
of the Research Group
  • Publication in peer-reviewed journals

    56. M. Lapteva, V. Beladiya, S. Riese, F. Otto, T. Fritz, O. Stenzel, A. Szeghalmi. Influence of temperature and plasma parameters on the properties of PEALD HfO2. in revision

    55. V. Hanus, V. Csajbók, Z. Pápa, J. Budai, Z. Marton, Z. Kiss, P. Sándor, P. Paul, A. Szeghalmi, Z. Wang, B. Bergues, M. Kling, G. Molnár, J. Volk, P. Dombi. Light-field-driven current control in solids with pJ-level laser pulses at 80 MHz repetition rate, Optica, accepted.

    54. P. Paul, Md. G. Hafiz, P. Schmitt, C. Patzig, F. Otto, T. Fritz, A. Tünnermann A. Szeghalmi. Optical Bandgap Control in Al2O3/TiO2 Heterostrcutures by Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition: Toward Quantizing Structures and Tailored Binary Oxides, Spectrochimica Acta A, 2021, Volume 252, 119508.

    53. P. Schmitt, V. Beladiya, P. Paul, F. Otto, T. Fritz, A. Tünnermann, A. Szeghalmi. Nucleation, Film Growth, and Properties of Iridium Thin Films by Atomic Layer Deposition., Coatings, 2021, 11(2), 173.

    52. L. Ghazaryan, S. Handa, P. Schmitt, V. Beladiya, V. Roddatis, A. Tünnermann, A. Szeghalmi. Structural, optical, and mechanical properties of TiO2 nanolaminates, Nanotechnology, 2021, 32, 095709 (1-14).

    51. M. Franz, R. Junghans, P. Schmitt, A. Szeghalmi, S. E. Schulz, Wafer-level integration of self-aligned high aspect ratio silicon 3D structures using the MACE method with Au, Pd, Pt, Cu, and Ir, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2020, 11, 1439-1449.

    50. P. Paul, K. Pfeiffer, A. Szeghalmi. Antireflection Coatings on PMMA Substrates by Atomic Layer Deposition, Coatings 2020, 10, 64 (1-13).

    49. V. Beladiya, M. Becker, T. Faraz, W. M. M. Kessels, P. Schenk, F. Otto, T. Fritz, M. Grünewald, C. Helbing, K. D. Jandt, A. Tünnermann, M. Sierka, A. Szeghalmi. Effect of electric field during deposition of silicon dioxide thin films by plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition: experimental and computational study, Nanoscale 2020, 12, 2089-2102.

    48. Y. Sekman, N. Felde, L. Ghazaryan, A. Szeghalmi, S. Schröder. Light scattering characterization of single layer nanoporous SiO2 antireflection coating in VIS, Applied Optics 2020, 59, A143-A149.

    47. K. Pfeiffer, W. Dewald, A. Szeghalmi. Antireflection coating with aesthetically neutral color consistency on complex shaped substrates prepared by atomic layer deposition, Optics Letters 2019, 44, 3270-3273.

    46. K. Pfeiffer, L. Ghazaryan, U. Schulz, A. Szeghalmi. Wide-angle broadband antireflection coatings by atomic layer deposition, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11, 21887-21894, Cover Art.

    45. L. Ghazaryan, Y. Sekman, S. Schröder, C. Mühlig, I. Stevanovic, R. Botha, M. Aghaee, M. Creatore, A. Tünnermann, A. Szeghalmi. On the Properties of Nanoporous SiO2 Films for Highly Efficient Single Layer Antireflection Coating, Advanced Engineering Materials 2019, 1801229 (1-10).

    44. R. Müller, L. Ghazaryan, P. Schenk, S. Wolleb, V. Beladiya, N. Kaiser, A. Tünnermann, A. Szeghalmi. Growth of Atomic Layer Deposited Ruthenium and its Optical Properties at Short Wavelengths Using Ru[EtCp]2 and Oxygen, Coatings 2018, 8, 413 (1-13).

    43. T. Faraz, H. C. M. Knoops, M. A. Verheijen, C. A. A. Helvoirt, S. Karwal, A. Sharma, V. Beladiya, A. Szeghalmi, D. M. Hausmann, J. Henri, M. Creatore, W. M. M. Kessels. Tuning Material Properties of Oxides and Nitrides by Substrate Biasing during Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition on Planar and 3D Substrate Topographies,
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 13158−13180.

