Jeetendra Gour, UniJena, Germany
Fabrication of sub 5-nm plasmonic nano-gap structures for extreme confinement of optical fields

  • Abstract Book of the Conference
  • Best Poster Award
    Logo SPIE OPTICA Chapter Univ. Jena
    Logo SPIE OPTICA Chapter Univ. Jena
    Graphic: SPIE

    Three posters will be chosen for Best poster award. The award is sponsored by the SPIE-OPTICA student chapter.

  • Speakers

    Invited Speakers

    Andrea Alù (CUNY, USA) - Plenary Talk
    Alessandro Alberucci (University Jena, Germany)
    Jeroen Beeckman (UGhent, Belgium)
    Ileana-Cristina Benea-Chelmus (EPFL, Switzerland)
    Andrea Blanco-Redondo (Nokia Bell Labs, USA)
    Jennifer Dionne (Stanford, USA)
    Natalia Litchinitser (Duke University, USA)
    Lorenzo Marrucci (University of Naples, Italy)
    Stefan Nolte (University Jena, Germany)
    Thomas Pertsch (University Jena, Germany)

    Featured Talks

    Raouf Barboza, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
    Vincenzo D’Ambrosio, Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy
    Spencer Jolly, ULB, Brussels
    Bruno Piccirillo, Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy
    Jer-Shing Huang, Leibniz-IPHT, Jena
    Maria Del Mar Sanchez Lopez, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Spain
    Filippo Cardano, Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy
    Battulga Munkhbat, DTU Fotonik, Denmark 

  • Program Schedule
  • Flyer

    Download the flyer:

    Learn morepdf, 171 kb
  • Organizers

    Jisha Chandroth Pannian, University Jena, Germany

    Stefan Nolte, University Jena, Germany

    Alessandro Alberucci, University Jena, Germany

  • Contact

    Jisha Chandroth Pannian
    Albert-Einstein-Straße 15
    07745 Jena

    Phone: +49 3641 9-47895

    Fax: +49 3641 9-47802 
