363 Eisenbach, L., Wang, Z. Y., Schulte, J., Heuermann, T., Russbüldt, P., Meyer, R., Gierschke, P., Lenski, M., Sugiura, M., Tamura, K., Limpert, J., Häfner, C., Highly efficient nonlinear compression of mJ pulses at 2 μm wavelength to 20 fs in a gas-filled multi-pass cellExternal link, Journal of Physics-Photonics 6 (3), 7, 2024.
362 Eschen, W., Liu, C., Steinert, M., Molina, D. S. P., Siefke, T., Zeitner, U. D., Kaspar, J., Pertsch, T., Limpert, J., Rothhardt, J., Structured illumination ptychography and at-wavelength characterization with an EUV diffuser at 13.5 nm wavelengthExternal link, Optics Express 32 (3), 3480-3491, 2024.
361 Kodgirwar, S., Loetgering, L., Liu, C., Joseph, A., Licht, L., Penagos Molina, D., Eschen, W., Rothhardt, J., Habeck, R., Bayesian multi-exposure image fusion for robust high dynamic range ptychographyExternal link, Optics Express 32 (16), 28090-28099 , 2024.
360 Lenski, M., Heuermann, T., Wang, Z. Y., Aleshire, C., Gaida, C., Jáuregui, C., Limpert, J., In-band pumped, Q-switched thulium-doped fiber laser system delivering 140 Wand 7 mJ pulse energyExternal link, Optics Letters 49 (14), 4042-4045, 2024.
359 Mincigrucci, R., Paltanin, E., Pelli-cresi, J. S., Gala, F., Pontecorvo, E., Foglia, L., De Angelis, D., Fainozzi, D., Gessini, A., Molina, D. S. P., Stranik, O., Wechsler, F., Heintzmann, R., Rothhardt, J., Loetgering, L., Ruocco, G., Bencivenga, F., Masciovecchio, C., Structured illumination microscopy with extreme ultraviolet pulsesExternal link, Optics Express 32 (17), 30813-30823, 2024.
358 Benner, M., Karst, M., Mendez, C. A., Stark, H., Limpert, J., “Concept of enhanced frequency chirping for multi-pass cells to improve the pulse contrast”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys. 40 (2), 301-305, 2023. link
357 Eschen, W., Liu, C., Molina, D. S. P., Klas, R., Limpert, J., Rothhardt, J., “High-speed and wide-field nanoscale table-top ptychographic EUV imaging and beam characterization with a sCMOS detector”, Opt. Express 31 (9), 14212-14224, 2023. link
356 Gottschall, T., Meyer-Zedler, T., Eibl, M., Pfeiffer, T., Hakert, H., Schmitt, M., Huber, R., Tünnermann, A., Limpert, J., Popp, J., “Ultrafast Spectral Tuning of a Fiber Laser for Time-Encoded Multiplex Coherent Raman Scattering Microscopy”, J. Phys. Chem. B,127 (11), 2375-2380, 2023. link
355 Karst, M., Pfaller, P., Klas, R., Wang, Z. Y., Gierschke, P., Rothhardt, J., Limpert, J., “22-W average power high pulse energy multipass-cell-based post-compression in the green spectral range”, Opt. Lett. 48 (5), 1300-1303, 2023. link
354 Kholaif, S., Jauregui, C., Tu, Y. M., Limpert, J., “Characterization of transverse mode instability with a 4-quadrant photodiode”, Opt. Express 31 (6), 10633-10644, 2023. link
353 Kirsche, A., Gebhardt, M., Klas, R., Eisenbach, L., Eschen, W., Buldt, J., Stark, H., Rothhardt, J., Limpert, J., “Continuously tunable high photon flux high harmonic source”, Opt. Express 31 (2), 2744-2753, 2023. link
352 Liu, C., Eschen, W., Lötgering, L., Molina, D. S. P., Klas, R., Iliou, A., Steinert, M., Herkersdorf, S., Kirsche, A., Pertsch, T., Hillmann, F., Limpert, J., Rothhardt, J., “Visualizing the ultra-structure of microorganisms using table-top extreme ultraviolet imaging”, PhotoniX 4 (1), 15, 2023. link
351 Lötgering, L., Du, M. Q., Flaes, D. B., Aidukas, T., Wechsler, F., Molina, D. S. P., Rose, M., Pelekanidis, A., Eschen, W., Hess, J., Wilhein, T., Heintzmann, R., Rothhardt, J., Witte, S., “PtyLab.m/py/jl: a cross-platform, open-source inverse modeling toolbox for conventional and Fourier ptychography”, Opt. Express 31 (9), 13763-13797, 2023. link
350 Minneker, B., Klas, R., Rothhardt, J., Fritzsche, S., “Critical Laser Intensity of Phase-Matched High-Order Harmonic Generation in Noble Gases”, Photonics 10 (1), 16, 2023. link
349 A. Klenke, A. Steinkopff, C. Aleshire, C. Jauregui, S. Kuhn, J. Nold, C. Hupel, S. Hein, S. Schulze, N. Haarlammert, T. Schreiber, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, „500 W rod-type 4 x 4 multicore ultrafast fiber laser“, Opt. Lett. 47 (2), 345-348, 2022. link
348 A. Klenke, C. Jauregui, A. Steinkopff, C. Aleshire, J. Limpert, „High-power multicore fiber laser systems“, Prog. Quantum Electron. 84 18, 2022. link
347 A. Kuppadakkath, E. Najafidehaghani, Z. Y. Gan, A. Tuniz, G. Q. Ngo, H. Knopf, F. J. F. Löchner, F. Abtahi, T. Bucher, S. Shradha, T. Käsebier, S. Palomba, N. Felde, P. Paul, T. Ullsperger, S. Schröder, A. Szeghalmi, T. Pertsch, I. Staude, U. Zeitner, A. George, A. Turchanin, F. Eilenberger, „Direct growth of monolayer MoS2 on nanostructured silicon waveguides“, Nanophotonics 11 (19), 4397-4408, 2022. link
346 A. Steinkopff, C. Aleshire, A. Klenke, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, “Mitigation of thermally-induced performance limitations in coherently-combined multicore fiber amplifiers”, Opt. Express 30 (10), 16896-16908, 2022. link
345 C. Aleshire, A. Steinkopff, A. Klenke, C. Jauregui, S. Kuhn, J. Nold, N. Haarlammert, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, “High-energy Q-switched 16-core tapered rod-type fiber laser system”, Opt. Lett. 47 (7), 1725-1728, 2022. link
344 H. Stark, C. Grebing, J. Buldt, A. Klenke, J. Limpert, “Divided-pulse nonlinear compression in a multipass cell”, J. Phys. Photonics 4 (3), 7, 2022. link
343 L. Lötgering, S. Witte, J. Rothhardt, “Advances in laboratory-scale ptychography using high harmonic sources Invited”, Opt. Express 30 (3), 4133-4164, 2022. link
342 M. Cabrejo-Ponce, C. Spiess, A. L. M. Muniz, P. Ancsin, F. Steinlechner, “GHz-pulsed source of entangled photons for reconfigurable quantum networks” ,Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 (4), 8, 2022. link
341 M. Lenski, T. Heuermann, M. Gebhardt, Z. Y. Wang, C. Gaida, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, “Inband-pumped, high-power thulium-doped fiber amplifiers for an ultrafast pulsed operation”, Opt. Express 30 (24), 44270-44282, 2022. link
340 P. Gierschke, C. Grebing, M. Abdelaal, M. Lenski, J. Buldt, Z. Wang, T. Heuermann, M. Müller, M. Gebhardt, J. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, “Nonlinear pulse compression to 51-W average power GW-class 35-fs pulses at 2-mu m wavelength in a gas-filled multi-pass cell”, Opt. Lett.,47 (14), 3511-3514, 2022. link
339 S. Hädrich, E. Shestaev, M. Tschernajew, F. Stutzki, N. Walther, F. Just, M. Kienel, I. Seres, P. Jojart, Z. Bengery, B. Gilicze, Z. Varallyay, A. Borzsonyi, M. Müller, C. Grebing, A. Klenke, D. Hoff, G. G. Paulus, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, “Carrier-envelope phase stable few-cycle laser system delivering more than 100 W, 1 mJ, sub-2-cycle pulses”, Opt. Lett. 47 (6), 1537-1540, 2022. link
338 T. Heuermann, Z. Y. Wang, M. Lenski, M. Gebhardt, C. Gaida, M. Abdelaal, J. Buldt, M. Müller, A. Klenke, J. Limpert, “Ultrafast Tm-doped fiber laser system delivering 1.65-mJ, sub-337 100-fs pulses at a 100-kHz repetition rate”, Opt. Lett.,47 (12), 3095-3098, 2022. link
336 W. Eschen, L. Lötgering, V. Schuster, R. Klas, A. Kirsche, L. Berthold, M. Steinert, T. Pertsch, H. Gross, M. Krause, J. Limpert, J. Rothhardt, “Material-specific high-resolution table-top extreme ultraviolet microscopy”, Light-Sci. Appl. 11 (1), 10, 2022. link
335 M. Gebhardt, T. Heuermann, R. Klas, C. Liu, A. Kirsche, M. Lenski, Z. Wang, C. Gaida, J. E. Antonio-Lopez, A. Schulzgen, R. Amezcua-Correa, J. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, "Bright, high-repetition-rate water window soft X-ray source enabled by nonlinear pulse self-compression in an antiresonant hollow-core fibreExternal link," Light-Sci. Appl. 10 (1), 36-36 (2021).
334 R. Klas, A. Kirsche, M. Gebhardt, J. Buldt, H. Stark, S. Hädrich, J. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, "Ultra-short-pulse high-average-power Megahertz-repetition-rate coherent extreme-ultraviolet light sourceExternal link," PhotoniX 2, 4 (2021).
333 C. Jauregui, C. Stihler, J. Limpert, "Transverse mode instabilityExternal link," Adv. Opt. Photonics 12 (2), 429-484 (2020).
332 V. Hilbert, M. Tschernajew, R. Klas, J. Limpert, J. Rothhardt, "A compact, turnkey, narrow-bandwidth, tunable, and high-photon-flux extreme ultraviolet sourceExternal link," AIP Adv. 10 (4), 045227 (2020).
331 J. Buldt, M. Müller, H. Stark, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, "Fiber laser-driven gas plasma-based generation of THz radiation with 50-mW average powerExternal link," Appl. Phys. B-Lasers Opt. 126 (1), 2 (2020).
330 A. Borovik, G. Weber, V. Hilbert, H. Lin, P. Pfafflein, B. Zhu, C. Hahn, M. Lestinsky, S. Schippers, T. Stöhlker, J. Rothhardt, "Development of a detector to register low-energy, charge-changed ions from ionization experiments at CRYRING@ESRExternal link," J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1412, 242003 (2020).
329 A. Steinkopff, C. Jauregui, C. Aleshire, A. Klenke, J. Limpert, , "Impact of thermo-optical effects in coherently combined multicore fiber amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Express 28 (15), 38093-38105 (2020).
328 C. Aleshire, A. Steinkopff, C. Jauregui, A. Klenke, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, "Simplified design of optical elements for filled-aperture coherent beam combinationExternal link," Opt. Express 28 (14), 21035-21045 (2020).