    42. K. Pfeiffer, U. Schulz, A. Tünnermann, A. Szeghalmi. Antireflection Coatings for Strongly Curved Glass Lenses by Atomic Layer Deposition.
    Coatings 2017, 7, 118 (1-12)/ Cover Story. 2018 Coatings Best Paper Award 2nd Prize

    41. S. Shestaeva, A. Bingel, P. Munzert, L. Ghazaryan, C. Patzig, A. Tünnermann, A. Szeghalmi. Mechanical, structural, and optical properties of PEALD metallic oxides for optical applications. Applied Optics, 2017, 56, C47-C5.

    40. T. Siefke, S. Kroker, K. Pfeiffer, O. Puffky, K. Dietrich, D. Franta, I. Ohlídal, A. Szeghalmi, E. B. Kley, A. Tünnermann. Materials Pushing the Application Limits of Wire Grid Polarizers further into the Deep Ultraviolet Spectral Range, Advanced Optical Materials 2016, 4, 1780-1786.

    39. L. Ghazaryan, E. B. Kley, A. Tünnermann, A. Szeghalmi. Nanoporous SiO2 thin films made by atomic layer deposition and atomic etching. Nanotechnology, 2016, 27, 255603, (1-9).

    38. L. Ghazaryan, E. B. Kley, A. Szeghalmi. Encapsulation of optical gratings using nanoporous alumina layers.
    Asian Journal of Physics, 2016, 2, 00-00.

    37. K. Pfeiffer, S. Shestaeva, A. Bingel, P. Munzert, L. Ghazaryan, C. van Helvoirt, W. M. M. Kessels, U. Sanli, C. Grévent, G. Schütz, M. Putkonen, I. Buchanan, L. Jensen, D. Ristau, A. Tünnermann, A. Szeghalmi. Comparative study of SiO2 thin films for optical applications. Optical Materials Express, 2016, 6, 660-670.

    36. P. Genevée, E. Ahiavi, N. Janunts, T. Pertsch, M. Oliva, E. B. Kley, A. Szeghalmi. Blistering during the atomic layer deposition of iridium. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 2016, 34, 01A113 (1-7).

    35. S. Ratzsch, E. B. Kley, A. Tünnermann, A. Szeghalmi. Inhibition of crystal growth during plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition by applying BIAS. Materials, 2015, 8, 7805-7812.

    34. S. Ratzsch, E. B. Kley, A. Tünnermann, A. Szeghalmi, Encapsulation process for diffraction gratings.Optics Express, 2015, 23, 17955-17965.

    33. S. Ratzsch, E. B. Kley, A. Tünnermann, A. Szeghalmi. Influence of the oxygen plasma parameters on the atomic layer deposition of titanium dioxide. Nanotechnology, 2015, 26, 024003 (1-11).

    32. Y. Bourgin, T. Siefke, T. Käsebier, P. Genevée, A. Szeghalmi, E. B. Kley, U. D. Zeitner. Double-sided structured mask for sub-micron resolution proximity i-line mask-aligner lithography. Optics Express, 2015, 23, 16628-16637.

    31. K. Keskinbora, A. L. Robisch, M. Mayer, C. Grevent, C. Wolter, M. Weigand, A. V. Szeghalmi, M. Knez, T. Salditt, G. Schütz. Multilayer Fresnel zone plates for high energy radiation resolve 21 nm features at 1.2 keV. Optics Express, 2014, 22, 18440-18453.

    30. M. Mayer, K. Keskinbora, C. Grevent, A. Szeghalmi, M. Knez, M. Weigand, A. Snigirev, I. Snigireva, G. Schütz. Efficient focusing of 8 keV X-rays with multilayer Fresnel zone plates fabricated by atomic layer deposition and focused ion beam milling. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2013, 20, 433-440.

    29. L. Ghazaryan, E. B. Kley, A. Tuennermann, A. Szeghalmi. Stability and annealing of alucones and alucone alloys. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 2013, 31, 01A149 (1-6).

    28. T. Weber, T. Kaesebier, A. Szeghalmi, M. Knez, E. B. Kley, A. Tuennermann. High aspect ratio deep UV wire grid polarizer fabricated by double patterning. Microelectronic Engineering, 2012, 98, 433-435.

