Laser material processing.
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Ultrafast Optics

Expoited Applications of Femtosecond Laser Pulses
Laser material processing.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

The group Ultrafast Optics works on applications of femtosecond laser pulses, such as material processing and micro- nano structuring of optical materials.

The scientific topics are:

  • Micro-and nanostructuring with ultrashort laser pulses
  • 3D structures inside glasses and crystals
  • Linear and nonlinear optics in discrete systems
  • Fiber Bragg Gratings
  • Ultrafast laser applications in ophthalmology
  • Ultra-short pulse laser technology
  • THz generation

Some outstanding results are: direct visualization of the hole drilling of opaque materials with ultrashort laser pulses • realization of high-strength bonds in glass by local laser welding with ultrashort pulses • realization of Fiber Bragg gratings in multimode fibers with ultrashort laser pulses • realization of volume Bragg gratings in fused silica with ultrashort laser pulses • investigation of discrete optical effects in fs written two-dimensional waveguide array • experimental simulation of the relativistic oscillatory motion in fs written waveguide array • analysis of photon correlations in two-dimensional waveguide arrays • optimization of cutting geometry in eye surgery with ultrashort laser pulses.

Stefan Nolte, Prof. Dr
Head of Department
Ultrafast Optics
Prof. Dr. Stefan Nolte, Vice Dean
IAP, Room 204
Albert-Einstein-Straße 15
07745 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link