327 R. Klas, W. Eschen, A. Kirsche, J. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, "Generation of coherent broadband high photon flux continua in the XUV with a sub-two-cycle fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Express 28 (5), 6188-6196 (2020).
326 C. Grebing, M. Müller, J. Buldt, H. Stark, J. Limpert, "Kilowatt-average-power compression of millijoule pulses in a gas-filled multi-pass cellExternal link," Opt. Lett. 45 (22), 6250-6253 (2020).
325 E. Shestaev, D. Hoff, A.M. Sayler, A. Klenke, S. Hädrich, F. Just, T. Eidam, P. Jojart, Z. Varallyay, K. Osvay, G.G. Paulus, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, "High-power ytterbium-doped fiber laser delivering few-cycle, carrier-envelope phase-stable 100 mu J pulses at 100 kHzExternal link," Opt. Lett. 45 (1), 97-100 (2020).
324 E. Shestaev, S. Hädrich, N. Walther, T. Eidam, A. Klenke, I. Seres, Z. Bengery, P. Jójárt, Z. Várallyay, Á. Börzsönyi, J. Limpert, "Carrier-envelope offset stable, coherently combined ytterbium-doped fiber CPA delivering 1?kW of average powerExternal link," Opt. Lett. 45 (23), 6350-6353 (2020).
323 G. Fan, R. Safaei, O. Kwon, V. Schuster, K. Legare, P. Lassonde, A. Ehteshami, L. Arias, A. Laramee, J. Beaudoin-Bertrand, J. Limpert, Z. Tao, M. Spanner, B.E. Schmidt, H. Ibrahim, A. Baltuska, F. Legare, "High energy redshifted and enhanced spectra broadening by molecular alignmentExternal link," Opt. Lett. 45 (11), 3013-3016 (2020).
322 M. Müller, C. Aleshire, A. Klenke, E. Haddad, F. Legare, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, "10.4 kW coherently combined ultrafast fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Lett. 45 (11), 3083-3086 (2020).
321 W. Eschen, G. Tadesse, Y.F. Peng, M. Steinert, T. Pertsch, J. Limpert, J. Rothhardt, "Single-shot characterization of strongly focused coherent XUV and soft X-ray beamsExternal link," Opt. Lett. 45 (17), 4798-4801 (2020).
320 F. Tuitje, W. Eschen, G.K. Tadesse, J. Limpert, J. Rothhardt, C. Spielmann, "Reliability of ptychography on periodic structuresExternal link," OSA Continuum 3 (6), 1691-1702 (2020).
319 M. Tschernajew, P. Gierschke, H.F. Lin, V. Hilbert, J. Kurdal, A. Stancalie, J. Limpert, J. Rothhardt, "Differential pumping unit for windowless coupling of laser beams to ultra high vacuumExternal link," Vacuum 178, 109443 (2020).
318 C. Danson, C. Haefner, J. Bromage, T. Butcher, J.-C.-F. Chanteloup, E. A. Chowdhury, A. Galvanauskas, L. A. Gizzi, J. Hein, D. I. Hillier, N. W. Hopps, Y. Kato, E. A. Khazanov, R. Kodama, G. Korn, R. Li, Y. Li, J. Limpert, J. Ma, C. H. Nam, D. Neely, D. Papadopoulos, R. R. Penman, L. Qian, J. J. Rocca,A. A. Shaykin, C. W. Siders, C. Spindloe, S. Szatmári,R. M. G. M. Trines, J. Zhu, P. Zhu, J. D. Zuegel, "Petawatt and exawatt class lasers worldwideExternal link," High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 7, e54 (2019).
317 T. Saule, S. Heinrich, J. Schötz, U. Kleineberg, I. Pupeza, N. Lilienfein, M. Högner, O. deVries, M. Plötner, J. Weitenberg, D. Esser, J. Schulte, P. Russbueldt, J. Limpert, M.F. Kling, "High-flux ultrafast extreme-ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy at 18.4 MHz pulse repetition rateExternal link," Nat. Commun. 10 (1), 458 (2019).
316 T. Nagy, S. Hädrich, P. Simon, A. Blumenstein, N. Walther, R. Klas, J. Buldt, H. Stark, S. Breitkopf, P. Jojart, I. Seres, Z. Varallyay, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, "Generation of three-cycle multi-millijoule laser pulses at 318 W average powerExternal link," Optica 6 (11), 1423-1424 (2019).
315 F. Maes, C. Stihler, L.P. Pleau, V. Fortin, J. Limpert, M. Bernier, R. Vallee, "3.42 mu m lasing in heavily-erbium-doped fluoride fibersExternal link," Opt. Express 27 (3), 2170-2183 (2019).
314 P. Gierschke, C. Jauregui, T. Gottschall, J. Limpert, "Relative amplitude noise transfer function of an Yb3+-doped fiber amplifier chainExternal link," Opt. Express 27 (12), 17041-17050 (2019).
313 A. Steinkopff, C. Jauregui, F. Stutzki, J. Nold, C. Hupel, N. Haarlammert, J. Bierlich, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, "Transverse single-mode operation in a passive large pitch fiber with more than 200 mu m mode-field diameterExternal link," Opt. Lett. 44 (3), 650-653 (2019).
312 H. Stark, J. Buldt, M. Müller, A. Klenke, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, "23 mJ high-power fiber CPA system using electro-optically controlled divided-pulse amplificationExternal link," Opt. Lett. 44 (22), 5529-5532 (2019).
311 T. Butler, D. Gerz, C. Hofer, J. Xu, C. Gaida, T. Heuermann, M. Gebhardt, L. Vamos, W. Schweinberger, J.A. Gessner, T. Siefke, M. Heusinger, U. Zeitner, A. Apolonski, N. Karpowicz, J. Limpert, F. Krausz, I. Pupeza, "Watt-scale 50-MHz source of single-cycle waveform-stable pulses in the molecular fingerprint regionExternal link," Opt. Lett. 44 (7), 1730-1733 (2019).
310 M. Bilal, A.V. Volotka, R. Beerwerth, J. Rothhardt, V. Hilbert, S. Fritzsche, "High-precision calculations of the 1s(2)2s2p P-1(1) -> 1s(2)2s(2) S-1(0) spin-allowed E1 transition in C IIIExternal link," Phys. Rev. A 99 (6), 062511 (2019).
309 G. Williams, H.-K. Chung, S. Künzel, V. Hilbert, U. Zastrau, H. Scott, S. Daboussi, B. Iwan, A. I. Gonzalez, W. Boutu, H. J. Lee, B. Nagler, E. Granados, E. Galtier, P. Heimann, B. Barbrel, R.W. Lee, B. I. Cho, P. Renaudin, H. Merdji, Ph. Zeitoun, M. Fajardo, "Impact of free electron degeneracy on collisional rates in plasmasExternal link," Phys. Rev. Res. 1 (3), 033216 (2019).
308 Z. Samsonova, S. Hofer, V. Kaymak, S. Alisauskas, V. Shumakova, A. Pugzlys, A. Baltuska, T. Siefke, S. Kroker, A. Pukhov, O. Rosmej, I. Uschmann, C. Spielmann, D. Kartashov, "Relativistic Interaction of Long-Wavelength Ultrashort Laser Pulses with NanowiresExternal link," Phys. Rev. X 9 (2), 021029 (2019).
307 G. Tadesse, W. Eschen, R. Klas, M. Tschernajew, F. Tuitje, M. Steinert, M. Zilk, V. Schuster, M. Zurch, T. Pertsch, C. Spielmann, J. Limpert, J. Rothhardt, "Wavelength-scale ptychographic coherent diffractive imaging using a high-order harmonic sourceExternal link," Scientific Reports 9, 1735 (2019).
306 J. Rothhardt, M. Bilal, R. Beerwerth, A.V. Volotka, V. Hilbert, T. Stöhlker, S. Fritzsche, J. Limpert, "Lifetime measurements of ultrashort?lived excited states in Be?like ionsExternal link," X-Ray Spectrom. 49 (1), 165?168 (2019).
305 J. Rothhardt, M. Bilal, R. Beerwerth, A.V. Volotka, V. Hilbert, T. Stöhlker, S. Fritzsche, J. Limpert, "Lifetime measurements of ultrashort-lived excited states in Be-like ionsExternal link," X-Ray Spectrom. 49 (19), 165-168 (2019).
304 T. Saule, M. Högner, N. Lilienfein, O. de Vries, M. Plötner, V.S. Yakovlev, N. Karpowicz, J. Limpert, I. Pupeza, "Cumulative plasma effects in cavity-enhanced high-order harmonic generation in gasesExternal link," APL PHOTONICS 3 (10), 101301 (2018).
303 K. Bergner, M. Müller, R. Klas, J. Limpert, S. Nolte, A. Tünnerman, "Scaling ultrashort laser pulse induced glass modifications for cleaving applicationsExternal link," Appl. Optics 57 (21), 5941-5947 (2018).
302 A. Klenke, M. Müller, H. Stark, M. Kienel, C. Jauregui, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, "Coherent beam combination of ultrafast fiber lasersExternal link," IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 24 (5), 0902709 (2018).
301 K. Füchsel, J. Limpert, T. Schreiber, A. Thoss, A. Tünnermann, "Workshop on next-generation optical fiber technology provides perspectives and a roadmapExternal link," Laser Focus World 54 (1), 29-30 (2018).
300 C. Gaida, M. Gebhardt, T. Heuermann, F. Stutzki, C. Jauregui, J. Antonio-Lopez, A. Schulzgen, R. Amezcua-Correa, A. Tünnermann, I. Pupeza, J. Limpert, "Watt-scale super-octave mid-infrared intrapulse difference frequency generationExternal link," Light-Sci. Appl. 7, 94 (2018).
299 C. Stihler, C. Jauregui, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, "Modal energy transfer by thermally induced refractive index gratings in Yb-doped fibersExternal link," Light-Sci. Appl. 7, 59 (2018).
298 K. Hütten, M. Mittermair, S.O. Stock, R. Beerwerth, V. Shirvanyan, J. Riemensberger, A. Duensing, R. Heider, M.S. Wagner, A. Guggenmos, S. Fritzsche, N.M. Kabachnik, R. Kienberger, B. Bernhardt, "Ultrafast quantum control of ionization dynamics in kryptonExternal link," Nat. Commun. 9, 719 (2018).
297 M. Chemnitz, R. Scheibinger, C. Gaida, M. Gebhardt, F. Stutzki, S. Pumpe, J. Kobelke, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, M.A. Schmidt, "Thermodynamic control of soliton dynamics in liquid-core fibersExternal link," Optica 5 (6), 695-703 (2018).
296 A. Klenke, M. Müller, H. Stark, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, "Sequential phase locking scheme for a filled aperture intensity coherent combination of beam arraysExternal link," Opt. Express 26 (9), 12072-12080 (2018).
295 C. Jauregui, C. Stihler, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, "Pump-modulation-induced beam stabilization in high-power fiber laser systems above the mode instability thresholdExternal link," Opt. Express 26 (8), 10691-10704 (2018).
294 C. Jauregui, F. Stutzki, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, "Thermal analysis of Yb-doped high-power fiber amplifiers with Al:P co-doped coresExternal link," Opt. Express 26 (6), 7614-7624 (2018).