    27. S. Babin, G. Glushenko, T. Weber, T. Kaesebier, E. B. Kley, A. Szeghalmi. Application of double pattering technology to fabricate optical elements: Process simulation, fabrication, and measurement. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 2012, 30, 031605 (1-5).

    26. T. Weber, T. Käsebier, A. Szeghalmi, M. Knez, E. B. Kley, A. Tünnermann. Iridium wire grid polarizer fabricated using atomic layer deposition.
    Nanoscale Research Letters, 2011, 6, 558 (1-4).

    25. M. Mayer, C. Grevent, A. Szeghalmi, M. Knez, M. Weigand, S. Rehbein, G. Schneider, B. Baretzky, G. Schütz. Multilayer Fresnel zone plate for soft X-ray microscopy resolves sub 39-nm structures. Ultramicroscopy, 2011, 111, 1706-1711.

    24. M. Putkonen, A. Szeghalmi, E. Pippel, M. Knez. Atomic layer deposition of metal fluorides through oxide chemistry. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 14461-14465.

    23. A. Szeghalmi, E. B. Kley, M. Knez. Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Sensitivity of Guided Mode Resonance Sensors. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114, 21150-21157.

    22. A. Szeghalmi, K. Sklarek, M. Helgert, R. Brunner, W. Erfurth, U Gösele, M. Knez. Flexible Replication Technique of High Aspect-Ratio Nanostructures. Small, 2010, 6, 2701-2707.

    21. A. Szeghalmi, M. Helgert, R. Brunner, F. Heyroth, U. Gösele, M. Knez. Tunable Guided-Mode Resonance Grating Filter. Advanced Functional Materials, 2010, 20, 2053-2062.

    20. A. Szeghalmi, S. Senz, M. Bretschneider, U. Gösele, M. Knez. All Dielectric Hard X-Ray Mirror by Atomic Layer Deposition. Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 94, 133111 (1-3).

    19. A. Szeghalmi, M. Helgert, R. Brunner, F. Heyroth, U. Gösele, M. Knez. Atomic Layer Deposition of Al2O3 and TiO2 Thin Films Applied to Multilayer Bandpass Filters and Anti-Reflection Coatings. Applied Optics, 2009, 48, 1727-1732.

    18. S. Kaminskyj, K. Jilkine, A. Szeghalmi, K. Gough. High spatial resolution analysis of fungal cell biochemistry - bridging the analytical gap using synchrotron FTIR spectromicroscopy. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2008, 284, 1-8.

    17. A. Szeghalmi, S. Kaminskyj, P. Rösch, J. Popp, and K. M. Gough. Time-Fluctuations and Imaging in the SERS Spectra of Fungal Hypha Grown on Nanostructured Substrates. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2007, 111, 12916-12924.

    16. W. Li, Y. Wang, L. Yang, A. Szeghalmi, Y. Ye, J. Ma, M. Luo, J. Hu, W. Kiefer. Spectroscopic and Computational Studies on Self-assembly Complexes of Bis(pyrrol-2-ylmethyleneamine) Ligands Linked by Alkyl Spacers with Cu(II). Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2007, 38, 483-495.

    15. A. Szeghalmi, S. Kaminskyj, K. M. Gough. A Synchrotron FTIR Microspectroscopy Investigation of Fungal Hyphae Grown under Optimal and Stressed Conditions. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2007, 387, 1779-1789.

    14. W. Li, Y. Wang, L. Yang, X. Shan, X. Cai, A. Szeghalmi, Y. Ye, J. Ma, M. Luo, J. Hu, W. Kiefer. Spectroscopic and Computational Studies on the Coordination-Driven Self-Assembly Complexes (ZnL)2 and (NiL)2 [L) Bis(2,4-dimethyldipyrrin-3-yl)methane]. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006, 110, 21958-21965.

    13. T. S. Bürklen, U. Schlattner, R. Hamayouni, K. Gough, M. Rak, A. Szeghalmi, T. Wallimann. The creatine kinase/ creatine connection to Alzheimer's Disease: CK-inactivation, APP-CK complexes and creatine micro crystals. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 2006, ID 35936, 1-11.

    12. M. Gallant, M. Rak, A. Szeghalmi, M. Del Bigio, D. Westaway, J. Yang, R. Julian, K. M. Gough. Focally Elevated Levels of Creatine Detected in APP Transgenic Mice and Alzheimer Disease Brain Tissue. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2006, 281, 5-8.