293 C. Stihler, C. Jauregui, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, "Phase-shift evolution of the thermally-induced refractive index grating in high-power fiber laser systems induced by pump-power variationsExternal link," Opt. Express 26 (15), 19489-19497 (2018).
292 M. Chemnitz, C. Gaida, M. Gebhardt, F. Stutzki, J. Kobelke, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, M.A. Schmidt, "Carbon chloride-core fibers for soliton mediated supercontinuum generationExternal link," Opt. Express 26 (3), 3221-3235 (2018).
291 R. Klas, A. Kirsche, M. Tschernajew, J. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, "Annular beam driven high harmonic generation for high flux coherent XUV and soft X-ray radiationExternal link," Opt. Express 26 (15), 19318-19327 (2018).
290 S. Prinz, M. Schnitzenbaumer, D. Potamianos, M. Schultze, S. Stark, M. Hafner, C.Y. Teisset, C. Wandt, K. Michel, R. Kienberger, B. Bernhardt, T. Metzger, "Thin-disk pumped optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier delivering CEP-stable multi-mJ few-cycle pulses at 6 kHzExternal link," Opt. Express 26 (2), 1108-1124 (2018).
289 A. Klenke, M. Müller, H. Stark, F. Stutzki, C. Hupel, T. Schreiber, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, "Coherently combined 16-channel multicore fiber laser systemExternal link," Opt. Lett. 43 (7), 1519-1522 (2018).
288 C. Gaida, M. Gebhardt, T. Heuermann, F. Stutzki, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, "Ultrafast thulium fiber laser system emitting more than 1 kW of average powerExternal link," Opt. Lett. 43 (23), 5853-5856 (2018).
287 C. Gaida, T. Heuermann, M. Gebhardt, E. Shestaev, T.P. Butler, D. Gerz, N. Lilienfein, P. Sulzer, M. Fischer, R. Holzwarth, A. Leitenstorfer, I. Pupeza, J. Limpert, "High-power frequency comb at 2 mu m wavelength emitted by a Tm-doped fiber laser systemExternal link," Opt. Lett. 43 (21), 5178-5181 (2018).
286 M. Mueller, A. Klenke, A. Steinkopff, H. Stark, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, "3.5 kW coherently combined ultrafast fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Lett. 43 (24), 6037-6040 (2018).
285 T. Heuermann, C. Gaida, M. Gebhardt, J. Limpert, "Thulium-doped nonlinear fiber amplifier delivering 50 fs pulses at 20 W of average powerExternal link," Opt. Lett. 43 (18), 4441-4444 (2018).
284 Y. Hua, W. Liu, M. Hemmer, L.E. Zapata, G.J. Zhou, D.N. Schimpf, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, F.X. Kartner, G.Q. Chang, "87-W 1018-nm Yb-fiber ultrafast seeding source for cryogenic Yb: yttrium lithium fluoride amplifierExternal link," Opt. Lett. 43 (8), 1686-1689 (2018).
283 S. Breitkopf, N. Lilienfein, T. Achtnich, C. Zwyssig, A. Tünnermann, I. Pupeza, J. Limpert, "Velocity- and pointing-error measurements of a 300-r/min self-bearing permanant-magnet motor for optical applicationsExternal link," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89 (6), 063110 (2018).
282 G.K. Tadesse, W. Eschen, R. Klas, V. Hilbert, D. Schelle, A. Nathanael, M. Zilk, M. Steinert, F. Schrempel, T. Pertsch, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, J. Rothhardt, "High resolution XUV Fourier transform holography on a table topExternal link," Scientific Reports 8, 8677 (2018).
281 Y.G. Jeong, R. Piccoli, D. Ferachou, V. Cardin, M. Chini, S. Hädrich, J. Limpert, R. Morandotti, F. Legare, B.E. Schmidt, L. Razzari, "Direct compression of 170-fs 50-cycle pulses down to 1.5 cycles with 70% transmissionExternal link," Scientific Reports 8, 11794 (2018).
280 T. Gottschall, T. Meyer, M. Schmitt, J. Popp, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Advances in laser concepts for multiplex, coherent Raman scattering micro-spectroscopy and imagingExternal link," Trac-Trends Anal. Chem. 102, 103-109 (2018).
279 T. Saule, S. Holzberger, O. De Vries, M. Plotner, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, I. Pupeza, "Phase-stable, multi-mu J femtosecond pulses from a repetition-rate tunable Ti:Sa-oscillator-seeded Yb-fiber amplifierExternal link," Appl. Phys. B-Lasers Opt. 123 (1), 17 (2017).
278 J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, J.C. Delagnes, E. Cormier, J. Limpert, "High Average Power Near-Infrared Few-Cycle LasersExternal link," Laser Photon. Rev. 11 (4), 1700043 (2017).
277 M. Chemnitz, M. Gebhardt, C. Gaida, F. Stutzki, J. Kobelke, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, M.A. Schmidt, "Hybrid soliton dynamics in liquid-core fibresExternal link," Nat. Commun. 8, 42 (2017).
276 F. Beier, C. Hupel, S. Kuhn, S. Hein, J. Nold, F. Proske, B. Sattler, A. Liem, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, N. Haarlammert, T. Schreiber, R. Eberhardt, A. Tünnermann, "Single mode 4.3 kW output power from a diode-pumped Yb-doped fiber amplifierExternal link," Opt. Express 25 (13), 14892-14899 (2017).
275 H. Stark, M. Müller, M. Kienel, A. Klenke, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Electro-optically controlled divided-pulse amplificationExternal link," Opt. Express 25 (12), 13494-13503 (2017).
274 M. Huber, W. Schweinberger, F. Stutzki, J. Limpert, I. Pupeza, O. Pronin, "Active intensity noise suppression for a broadband mid-infrared laser sourceExternal link," Opt. Express 25 (19), 22499-22509 (2017).
273 M. Kozak, P. Beck, H. Deng, J. McNeur, N. Schonenberger, C. Gaida, F. Stutzki, M. Gebhardt, J. Limpert, A. Ruehl, I. Hartl, O. Solgaard, J.S. Harris, R.L. Byer, P. Hommelhoff, "Acceleration of sub-relativistic electrons with an evanescent optical wave at a planar interfaceExternal link," Opt. Express 25 (16), 19195-19204 (2017).
272 F.B. Legesse, T. Meyer, S. Heuke, T. Gottschall, T. Pascher, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, M. Schmitt, J. Popp, "Dual-focus coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy using a compact two-beam fiber laser sourceExternal link," Opt. Lett. 42 (2), 183-186 (2017).
271 J. Buldt, M. Müller, R. Klas, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Temporal contrast enhancement of energetic laser pulses by filtered self-phase-modulation-broadened spectraExternal link," Opt. Lett. 42 (19), 3761-3764 (2017).
270 M. Gebhardt, C. Gaida, F. Stutzki, S. Hadrich, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High average power nonlinear compression to 4 GW, sub-50 fs pulses at 2 mu m wavelengthExternal link," Opt. Lett. 42 (4), 747-750 (2017).
269 M. Gebhardt, C. Gaida, T. Heuermann, F. Stutzki, C. Jauregui, J. Antonio-Lopez, A. Schulzgen, R. Amezcua-Correa, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Nonlinear pulse compression to 43 W GW-class few-cycle pulses at 2 mu m wavelengthExternal link," Opt. Lett. 42 (20), 4179-4182 (2017).
268 M. Müller, A. Klenke, T. Gottschall, R. Klas, C. Rothhardt, S. Demmler, J. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High-average-power femtosecond laser at 258 nmExternal link," Opt. Lett. 42 (14), 2826-2829 (2017).
267 N.C. Becker, S. Hädrich, T. Eidam, F. Just, K. Osvay, Z. Varallyay, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, T. Pertsch, F. Eilenberger, "Adaptive pre-amplification pulse shaping in a high-power, coherently combined fiber laser systemExternal link," Opt. Lett. 42 (19), 3916-3919 (2017).
266 T. Gottschall, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Ultra-short pulse fiber optical parametric oscillatorExternal link," Opt. Lett. 42 (17), 3423-3426 (2017).
previous years
265 S. Hädrich, J. Rothhardt, S. Demmler, M. Tschernajew, A. Hoffmann, M. Krebs, A. Liem, O. de Vries, M. Plötner, S. Fabian, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Scalability of components for kW-level average power few-cycle lasers.External link," Appl. Optics 55 (7), 1636-1640 (2016).
264 S. Breitkopf, S. Wunderlich, T. Eidam, E. Shestaev, T. Gottschall, H. Carstens, S. Holzberger, T. Gottschall, H. Carstens, A. Tünnermann, I. Pupeza, J. Limpert, "Extraction of enhanced , ultrashort laser pulses from a passive 10- MHz stack-and-dump cavityExternal link," Appl. Phys. B-Lasers Opt. 122, 297 (2016).
263 D. Davydova, A. de la Cadena, S. Demmler, J. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, T. Pascher, D. Akimov, B. Dietzek, "Ultrafast transient absorption microscopy: Study of excited state dynamics in PtOEP crystalsExternal link," Chem. Phys. 464, 69-77 (2016).
262 S. Hädrich, J. Rothhardt, M. Krebs, S. Demmler, A. Klenke, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, "Single-pass high harmonic generation at high repetition rate and photon fluxExternal link," J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (17), 172002 (2016).
261 H. Carstens, M. Hoegner, T. Saule, S. Holzberger, N. Lilienfein, A. Guggenmos, C. Jocher, T. Eidam, D. Esser, V. Tosa, V. Pervak, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, U. Kleineberg, F. Krausz, I. Pupeza, "High-harmonic generation at 250 MHz with photon energies exceeding 100 eVExternal link," Optica 3 (4), 366-369 (2016).
260 R. Klas, S. Demmler, M. Tschernajew, S. Hädrich, Y. Shamir, A. Tünnermann, J. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, "Table-top milliwatt-class extreme ultraviolet high harmonic light sourceExternal link," Optica 3 (11), 1167-1170 (2016).
259 C. Jauregui, H.-J. Otto, S. Breitkopf, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Optimizing high-power Yb-doped fiber amplifier systems in the presence of transverse mode instabilitiesExternal link," Opt. Express 24 (8), 7879-7892 (2016).
258 I.S. Wahyutama, G.K. Tadesse, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, J. Rothhardt, "Influence of detector noise in holographic imaging with limited photon fluxExternal link," Opt. Express 24 (19), 22013-22027 (2016).
257 J. Rothhardt, S. Hadich, Y. Shamir, M. Tschnernajew, R. Klas, A. Hoffmann, G.K. Tadesse, A. Klenke, T. Gottschall, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, R. Boll, C. Bomme, H. Dachraoui, B. Erk, M. Di Fraia, D.A. Horke, T. Kierspel, T. Mullins, A. Przystawik, E. Savelyev, J. Wiese, T. Laarmann, J. Kupper, D. Rolles, "High-repetition-rate and high-photon-flux 70 eV high-harmonic source for coincidence ion imaging of gas-phase moleculesExternal link," Opt. Express 24 (16), 18133-18147 (2016).
256 M. Müller, M. Kienel, A. Klenke, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Phase stabilization of spatiotemporally multiplexed ultrafast amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Express 24 (8), 7893-7904 (2016).
255 C. Gaida, M. Gebhardt, F. Stutzki, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Thulium-doped fiber chirped-pulse amplification system with 2 GW of peak powerExternal link," Opt. Lett. 41 (17), 4130-4133 (2016).
254 G.K. Tadesse, R. Klas, S. Demmler, S. Hädrich, I. Wahyutama, M. Steinert, C. Spielmann, M. Zurch, T. Pertsch, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, J. Rothhardt, "High speed and high resolution table-top nanoscale imagingExternal link," Opt. Lett. 41 (22), 5170-5173 (2016).
253 J. Rothhardt, C. Rothhardt, M. Müller, A. Klenke, M. Kienel, S. Demmler, T. Elsmann, M. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "100 W average power femtosecond laser at 343 nmExternal link," Opt. Lett. 41 (8), 1885-1888 (2016).
252 M. Kienel, M. Müller, A. Klenke, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "12 mJ kW-class ultrafast fiber laser system using multidimensional coherent pulse additionExternal link," Opt. Lett. 41 (14), 3343-3346 (2016).
251 M. Müller, M. Kienel, A. Klenke, T. Gottschall, E. Shestaev, M. Plotner, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "1 kW 1 mJ eight-channel ultrafast fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Lett. 41 (15), 3439-3442 (2016).
250 S. Hädrich, M. Kienel, M. Müller, A. Klenke, J. Rothhardt, R. Klas, T. Gottschall, T. Eidam, A. Drozdy, P. Jojart, Z. Varallyay, E. Cormier, K. Osvay, A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, "Energetic sub-2-cycle laser with 216 W average powerExternal link," Opt. Lett. 41 (18), 4332-4335 (2016).
249 G. Matthäus, S. Demmler, M. Lebugle, F. Kuster, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, S. Nolte, R. Ackermann, "Ultra-broadband two beam CARS using femtosecond laser pulsesExternal link," Vib. Spectrosc 85, 128-133 (2016).
248 C. P. Joao, F. Wagner, J. Koerner, J. Hein, T. Gottschall, J. Limpert, V. Bagnoud, "A 10-mJ-level compact CPA system based on Yb:KGW for ultrafast optical parametric amplifier pumpingExternal link," Appl. Phys. B-Lasers Opt. 118 (3), 401-407 (2015).
247 S. Breitkopf, T. Eidam, A. Klenke, H. Carstens, S. Holzberger, E. Fill, T. Schreiber, F. Krausz, A. Tünnermann, I. Pupeza, J. Limpert, "Stack and dump: Peak-power scaling by coherent pulse addition in passive cavitiesExternal link," Eur. Phys. J.-Spec. Top. 224 (13), 2573-2577 (2015).
246 T. Eidam, M. Kienel, A. Klenke, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Divided-pulse amplification for terawatt-class fiber lasersExternal link," Eur. Phys. J.-Spec. Top. 224 (13), 2567-2571 (2015).
245 B. Manschwetus, N. Lin, J. Rothhardt, R. Guichard, T. Auguste, A. Camper, P. Breger, J. Caillat, M. Géléoc,T. Ruchon, R. Taïeb, B. Carré, P. Salières, "Self-probing spectroscopy of the SF 6 molecule: A study of the spectral amplitude and phase of the High Harmonic emissionExternal link," J. Phys. Chem. A A119, 6111 (2015).
244 T. Gottschall, T. Meyer, M. Baumgartl, C. Jauregui, M. Schmitt, J. Popp, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Fiber-based light sources for biomedical applications of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopyExternal link," Laser Photon. Rev. 9 (5), 435-451 (2015).
243 S. Hädrich, M. Krebs, A. Hoffmann, A. Klenke, J. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Exploring new avenues in high repetition rate table-top coherent extreme ultraviolet sourcesExternal link," Light-Sci. Appl. 4, e320 (2015).
242 C. Jauregui, H.-J. Otto, F. Stutzki, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Simplified modelling the mode instability threshold of high power fiber amplifiers in the presence of photodarkeningExternal link," Opt. Express 23 (16), 20203-20218 (2015).
241 H.-J. Otto, N. Modsching, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Impact of photodarkening on the mode instability thresholdExternal link," Opt. Express 23 (12), 15265-15277 (2015).
240 M. Gebhardt, C. Gaida, F. Stutzki, S. Haedrich, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Impact of atmospheric molecular absorption on the temporal and spatial evolution of ultra-short optical pulsesExternal link," Opt. Express 23 (11), 13776-13787 (2015).
239 O. de Vries, T. Saule, M. Ploetner, F. Luecking, T. Eidam, A. Hoffmann, A. Klenke, S. Hädrich, J. Limpert, S. Holzberger, T. Schreiber, R. Eberhardt, I. Pupeza, A. Tünnermann, "Acousto-optic pulse picking scheme with carrier-frequency-to-pulse-repetition-rate synchronizationExternal link," Opt. Express 23 (15), 19586-19595 (2015).
238 T. Gottschall, T. Meyer, M. Schmitt, J. Popp, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Four-wave-mixing-based optical parametric oscillator delivering energetic, tunable, chirped femtosecond pulses for non-linear biomedical applicationsExternal link," Opt. Express 23 (18), 23968-23977 (2015).
237 C. Gaida, M. Gebhardt, F. Stutzki, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Self-compression in a solid fiber to 24 MW peak power with few-cycle pulses at 2 mu m wavelengthExternal link," Opt. Lett. 40 (22), 5160-5163 (2015).
236 C. Gaida, M. Kienel, M. Mueller, A. Klenke, M. Gebhardt, F. Stutzki, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Coherent combination of two Tm-doped fiber amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Lett. 40 (10), 2301-2304 (2015).
235 F. Stutzki, C. Gaida, M. Gebhardt, F. Jansen, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Tm-based fiber-laser system with more than 200 MW peak powerExternal link," Opt. Lett. 40 (1), 9-12 (2015).
234 M. Gebhardt, C. Gaida, S. Hädrich, F. Stutzki, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Nonlinear compression of an ultrashort-pulse thulium-based fiber laser to sub-70 fs in Kagome photonic crystal fiberExternal link," Opt. Lett. 40 (12), 2770-2773 (2015).
233 M. Kienel, M. Müller, A. Klenke, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Multidimensional coherent pulse addition of ultrashort laser pulsesExternal link," Opt. Lett. 40 (4), 522-525 (2015).
232 N. Lilienfein, H. Carstens, S. Holzberger, C. Jocher, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, A. Apolonski, F. Krausz, I. Pupeza, "Balancing of thermal lenses in enhancement cavities with transmissive elementsExternal link," Opt. Lett. 40 (5), 843-846 (2015).
231 W. Liu, D. N. Schimpf, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, F. X. Kärtner, G. Chang, "Pre-chirp managed nonlinear amplification in fibers delivering 100 W, 60 fs pulsesExternal link," Opt. Lett. 40 (2), 151-154 (2015).
230 Y. Shamir, J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, S. Demmler, M. Tschernajew, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High-average-power 2 mu m few-cycle optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier at 100 kHz repetition rateExternal link," Opt. Lett. 40 (23), 5546-5549 (2015).
229 J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, S. Demmler, M. Krebs, D. Winters, T. Kuehl, T. Stöhlker, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Prospects for laser spectroscopy of highly charged ions with high-harmonic XUV and soft x-ray sourcesExternal link," Phys. Scr. T166, 14030 (2015).
228 S. Holzberger, N. Lilienfein, H. Carstens, T. Saule, M. Hoegner, F. Luecking, M. Trubetskov, V. Pervak, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, E. Fill, F. Krausz, I. Pupeza, "Femtosecond Enhancement Cavities in the Nonlinear RegimeExternal link," Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 (2), 023902 (2015).
227 F. Wagner, C. P. Joao, J. Fils, T. Gottschall, J. Hein, J. Koerner, J. Limpert, M. Roth, T. Stoehlker, V. Bagnoud, "Temporal contrast control at the PHELIX petawatt laser facility by means of tunable sub-picosecond optical parametric amplificationExternal link," Appl. Phys. B-Lasers Opt. 116 (2), 429-435 (2014).
226 W. S. Brocklesby, J. Nilsson, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, A. Brignon, J. Bourderionnet, L. Lombard, V. Michau, M. Hanna, Y. Zaouter, T. Tajima, G. Mourou, "ICAN as a new laser paradigm for high energy, high average power femtosecond pulsesExternal link," Eur. Phys. J.-Spec. Top. 223 (6), 1189-1195 (2014).
225 J. Limpert, A. Klenke, M. Kienel, S. Breitkopf, T. Eidam, S. Haedrich, C. Jauregui, A. Tünnermann, "Performance Scaling of Ultrafast Laser Systems by Coherent Addition of Femtosecond PulsesExternal link," IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 20 (5), 0901810 (2014).
224 S. M. Hooker, R. Bartolini, S. P. D. Mangles, A. Tünnermann, L. Corner, J. Limpert, A. Seryi, R. Walczak, "Multi-pulse laser wakefield acceleration: a new route to efficient, high-repetition-rate plasma accelerators and high flux radiation sourcesExternal link," J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (23), 234003 (2014).
223 S. Breitkopf, T. Eidam, A. Klenke, L. von Grafenstein, H. Carstens, S. Holzberger, E. Fill, T. Schreiber, F. Krausz, A. Tünnermann, I. Pupeza, J. Limpert, "A concept for multiterawatt fibre lasers based on coherent pulse stacking in passive cavitiesExternal link," Light-Sci. Appl. 3, e211 (2014).
222 S. Hädrich, A. Klenke, J. Rothhardt, M. Krebs, A. Hoffmann, O. Pronin, V. Pervak, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High photon flux table-top coherent extreme-ultraviolet sourceExternal link," Nat. Photonics 8 (10), 779?783 (2014).
221 J. Rothhardt, M. Krebs, S. Haedrich, S. Demmler, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Absorption-limited and phase-matched high harmonic generation in the tight focusing regimeExternal link," New J. Phys. 16, 033022 (2014).
220 G. Mourou, T. Tajima, M. N. Quinn, B. Brocklesby, J. Limpert, "Are fiber-based lasers the future of accelerators?External link," Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. 740, 17-20 (2014).
219 F. Stutzki, F. Jansen, H.-J. Otto, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Designing advanced very-large-mode-area fibers for power scaling of fiber-laser systemsExternal link," Optica 1 (4), 233-242 (2014).
218 C. Rothhardt, J. Rothhardt, A. Klenke, T. Peschel, R. Eberhardt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "BBO-sapphire sandwich structure for frequency conversion of high power lasersExternal link," Opt. Mater. Express 4 (5), 1092-1103 (2014).
217 R. Riedel, J. Rothhardt, K. Beil, B. Gronloh, A. Klenke, H. Hoppner, M. Schulz, U. Teubner, C. Krankel, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, M. J. Prandolini, F. Tavella, "Thermal properties of borate crystals for high power optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification.External link," Opt. Express 22 (15), 17607-17619 (2014).