    11. A. Szeghalmi, V. Engel, J. Popp, M. Z. Zgierski, M. Schmitt. The Excited-State Geometry of 1-Hydroxi-2-Acetonaphthone: A Resonance Raman and Quantum Chemical Study. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2006, 37, 148-160.

    10. R. Maksimenka, B. Dietzek, A. Szeghalmi, T. Siebert, W. Kiefer, M. Schmitt. Population dynamics of vibrational modes in stilbene-3 upon photo-excitation to the first excited state. Chemical Physics Letters, 2005, 408, 37-43.

    9. A. Szeghalmi, L. Leopold, S. Pînzaru, V. Chis, I. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, M. Schmitt, J. Popp, W. Kiefer. Adsorption of 6-Mercaptopurine and 6-Mercaptopurine-Riboside on Silver Colloid: A pH Dependent Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Density Functional Study. Part II. 6-Mercaptopurine-Riboside. Biopolymers, 2005, 78, 298-310.

    8. S. Lochbrunner, A. Szeghalmi, K. Stock, M. Schmitt. Ultrafast Proton Transfer of 1-Hydroxy-2-acetonaphthone: Reaction Path from Resonance Raman and Transient Absorption Studies. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2005, 122, 244315-244315(9).

    7. A. Szeghalmi, L. Leopold, S. Pînzaru, V. Chis, I. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, M. Schmitt, J. Popp, W. Kiefer. Adsorption of 6-Mercaptopurine and 6-Mercaptopurine-Riboside on Silver Colloid: A pH Dependent Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Density Functional Study. Part I. 6-Mercaptopurine. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2005, 735-736, 103-113.

    6. U. Neugebauer, A. Szeghalmi, M. Schmitt, W. Kiefer, J. Popp. Spectroscopic Characterization of Fluoroquinolones. Spectrochimica Acta A, 2005, 61, 1505-1517.

    5. T. Frosch, B. Küstner, S. Schlücker, A. Szeghalmi, M. Schmitt, W. Kiefer, J. Popp. In vitro polarization-resolved studies of the interaction of hematin with the antimalarial drug chloroquine. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2004, 35, 819-821.

    4. T. Schirmeister, A. Breuning, A. Murso, D. Stalke, M. Mladenovic, B. Engels, A. Szeghalmi, M. Schmitt, W. Kiefer, J. Popp. Conformation and hydrogen-bonding properties of an aziridinyl peptide: X-ray structure analysis, Raman spectroscopy and theoretical investigations. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2004, 108, 11398-11408.

    3. A. V. Szeghalmi, M. Erdmann, V. Engel, M. Schmitt, S. Amthor, V. Kriegisch, G. Nöll, R. Stahl, C. Lambert, D. Leusser, D. Stalke, M. Zabel, J. Popp. How Delocalized is N,N,N',N'-Tetraphenylphenylenediamine Radical Cation? An Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Electronic and Molecular Structure. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004, 126, 7834-7845.

    2. S. Schlücker, A. Szeghalmi, M. Schmitt, J. Popp, W. Kiefer. Density functional theory and vibrational spectroscopic analysis of beta-carotene. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 2003, 34, 413-419.

    1. I. Pavel, A. Szeghalmi, D. Moigno, S. Cinta, W Kiefer. Theoretical and pH Dependent Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Study on Caffeine. Biopolymers 2003, 72, 25-37.

  • Book Chapter

    A. Szeghalmi, M. Knez. Nanolaminates in "Atomic Layer Deposition of Nanostructured Materials", N. Pinna und M. Knez (Eds.), Wiley VCH, Weinheim, 2011.

  • Patent disclosure

    1. L. Ghazaryan, A. Szeghalmi, E. B. Kley, "Herstellungsprozess für gedeckelte optische Elemente", applied 25.02.2015, granted 22.02.2016, DE Patent 10 2015 203 307.

    2. L. Ghazaryan, A. Szeghalmi, E. B. Kley, U. Schulz, "Verfahren zur Herstellung einer porösen Gradientenschicht", DPMA Anmeldung 20.01.2016, AZ 102016103093.7.

    3. L. Ghazaryan, A. Szeghalmi, E. B. Kley, U. Schulz, "Verfahren zur Herstellung einer niedrigbrechenden Schicht und Schichtsysteme zur Entspiegelung", DPMA Anmeldung 20.01.2016, AZ 102016103093.7.