216 T. Gottschall, T. Meyer, M. Baumgartl, B. Dietzek, J. Popp, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Fiber-based optical parametric oscillator for high resolution coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopyExternal link," Opt. Express 22 (18), 21921-21928 (2014).
215 A. Klenke, S. Hädrich, T. Eidam, J. Rothhardt, M. Kienel, S. Demmler, T. Gottschall, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "22 GW peak-power fiber chirped-pulse-amplification systemExternal link," Opt. Lett. 39 (24), 6875-6878 (2014).
214 A. Klenke, S. Haedrich, M. Kienel, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Coherent combination of spectrally broadened femtosecond pulses for nonlinear compressionExternal link," Opt. Lett. 39 (12), 3520-3522 (2014).
213 C. Gaida, F. Stutzki, F. Jansen, H.-J. Otto, T. Eidam, C. Jauregui, O. de Vries, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Triple-clad large-pitch fibers for compact high-power pulsed fiber laser systemsExternal link," Opt. Lett. 39 (2), 209-211 (2014).
212 F. Beier, H. .. J. Otto, C. Jauregui, O. de Vries, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, R. Eberhardt, A. Tünnermann, "1009 nm continuous-wave ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier emitting 146 WExternal link," Opt. Lett. 39 (13), 3725-3727 (2014).
211 F. Stutzki, C. Gaida, M. Gebhardt, F. Jansen, A. Wienke, U. Zeitner, F. Fuchs, C. Jauregui, D. Wandt, D. Kracht, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "152 W average power Tm-doped fiber CPA systemExternal link," Opt. Lett. 39 (16), 4671-4674 (2014).
210 H. Carstens, N. Lilienfein, S. Holzberger, C. Jocher, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, J. Weitenberg, D. C. Yost, A. Alghamdi, Z. Alahmed, A. Azzeer, A. Apolonski, E. Fill, F. Krausz, I. Pupeza, "Megawatt-scale average-power ultrashort pulses in an enhancement cavityExternal link," Opt. Lett. 39 (9), 2595-2598 (2014).
209 H.-J. Otto, A. Klenke, C. Jauregui, F. Stutzki, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Scaling the mode instability threshold with multicore fibersExternal link," Opt. Lett. 39 (9), 2680-2683 (2014).
208 H.-J. Otto, F. Stutzki, N. Modsching, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "2 kW average power from a pulsed Yb-doped rod-type fiber amplifierExternal link," Opt. Lett. 39 (22), 6446-6449 (2014).
207 J. Rothhardt, S. Haedrich, A. Klenke, S. Demmler, A. Hoffmann, T. Gotschall, T. Eidam, M. Krebs, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "53 W average power few-cycle fiber laser system generating soft x rays up to the water windowExternal link," Opt. Lett. 39 (17), 5224-5227 (2014).
206 M. Kienel, A. Klenke, T. Eidam, S. Haedrich, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Energy scaling of femtosecond amplifiers using actively controlled divided-pulse amplificationExternal link," Opt. Lett. 39 (4), 1049-1052 (2014).
205 M. Kienel, M. Mueller, S. Demmler, J. Rothhardt, A. Klenke, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Coherent beam combination of Yb: YAG single-crystal rod amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Lett. 39 (11), 3278-3281 (2014).
204 R. Lehneis, A. Steinmetz, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "All-fiber pulse shortening of passively Q-switched microchip laser pulses down to sub-200 fsExternal link," Opt. Lett. 39 (20), 5806-5809 (2014).
203 R. Lehneis, C. Jauregui, A. Steinmetz, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Smoothed spectra for enhanced dispersion-free pulse duration reduction of passively Q-switched microchip lasersExternal link," Opt. Lett. 39 (3), 505-508 (2014).
202 I. Pupeza, M. Hoegner, J. Weitenberg, S. Holzberger, D. Esser, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, E. Fill, V. S. Yakovlev, "Cavity-Enhanced High-Harmonic Generation with Spatially Tailored Driving FieldsExternal link," Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (10), 103902 (2014).
201 J. Rothhardt, S. Haedrich, S. Demmler, M. Krebs, S. Fritzsche, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Enhancing the Macroscopic Yield of Narrow-Band High-Order Harmonic Generation by Fano ResonancesExternal link," Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (23), 233002 (2014).
200 M. Zurch, J. Rothhardt, S. Hadrich, S. Demmler, M. Krebs, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, A. Guggenmos, U. Kleineberg, C. Spielmann, "Real-time and Sub-wavelength Ultrafast Coherent Diffraction Imaging in the Extreme Ultraviolet.External link," Scientific Reports 4, 7356-7356 (2014).
199 T. Meyer, M. Baumgartl, T. Gottschall, T. Pascher, A. Wuttig, C. Matthäus, B. F. M. Romeike, B. R. Brehm, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, O. Guntinas-Lichius, B. Dietzek, J. U. Popp, J. Popp, "A compact microscope setup for multimodal nonlinear imaging in clinics and its application to disease diagnosticsExternal link," Analyst 138 (14), 4048-4057 (2013).
198 T. Meyer, M. Chemnitz, M. Baumgartl, T. Gottschall, T. Pascher, C. Matthäus, B. F. M. Romeike, B. R. Brehm, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, M. Schmitt, B. Dietzek, J. Popp, "Expanding Multimodal Microscopy by High Spectral Resolution Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Imaging for Clinical Disease DiagnosticsExternal link," Anal. Chem. 85 (14), 6703-6715 (2013).
197 M. Baumgartl, J. Abreu-Afonso, A. Diez, M. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Environmentally stable picosecond Yb fiber laser with low repetition rateExternal link," Appl. Phys. B-Lasers Opt. 111 (1), 39-43 (2013).
196 H. J. Otto, F. Jansen, F. Stutzki, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Improved Modal Reconstruction for Spatially and Spectrally Resolved Imaging (S-2)External link," J. Lightwave Technol. 31 (8), 1295-1299 (2013).
195 C. Jocher, C. Jauregui, M. Becker, M. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "An all-fiber Raman laser for cylindrical vector beam generationExternal link," Laser Phys. Lett. 10 (12), 125108 (2013).
194 C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High-power fibre lasersExternal link," Nat. Photonics 7 (11), 861-867 (2013).
193 G. Mourou, B. Brocklesby, T. Tajima, J. Limpert, "The future is fibre acceleratorsExternal link," Nat. Photonics 7 (4), 258-261 (2013).
192 I. Pupeza, S. Holzberger, T. Eidam, H. Carstens, D. Esser, J. Weitenberg, P. Russbüldt, J. Rauschenberger, J. Limpert, T. Udem, A. Tünnermann, T. W. Hansch, A. Apolonski, F. Krausz, E. Fill, "Compact high-repetition-rate source of coherent 100 eV radiationExternal link," Nat. Photonics 7 (8), 608-612 (2013).
191 M. Krebs, S. Hädrich, S. Demmler, J. Rothhardt, A. Zair, L. Chipperfield, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Towards isolated attosecond pulses at megahertz repetition ratesExternal link," Nat. Photonics 7 (7), 555-559 (2013).
190 C. Jauregui, H. J. Otto, F. Stutzki, F. Jansen, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Passive mitigation strategies for mode instabilities in high-power fiber laser systemsExternal link," Opt. Express 21 (16), 19375-19386 (2013).
189 H. J. Otto, C. Jauregui, F. Stutzki, F. Jansen, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Controlling mode instabilities by dynamic mode excitation with an acousto-optic deflectorExternal link," Opt. Express 21 (14), 17285-17298 (2013).
188 M. Kienel, A. Klenke, T. Eidam, M. Baumgartl, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Analysis of passively combined divided-pulse amplification as an energy-scaling conceptExternal link," Opt. Express 21 (23), 29031-29042 (2013).
187 R. Riedel, M. Schulz, M. J. Prandolini, A. Hage, H. Hoppner, T. Gottschall, J. Limpert, M. Drescher, F. Tavella, "Long-term stabilization of high power optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Express 21 (23), 28987-28999 (2013).
186 A. Klenke, M. Kienel, T. Eidam, S. Hädrich, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Divided-pulse nonlinear compressionExternal link," Opt. Lett. 38 (19), 3866-3869 (2013).
185 A. Klenke, S. Breitkopf, M. Kienel, T. Gottschall, T. Eidam, S. Hädrich, J. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "530 W, 1.3 mJ, four-channel coherently combined femtosecond fiber chirped-pulse amplification systemExternal link," Opt. Lett. 38 (13), 2283-2285 (2013).
184 F. Jansen, F. Stutzki, H. J. Otto, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High-power thermally guiding index-antiguiding-core fibersExternal link," Opt. Lett. 38 (4), 510-512 (2013).
183 F. Stutzki, F. Jansen, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "2.4 mJ, 33 W Q-switched Tm-doped fiber laser with near diffraction-limited beam qualityExternal link," Opt. Lett. 38 (2), 97-99 (2013).
182 J. Rothhardt, S. Demmler, S. Hädrich, T. Peschel, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Thermal effects in high average power optical parametric amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Lett. 38 (5), 763-765 (2013).
181 R. Lehneis, A. Steinmetz, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Wavelength-tunable, sub-picosecond pulses from a passively Q-switched microchip laser systemExternal link," Opt. Lett. 38 (14), 2478-2480 (2013).
180 S. Demmler, J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, M. Krebs, A. Hage, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Generation of high-photon flux-coherent soft x-ray radiation with few-cycle pulsesExternal link," Opt. Lett. 38 (23), 5051-5054 (2013).
179 S. Hädrich, A. Klenke, A. Hoffmann, T. Eidam, T. Gottschall, J. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Nonlinear compression to sub-30-fs, 0.5 mJ pulses at 135 W of average powerExternal link," Opt. Lett. 38 (19), 3866-3869 (2013).
178 S. Fuchs, C. Rodel, M. Krebs, S. Hädrich, J. Bierbach, A. E. Paz, S. Kuschel, M. Wunsche, V. Hilbert, U. Zastrau, E. Forster, J. Limpert, G. G. Paulus, "Sensitivity calibration of an imaging extreme ultraviolet spectrometer-detector system for determining the efficiency of broadband extreme ultraviolet sourcesExternal link," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84 (2), 023101 (2013)
177 M. Baumgartl, B. Ortaç, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Impact of dispersion on pulse dynamics in chirped-pulse fiber lasersExternal link," Appl. Phys. B-Lasers Opt. 107 (2), 263-274 (2012).
176 J. Rothhardt, A. M. Heidt, S. Hädrich, S. Demmler, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High stability soliton frequency-shifting mechanisms for laser synchronization applicationsExternal link," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys. 29 (6), 1257-1262 (2012).
175 J. Limpert, F. Stutzki, F. Jansen, H.-J. Otto, T. Eidam, C. Jauregui, A. Tünnermann, "Yb-doped large-pitch fibres: effective single-mode operation based on higher-order mode delocalisationExternal link," Light-Sci. Appl. 1 (e8), 1-5 (2012).
174 C. Jauregui, A. Steinmetz, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High-power efficient generation of visible and mid-infrared radiation exploiting four-wave-mixing in optical fibersExternal link," Opt. Express 20 (22), 24957-24965 (2012).