    4. 2. S. Ratzsch, A. Szeghalmi, E. B. Kley, A. Tuennermann "Verfahren zur Herstellung optisch wirksamer Elemente", DPMA Anmeldung 09.09.2014. AZ 10 2014 218 016.3.

    5. A. Szeghalmi, U. Gösele, M. Knez. Tunable guided mode resonance filter and method of making the same. PCT Application. WO/2010/102643A1.

  • Conference Proceedings

    9. K. Pfeiffer, U. Schulz, A. Tünnermann, A. Szeghalmi. Ta2O5/Al2O3/SiO2 - antireflective coating for non-planar optical surfaces by atomic layer deposition. Proceedings of SPIE, 2017, 10115, 1011513-1/5.

    8. L. Ghazaryan, E. B. Kley, A. Tünnermann, A. V. Szeghalmi. Composite materials and nanoporous thin layers made by atomic layer deposition. Proceedings of SPIE, 2015, 9627, 96270P-1/6.

    7. S. Ratzsch, E. B. Kley, A. Tünnermann, A. Szeghalmi. High-Efficiency Embedded Transmission Grating made by Atomic Layer Deposition. Proceedings of SPIE, 2015, 9627, 96271G-1/7.

    6. K. Pfeiffer, S. Shestaeva, A. Bingel, P. Munzert, L. Ghazaryan, U. Schulz, A. Tünnermann, A. Szeghalmi, Atomic layer deposition for antireflection coatings using SiO2 as low-refractive index material. Proceedings of SPIE, 2015, 9627, 96270Q-1/7.

    5. M. Schürmann, S. Schwinde, P. J. Jobst, O. Stenzel, S. Wilbrandt, A. V. Szeghalmi, A. Bingel, P. Munzert, N. Kaiser. High-reflective coatings for ground and space based applications. Conference Proceedings, ICSO 2014, Tenerife, Spain

    4. K. Pfeiffer, A. Bingel, S. Shestaeva, U. Schulz, A. Tünnermann, A. Szeghalmi. Atomlagenabscheidung für die Optik: Eigenschaften von SiO2-Schichten. Conference Proceedings, ThGOT 2014, Leipzig, Germany.

    3. K. Keskinbora, A. L. Robisch, M. Mayer, C. Grevent, A. V. Szeghalmi, M. Knez, M. Weigand, I. Snigireva, A. Snigirev, T. Salditt, G. Schütz. Recent advances in use of atomic layer deposition and focused ion beams for fabrication of Fresnel zone plates for hard X-rays. Proceedings of SPIE, 2013, 8851, 885119-1/5.

    2. A. Szeghalmi, M. Arnold, A. Berger, N. Schammelt, K. Fuechsel, M. Knez, E. B. Kley, D. R. T. Zahn, A. Tuennermann. Atomic Layer Deposition of Iridium Thin Films and their Application in Gold Electrodeposition. Proceedings of SPIE, Invited paper, 2011, 8186, 81680K-1/10.

    1. S. G. W. Kaminskyj, K. M. Gough, M. Isenor, K. Jilkine, A. V. Szeghalmi, R. J. Rodriguez, R. S. Redman, R. Schmidt. FTIR Spectromicroscopy of saprotrophic and endophyte fungi: growth under optimal and stressed conditions. Canadian Light Source Inc. Activity Report 2007, 112-113.

  • Supervised Thesis

    Haiyue Yang, Master Thesis 2011. Guided Mode Resonance Gratings Produced by Atomic Layer Deposition and their Application for Monitoring Nucleation of Al2O3 and TiO2. (First Examiner).

    Svetlana Shestaeva, Master Thesis 2015. Atomic layer deposition of dielectric materials for optical coatings. (First Examiner) May 20, 2015.

    Ernest Ahiavi, Master Thesis 2015. Atomic layer deposition of iridium nanolaminate. (First Examiner) June 30, 2015.

    Stephan Ratzsch, PhD Thesis 2015. Untersuchung der plasmaunterstützten Atomlagenabscheidung für das Auftragen von optischen Schichten auf Transmissionsgitter. (First Examiner) November 24, 2015.

  • Internships Students

    Vivek Beladiya. Internship Report March 2016. Alumina deposition on 3D materials.