173 C. Jauregui, T. Eidam, H.-J. Otto, F. Stutzki, F. Jansen, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Physical origins of mode instabilities in high power fiber laser systemsExternal link," Opt. Express 20 (12), 12912-12925 (2012).
172 C. Jauregui, T. Eidam, H.-J. Otto, F. Stutzki, F. Jansen, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Temperature-induced index gratings and their impact on mode instabilities in high-power fiber laser systemsExternal link," Opt. Express 20 (1), 440-451 (2012).
171 F. Jansen, F. Stutzki, H.-J. Otto, T. Eidam, A. Liem, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Thermally induced waveguide changes in active fibersExternal link," Opt. Express 20 (4), 3997-4008 (2012).
170 H.-J. Otto, F. Stutzki, F. Jansen, T. Eidam, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Temporal dynamics of mode instabilities in high-power fiber lasers and amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Express 20 (14), 15710-15722 (2012).
169 J. Rothhardt, S. Demmler, S. Hädrich, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Octave-spanning OPCPA system delivering CEP-stable few-cycle pulses and 22 W of average power at 1 MHz repetition rateExternal link," Opt. Express 20 (10), 10870-20878 (2012).
168 M. Baumgart, T. Gottschall, J. Abreu-Afonso, A. Diez, T. Meyer, B. Dietzek, M. Rothhardt, J. Popp, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Alignment-free, all-spliced fiber laser source for CARS microscopy based on four-wave-mixingExternal link," Opt. Express 20 (19), 21010-21018 (2012).
167 M. Baumgartl, M. Chemnitz, C. Jauregui, T. Meyer, B. Dietzek, J. Popp, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "All-fiber laser source for CARS microscopy based on fiber optical parametric frequency conversionExternal link," Opt. Express 20 (4), 4484-4493 (2012).
166 M. Chemnitz, M. Baumgartl, T. Meyer, C. Jauregui, B. Dietzek, J. Popp, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Widely tuneable fiber optical parametric amplifier for coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopyExternal link," Opt. Express 20 (24), 26583-26595 (2012).
165 T. Gottschall, M. Baumgartl, A. Sagnier, J. Rothhardt, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Fiber-based source for multiplex-CARS microscopy based on degenerate four-wave mixingExternal link," Opt. Express 20 (11), 12004-12013 (2012).
164 A. Steinmetz, F. Jansen, F. Stutzki, R. Lehneis, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Sub-5-ps, multimegawatt peak-power pulses from a fiber-amplified and optically compressed passively Q-switched microchip laserExternal link," Opt. Lett. 37 (13), 2550-2552 (2012).
163 C. Jocher, T. Eidam, S. Hädrich, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Sub 25 fs pulses from solid-core nonlinear compression stage at 250 W of average powerExternal link," Opt. Lett. 37 (21), 4407-4409 (2012).
162 F. Jansen, F. Stutzki, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High-power very large mode-area thulium-doped fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Lett. 37 (21), 4546-4548 (2012).
161 F. Stutzki, F. Jansen, A. Liem, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "26 mJ, 130 W Q-switched fiber-laser system with near-diffraction-limited beam qualityExternal link," Opt. Lett. 37 (6), 1073-1075 (2012).
160 M. Baumgartl, C. Lecaplain, A. Hideur, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "66 W average power from a microjoule-class sub-100 fs fiber oscillatorExternal link," Opt. Lett. 37 (10), 1640-1642 (2012).
159 R. Lehneis, A. Steinmetz, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Dispersion-free pulse duration reduction of passively Q-switched microchip lasersExternal link," Opt. Lett. 37 (21), 4401-4403 (2012).
158 S. Breitkopf, A. Klenke, Th. Gottschall, H.-J. Otto, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "58 mJ burst comprising ultrashort pulses with homogenous energy level from an Yb-doped fiber amplifierExternal link," Opt. Lett. 37 (24), 5169-5171 (2012).
157 S. Demmler, J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, J. Bromage, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Control of nonlinear spectral phase induced by ultra-broadband optical parametric amplificationExternal link," Opt. Lett. 37 (19), 3933-3935 (2012).
156 S. Hädrich, J. Rothhardt, M. Krebs, S. Demmler, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Improving carrier-envelope phase stability in optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers by control of timing jitterExternal link," Opt. Lett. 37 (23), 4910-4912 (2012).
155 D. Nodop, D. Schimpf, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Highly dynamic and versatile pulsed fiber amplifier seeded by a superluminescence diodeExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 102 (4), 737-741 (2011).
154 M. Baumgartl, B. Ortac, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Ultrashort pulse formation and evolution in mode-locked fiber lasersExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 104 (3, SI), 523-536 (2011).
153 F. Stutzki, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Real-time characterisation of modal content in monolithic few-mode fibre lasersExternal link," C. R. Phys. 47 (4), 274 (2011).
152 J. Limpert, S. Hädrich, J. Rothhardt, M. Krebs, T. Eidam, T. Schreiber, A. Tünnermann, "Ultrafast fiber lasers for strong-field physics experimentsExternal link," Laser Photon. Rev. 5 (5), 634-646 (2011).
151 A. Klenke, E. Seise, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Basic considerations on coherent combining of ultrashort laser pulsesExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (25), 25379-25387 (2011).
150 A. Klenke, E. Seise, S. Demmler, J. Rothhardt, S. Breitkopf, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Coherently-combined two channel femtosecond fiber CPA system producing 3 mJ pulse energyExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (24), 24280-24285 (2011).
149 A. M. Heidt, J. Rothhardt, A. Hartung, H. Bartelt, E. G. Rohwer, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High quality sub-two cycle pulses from compression of supercontinuum generated in all-normal dispersion photonic crystal fiberExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (15), 13873-13879 (2011).
148 A. Steinmetz, T. Eidam, D. Nodop, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Nonlinear compression of Q-Switched laser pulses to the realm of ultrashort durationsExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (4), 3758-3764 (2011).
147 C. Jauregui, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "The impact of modal interference on the beam quality of high-power fiber amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (4), 3258-3271 (2011).
146 C. Jocher, C. Jauregui, C. Voigtländer, F. Stutzki, S. Nolte, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Fiber based polarization filter for radially and azimuthally polarized lightExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (20), 19582-19590 (2011).
145 F. Jansen, F. Stutzki, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Avoided crossings in photonic crystal fibersExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (14), 13578-13589 (2011).
144 F. Stutzki, F. Jansen, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Non-hexagonal Large-Pitch Fibers for enhanced mode discriminationExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (13), 12081-12086 (2011).
143 J. Bromage, J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, C. Dorrer, C. Jocher, S. Demmler, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, J. D. Zuegel, "Analysis and suppression of parasitic processes in noncollinear optical parametric amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (18), 16797-16808 (2011).
142 O. Schmidt, M. Rekas, C. Wirth, J. Rothhardt, S. Rhein, A. Kliner, M. Strecker, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, R. Eberhardt, A. Tünnermann, "High power narrow-band fiber-based ASE sourceExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (5), 4421-4427 (2011).
141 S. Demmler, J. Rothhardt, A. M. Heidt, A. Hartung, E. G. Rohwer, H. Bartelt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Generation of high quality, 1.3 cycle pulses by active phase control of an octave spanning supercontinuumExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (21), 20151-20158 (2011).
140 S. Hädrich, H. Carstens, J. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Multi-gigawatt ultrashort pulses at high repetition rate and average power from two-stage nonlinear compressionExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (8), 7546-7552 (2011).
139 S. Hädrich, M. Krebs, J. Rothhardt, H. Carstens, S. Demmler, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Generation of mu W level plateau harmonics at high repetition rateExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (20), 19374-19383 (2011).
138 T. Eidam, C. Wirth, C. Jauregui, F. Stutzki, F. Jansen, H.-J. Otto, O. Schmidt, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, and A. Tünnermann, "Experimental observations of the threshold-like onset of mode instabilities in high power fiber amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (14), 13218-13224 (2011).
137 T. Eidam, J. Rothhardt, F. Stutzki, F. Jansen, S. Hädrich, H. Carstens, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Fiber chirped-pulse amplification system emitting 3.8 GW peak powerExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (1), 255-260 (2011).
136 T. Eidam, S. Hädrich, F. Jansen, F. Stutzki, J. Rothhardt, H. Carstens, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Preferential gain photonic-crystal fiber for mode stabilization at high average powersExternal link," Opt. Express 19 (9), 8656-8661 (2011).
135 C. Wirth, O. Schmidt, I. Tsybin, T. Schreiber, R. Eberhardt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, K. Ludewigt, M. Gowin, E. ten Have, M. Jung, "High average power spectral beam combining of four fiber amplifiers to 8.2 kWExternal link," Opt. Lett. 36 (16), 3118-3120 (2011).
134 E. Seise, A. Klenke, S. Breitkopf, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "88 W 0.5 mJ femtosecond laser pulses from two coherently combined fiber amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Lett. 36 (19), 3858-3860 (2011).
133 E. Seise, A. Klenke, S. Breitkopf, M. Ploetner, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Coherently combined fiber laser system delivering 120 mu J femtosecond pulsesExternal link," Opt. Lett. 36 (4), 439-441 (2011).
132 F. Stutzki, F. Jansen, T. Eidam, A. Steinmetz, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High average power large-pitch fiber amplifier with robust single-mode operationExternal link," Opt. Lett. 36 (5), 689-691 (2011).
131 F. Stutzki, H.-J. Otto, F. Jansen, C. Gaida, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High-speed modal decomposition of mode instabilities in high-power fiber lasersExternal link," Opt. Lett. 36 (23), 4572-4574 (2011).
130 G. Andriukaitis, D. Kartashov, D. Lorenc, A. Pugzlys, A. Baltuska, L. Giniunas, R. Danielius, J. Limpert, T. Clausnitzer, E. B. Kley, A. Voronin, A. Zheltikov, "Hollow-fiber compression of 6 mJ pulses from a continuous-wave diode-pumped single-stage Yb, Na:CaF(2) chirped pulse amplifierExternal link," Opt. Lett. 36 (10), 1914-1916 (2011).
129 J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, H. Carstens, N. Herrick, S. Demmler, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "1 MHz repetition rate hollow fiber pulse compression to sub-100-fs duration at 100 W average powerExternal link," Opt. Lett. 36 (23), 4605-4607 (2011).
128 J. Rothhardt, T. Eidam, S. Hädrich, F. Jansen, F. Stutzki, T. Gottschall, T. V. Andersen, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "135 W average-power femtosecond pulses at 520 nm from a frequency-doubled fiber laser systemExternal link," Opt. Lett. 36 (3), 316-318 (2011).
127 M. Baumgartl, F. Jansen, F. Stutzki, C. Jauregui, B. Ortac, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High average and peak power femtosecond large-pitch photonic-crystal-fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Lett. 36 (2), 244-246 (2011).
126 M. Schulz, R. Riedel, A. Willner, T. Mans, C. Schnitzler, P. Russbueldt, J. Dolkemeyer, E. Seise, T. Gottschall, S. Hädrich, S. Duesterer, H. Schlarb, J. Feldhaus, J. Limpert, B. Faatz, A. Tünnermann, J. Rossbach, M. Drescher, F. Tavella, "Yb:YAG Innoslab amplifier: efficient high repetition rate subpicosecond pumping system for optical parametric chirped pulse amplificationExternal link," Opt. Lett. 36 (13), 2456-2458 (2011).
125 S. Hädrich, S. Demmler, J. Rothhardt, C. Jocher, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High-repetition-rate sub-5-fs pulses with 12 GW peak power from fiber-amplifier-pumped optical parametric chirped-pulse amplificationExternal link," Opt. Lett. 36 (3), 313-315 (2011).
124 A. Tünnermann, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, "Fiber lasers and amplifiers: an ultrafast performance evolutionExternal link," Appl. Optics 49 (25), F71-F78 (2010).
123 B. Ortac, J. Limpert, S. Jetschke, S. Unger, V. Reichel, J. Kirchhof, A. Tünnermann, "High-energy soliton pulse generation with a passively mode-locked Er/Yb-doped multifilament-core fiber laserExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 98 (1), 27-31 (2010).
122 B. Ortac, M. Ploetner, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Pulse dynamics in a passively mode-locked chirped-pulse fiber laserExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 99 (1-2), 79-82 (2010).
121 S. Döring, A. Ancona, S. Hädrich, J. Limpert, S. Nolte, A. Tünnermann, "Microdrilling of metals using femtosecond laser pulses and high average powers at 515 nm and 1030 nmExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 100 (1), 53-56 (2010).
120 C. Jauregui, S. Böhme, G. Wenetiadis, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Side-pump combiner for all-fiber monolithic fiber lasers and amplifiersExternal link," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys. 27 (5), 1011-1015 (2010).
119 D. N. Schimpf, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Optimization of high performance ultrafast fiber laser systems to > 10 GW peak powerExternal link," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys. 27 (10), 2051-2060 (2010).
118 E. Seise, A. Klenke, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Coherent addition of fiber-amplified ultrashort laser pulsesExternal link," Opt. Express 18 (26), 27827-27835 (2010).
117 F. Jansen, F. Stutzki, H.-J. Otto, M. Baumgartl, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "The influence of index-depressions in core-pumped Yb-doped large pitch fibersExternal link," Opt. Express 18 (26), 26834-26842 (2010).
116 F. Tavella, A. Willner, J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, E. Seise, S. Duesterer, T. Tschentscher, H. Schlarb, J. Feldhaus, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, J. Rossbach, "Fiber-amplifier pumped high average power few-cycle pulse non-collinear OPCPAExternal link," Opt. Express 18 (5), 4689-4694 (2010).
115 I. Pupeza, X. Gu, E. Fill, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, F. Krausz, T. Udem, "Highly sensitive dispersion measurement of a high-power passive optical resonator using spatial-spectral interferometryExternal link," Opt. Express 18 (25), 26184-26195 (2010).
114 J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, E. Seise, M. Krebs, F. Tavella, A. Willner, S. Duesterer, H. Schlarb, J. Feldhaus, J. Limpert, J. Rossbach, A. Tünnermann, "High average and peak power few-cycle laser pulses delivered by fiber pumped OPCPA systemExternal link," Opt. Express 18 (12), 12719-12726 (2010).
113 S. Hädrich, J. Rothhardt, M. Krebs, F. Tavella, A. Willner, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High harmonic generation by novel fiber amplifier based sourcesExternal link," Opt. Express 18 (19), 20242-20250 (2010).
112 S. Hädrich, T. Gottschall, J. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "CW seeded optical parametric amplifier providing wavelength and pulse duration tunable nearly transform limited pulsesExternal link," Opt. Express 18 (3), 3158-3167 (2010).
111 A. Steinmetz, D. Nodop, A. Martin, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Reduction of timing jitter in passively Q-switched microchip lasers using self-injection seedingExternal link," Opt. Lett. 35 (17), 2885-2887 (2010).
110 B. Ortac, A. Zaviyalov, C. K. Nielsen, O. Egorov, R. Iliew, J. Limpert, F. Lederer, A. Tünnermann, "Observation of soliton molecules with independently evolving phase in a mode-locked fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Lett. 35 (10), 1578-1580 (2010).
109 D. Nodop, C. Jauregui, F. Jansen, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Suppression of stimulated Raman scattering employing long period gratings in double-clad fiber amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Lett. 35 (17), 2982-2984 (2010).
108 I. Pupeza, T. Eidam, J. Rauschenberger, B. Bernhardt, A. Ozawa, E. Fill, A. Apolonski, T. Udem, J. Limpert, Z. A. Alahmed, A. M. Azzeer, A. Tünnermann, T. W. Haensch, and F. Krausz, "Power scaling of a high-repetition-rate enhancement cavityExternal link," Opt. Lett. 35 (12), 2052-2054 (2010).
107 M. Baumgartl, B. Ortac, C. Lecaplain, A. Hideur, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Sub-80 fs dissipative soliton large-mode-area fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Lett. 35 (13), 2311-2313 (2010).
106 T. Eidam, S. Hanf, E. Seise, T. V. Andersen, T. Gabler, C. Wirth, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Femtosecond fiber CPA system emitting 830 W average output powerExternal link," Opt. Lett. 35 (2), 94-96 (2010).
105 A. Ancona, D. Nodop, J. Limpert, S. Nolte, A. Tünnermann, "Microdrilling of metals with an inexpensive and compact ultra-short-pulse fiber amplified microchip laserExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 94 (1), 19-24 (2009).
104 A. Steinmetz, D. Nodop, J. Limpert, R. Hohmuth, W. Richter, A. Tünnermann, "2 MHz repetition rate, 200 ps pulse duration from a monolithic, passively Q-switched microchip laserExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 97 (2), 317-320 (2009).
103 D. Nodop, J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Wavelength-independent all-optical synchronization of a Q-switched 100-ps microchip laser to a femtosecond laser reference sourceExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 94 (3), 399-401 (2009).
102 G. Huber, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Solid-state lasers: status and perspectivesExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 97 (2), 249-249 (2009).
101 J. Limpert, F. Roeser, D. N. Schimpf, E. Seise, T. Eidam, S. Hädrich, J. Rothhardt, C. J. Misas, A. Tünnermann, "High Repetition Rate Gigawatt Peak Power Fiber Laser-Systems: Challenges, Design, and ExperimentExternal link," Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. 15 (1), 159-169 (2009).
100 T. Eidam, S. Hädrich, F. Roeser, E. Seise, T. Gottschall, J. Rothhardt, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "A 325-W-Average-Power Fiber CPA System Delivering Sub-400 fs PulsesExternal link," Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. 15 (1), 187-190 (2009).
99 T. Schreiber, C. Wirth, O. Schmidt, T. V. Andersen, I. Tsybin, S. Böhme, T. Peschel, F. Brückner, T. Clausnitzer, F. Roeser, R. Eberhardt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Incoherent Beam Combining of Continuous-Wave and Pulsed Yb-Doped Fiber AmplifiersExternal link," Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. 15 (2), 354-360 (2009).
98 C. Aguergaray, O. Schmidt, J. Rothhardt, D. Schimpf, D. Descamps, S. Petit, J. Limpert, E. Cormier, "Ultra-wide parametric amplification at 800 nm toward octave spanningExternal link," Opt. Express 17 (7), 5153-5162 (2009).
97 C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Derivation of Raman threshold formulas for CW double-clad fiber amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Express 17 (10), 8476-8490 (2009).
96 C. Wirth, O. Schmidt, I. Tsybin, T. Schreiber, T. Peschel, F. Brückner, T. Clausnitzer, J. Limpert, R. Eberhardt, A. Tünnermann, M. Gowin, E. ten Have, K. Ludewigt, M. Jung, "2 kW incoherent beam combining of four narrow-linewidth photonic crystal fiber amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Express 17 (3), 1178-1183 (2009).
95 D. N. Schimpf, E. Seise, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Self-phase modulation compensated by positive dispersion in chirped-pulse systemsExternal link," Opt. Express 17 (7), 4997-5007 (2009).
94 D. N. Schimpf, T. Eidam, E. Seise, S. Hädrich, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Circular versus linear polarization in laser-amplifiers with Kerr-nonlinearityExternal link," Opt. Express 17 (21), 18774-18781 (2009).
93 F. Jansen, D. Nodop, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Modeling the inhibition of stimulated Raman scattering in passive and active fibers by lumped spectral filters in high power fiber laser systemsExternal link," Opt. Express 17 (18), 16255-16265 (2009).
92 J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "80 kHz repetition rate high power fiber amplifier flat-top pulse pumped OPCPA based on BIB(3)O(6)External link," Opt. Express 17 (4), 2508-2517 (2009).
91 J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, T. Gottschall, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, M. Rothhardt, M. Becker, S. Brückner, H. Bartelt, "Generation of flattop pump pulses for OPCPA by coherent pulse stacking with fiber Bragg gratingsExternal link," Opt. Express 17 (18), 16332-16341 (2009).
90 J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, T. Gottschall, T. Clausnitzer, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Compact fiber amplifier pumped OPCPA system delivering Gigawatt peak power 35 fs pulsesExternal link," Opt. Express 17 (26), 24130-24136 (2009).
89 O. Schmidt, C. Wirth, D. Nodop, J. Limpert, T. Schreiber, T. Peschel, R. Eberhardt, A. Tünnermann, "Spectral beam combination of fiber amplified ns-pulses by means of interference filtersExternal link," Opt. Express 17 (25), 22974-22982 (2009).
88 S. Hädrich, J. Rothhardt, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High energy ultrashort pulses via hollow fiber compression of a fiber chirped pulse amplification systemExternal link," Opt. Express 17 (5), 3913-3922 (2009).
87 A. Ancona, S. Döring, C. Jauregui, F. Roeser, J. Limpert, S. Nolte, A. Tünnermann, "Femtosecond and picosecond laser drilling of metals at high repetition rates and average powersExternal link," Opt. Lett. 34 (21), 3304-3306 (2009).
86 B. Ortac, M. Baumgartl, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Approaching microjoule-level pulse energy with mode-locked femtosecond fiber lasersExternal link," Opt. Lett. 34 (10), 1585-1587 (2009).
85 D. N. Schimpf, E. Seise, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Control of the optical Kerr effect in chirped-pulse-amplification systems using model-based phase shapingExternal link," Opt. Lett. 34 (24), 3788-3790 (2009).
84 D. Nodop, C. Jauregui, D. Schimpf, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Efficient high-power generation of visible and mid-infrared light by degenerate four-wave-mixing in a large-mode-area photonic-crystal fiberExternal link," Opt. Lett. 34 (22), 3499-3501 (2009).
83 J. Boullet, Y. Zaouter, J. Limpert, S. Petit, Y. Mairesse, B. Fabre, J. Higuet, E. Mevel, E. Constant, E. Cormier, "High-order harmonic generation at a megahertz-level repetition rate directly driven by an ytterbium-doped-fiber chirped-pulse amplification systemExternal link," Opt. Lett. 34 (9), 1489-1491 (2009).
82 O. Schmidt, C. Wirth, I. Tsybin, T. Schreiber, R. Eberhardt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Average power of 1.1 kW from spectrally combined, fiber-amplified, nanosecond-pulsed sourcesExternal link," Opt. Lett. 34 (10), 1567-1569 (2009).
81 O. Schmidt, T. V. Andersen, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "187 W, 3.7 mJ from spectrally combined pulsed 2 ns fiber amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Lett. 34 (3), 226-228 (2009).
80 D. Nodop, S. Linke, F. Jansen, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, L. Rindorf, "Long period gratings written in large-mode area photonic crystal fiberExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 92 (4), 509-512 (2008).
79 G. Huber, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Special issue: Solid-state lasers: status and perspectivesExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 93 (2-3, SI), 267-268 (2008).
78 T. Eidam, F. Roeser, O. Schmidt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "57 W, 27 fs pulses from a fiber laser system using nonlinear compressionExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 92 (1), 9-12 (2008).
77 G. Matthäus, B. Ortac, J. Limpert, S. Nolte, R. Hohmuth, M. Voitsch, W. Richter, B. Pradarutti, A. Tünnermann, "Intracavity terahertz generation inside a high-energy ultrafast soliton fiber laserExternal link," Appl. Phys. B-Lasers Opt. 93 (26), 261105 (2008).
76 F. Roser, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Ultrafast fiber laser reaches gigawatt peak powersExternal link," Laser Focus World 44 (5), 91 (2008).
75 A. Ancona, F. Roeser, K. Rademaker, J. Limpert, S. Nolte, A. Tünnermann, "High speed laser drilling of metals using a high repetition rate, high average power ultrafast fiber CPA systemExternal link," Opt. Express 16 (12), 8958-8968 (2008).
74 A. Cabasse, B. Ortac, G. Martel, A. Hideur, J. Limpert, "Dissipative solitons in a passively mode-locked Er-doped fiber with strong normal dispersionExternal link," Opt. Express 16 (23), 19322-19329 (2008).
73 B. Ortac, C. Lecaplain, A. Hideur, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Passively mode-locked single-polarization microstructure fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Express 16 (3), 2122-2128 (2008).
72 D. N. Schimpf, C. Ruchert, D. Nodop, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, F. Salin, "Compensation of pulse-distortion in saturated laser amplifiersExternal link," Opt. Express 16 (22), 17637-17646 (2008).
71 D. N. Schimpf, E. Seise, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Decrease of pulse-contrast in nonlinear chirped-pulse amplification systems due to high-frequency spectral phase ripplesExternal link," Opt. Express 16 (12), 8876-8886 (2008).
70 D. N. Schimpf, E. Seise, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "The impact of spectral modulations on the contrast of pulses of nonlinear chirped-pulse amplification systemsExternal link," Opt. Express 16 (14), 10664-10674 (2008).
69 F. Roeser, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "94 W 980 nm high brightness Yb-doped fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Express 16 (22), 17310-17318 (2008).
68 J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, F. Roeser, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "500 MW peak power degenerated optical parametric amplifier delivering 52 fs pulses at 97 kHz repetition rateExternal link," Opt. Express 16 (12), 8981-8988 (2008).
67 O. Schmidt, J. Rothhardt, T. Eidam, F. Roeser, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, K. P. Hansen, C. Jakobsen, J. Broeng, "Single-polarization ultra-large-mode-area Yb-doped photonic crystal fiberExternal link," Opt. Express 16 (6), 3918-3923 (2008).
66 S. Hädrich, J. Rothhardt, F. Roeser, T. Gottschall, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Degenerate optical parametric amplifier delivering sub 30 fs pulses with 2GW peak powerExternal link," Opt. Express 16 (24), 19812-19820 (2008).
65 J. Thomas, C. Voigtländer, D. Schimpf, F. Stutzki, E. Wikszak, J. Limpert, S. Nolte, A. Tünnermann, "Continuously chirped fiber Bragg gratings by femtosecond laser structuringExternal link," Opt. Lett. 33 (14), 1560-1562 (2008).
64 J. Limpert, F. Roeser, S. Klingebiel, T. Schreiber, C. Wirth, T. Peschel, R. Eberhardt, A. Tünnermann, "The rising power of fiber lasers and amplifiersExternal link," Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. 13 (3), 537-545 (2007).
63 B. Pradarutti, G. Matthäus, S. Riehemann, G. Notni, J. Limpert, S. Nolte, A. Tünnermann, "Electro-optical sampling of ultrashort THz pulses by fs-laser pulses at 530 nm with BaTiO3External link," J. Appl. Phys. 102 (9), 093105 (2007).
62 D. N. Schimpf, J. Rothhardt, J. Limpert, A. Ttinnermann, D. C. Hanna, "Theoretical analysis of the gain bandwidth for noncollinear parametric amplification of ultrafast pulsesExternal link," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys. 24 (11), 2837-2846 (2007).
61 S. Klingebiel, F. Roeser, B. Ortac, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Spectral beam combining of Yb-doped fiber lasers with high efficiencyExternal link," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys. 24 (8), 1716-1720 (2007).
60 T. Schreiber, D. Schimpf, D. Müller, F. Roeser, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Influence of pulse shape in self-phase-modulation-limited chirped pulse fiber amplifier systemsExternal link," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys. 24 (8), 1809-1814 (2007).
59 B. Ortac, M. Ploetner, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Self-starting passively mode-locked chirped-pulse fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Express 15 (25), 16794-16799 (2007).
58 B. Ortac, M. Ploetner, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Experimental and numerical study of pulse dynamics in positive net-cavity dispersion mode-locked Yb-doped fiber lasersExternal link," Opt. Express 15 (23), 15595-15602 (2007).
57 B. Ortac, O. Schmidt, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, A. Hideur, "High-energy femtosecond Yb-doped dispersion compensation free fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Express 15 (17), 10725-10732 (2007).
56 C. Aguergaray, T. V. Andersen, D. N. Schimpf, O. Schmidt, J. Rothhardt, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, E. Cormier, A. Tünnermann, "Parametric amplification and compression to ultrashort pulse duration of resonant linear wavesExternal link," Opt. Express 15 (9), 5699-5710 (2007).
55 D. N. Schimpf, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Controlling the influence of SPM in fiber-based chirped-pulse amplification systems by using an actively shaped parabolic spectrumExternal link," Opt. Express 15 (25), 16945-16953 (2007).
54 J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, D. N. Schimpf, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High repetition rate fiber amplifier pumped sub-20 fs optical parametric amplifierExternal link," Opt. Express 15 (25), 16729-16736 (2007).
53 T. Schreiber, B. Ortac, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "On the study of pulse evolution in ultra-short pulse mode-locked fiber lasers by numerical simulationsExternal link," Opt. Express 15 (13), 8252-8262 (2007).
52 B. Ortac, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "High-energy femtosecond Yb-doped fiber laser operating in the anomalous dispersion regimeExternal link," Opt. Lett. 32 (15), 2149-2151 (2007).
51 C. Lecaplain, C. Chedot, A. Hideur, B. Ortac, J. Limpert, "High-power all-normal-dispersion femtosecond pulse generation from a Yb-doped large-mode-area microstructure fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Lett. 32 (18), 2738-2740 (2007).
50 D. Nodop, J. Limpert, R. Hohmuth, W. Richter, M. Guina, A. Tünnermann, "High-pulse-energy passively Q-switched quasi-monolithic microchip lasers operating in the sub-100-ps pulse regimeExternal link," Opt. Lett. 32 (15), 2115-2117 (2007).
49 E. Wikszak, J. Thomas, S. Klingebiel, B. Ortac, J. Limpert, S. Nolte, A. Tünnermann, "Linearly polarized ytterbium fiber laser based on intracore femtosecond-written fiber Bragg gratingsExternal link," Opt. Lett. 32 (18), 2756-2758 (2007).
48 F. Roeser, D. Schimpf, O. Schmidt, B. Ortac, K. Rademaker, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "90 W average power 100 mu J energy femtosecond fiber chirped-pulse amplification systemExternal link," Opt. Lett. 32 (15), 2230-2232 (2007).
47 F. Roeser, T. Eidam, J. Rothhardt, O. Schmidt, D. N. Schimpf, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Millijoule pulse energy high repetition rate femtosecond fiber chirped-pulse amplification systemExternal link," Opt. Lett. 32 (24), 3495-3497 (2007).
46 O. Schmidt, J. Rothhardt, F. Roeser, S. Linke, T. Schreiber, K. Rademaker, J. Limpert, S. Ermeneux, P. Yvernault, F. Salin, A. Tünnermann, "Millijoule pulse energy Q-switched short-length fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Lett. 32 (11), 1551-1553 (2007).
45 B. Ortac, A. Hideur, C. Chedot, M. Brunel, G. Martel, J. Limpert, "Self-similar low-noise femtosecond ytterbium-doped double-clad fiber laserExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 85 (1), 63-67 (2006).
44 B. Pradarutti, G. Matthäus, C. Brückner, J. Limpert, S. Riehemann, G. Notni, S. Nolte, A. Tünnermann, "Electrooptical sampling of ultra-short THz pulses by fs-laser pulses at 1060 nmExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 85 (1), 59-62 (2006).
43 J. Limpert, F. Roser, T. Schreiber, I. Manek-Honninger, F. Salin, A. Tünnermann, "Ultrafast high power fiber laser systemsExternal link," C. R. Phys. 7 (2), 187-197 (2006).
42 J. Limpert, F. Roser, T. Schreiber, A. Tünnermann, "High-power ultrafast fiber laser systemsExternal link," Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. 12 (2), 233-244 (2006).
41 G. Martel, A. Hideur, B. Ortac, J. B. Lecourt, C. Chedot, M. Brunel, B. Cheron, J. Limpert, T. Tünnermann, P. Grelu, M. Gicquel-Guezo, C. Labbe, S. Loualiche, P. Roussignol, F. Sanchez, H. Leblond, A. Komarov, "Potentialities of fiber lasers in the generation of coherent UV radiationExternal link," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 138, 127-140 (2006).
40 G. Matthäus, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, S. Nolte, G. Torosyan, R. Beigang, S. Riehemann, G. Notni, A. Tünnermann, "Surface-emitted THz generation using a compact ultrashort pulse fiber amplifier at 1060 nmExternal link," Opt. Commun. 261 (1), 114-117 (2006).
39 B. Ortac, A. Hideur, M. Brunel, C. Chedot, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, F. Ilday, "Generation of parabolic bound pulses from a Yb-fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Express 14 (13), 6075-6083 (2006).
38 J. Limpert, O. Schmidt, J. Rothhardt, F. Roser, T. Schreiber, A. Tünnermann, S. Ermeneux, P. Yvernault , F. Salin, "Extended single-mode photonic crystal fiber lasersExternal link," Opt. Express 14 (7), 2715-2720 (2006).
37 S. Hädrich, T. Schreiber, T. Pertsch, J. Limpert, T. Peschel, R. Eberhardt, A. Tünnermann, "Thermo-optical behavior of rare-earth-doped low-NA fibers in high power operationExternal link," Opt. Express 14 (13), 6091-6097 (2006).
36 T. Andersen, O. Schmidt, C. Bruchmann, J. Limpert, C. Aguergaray, E. Cormier, A. Tünnermann, "High repetition rate tunable femtosecond pulses and broadband amplification from fiber laser pumped parametric amplifierExternal link," Opt. Express 14 (11), 4765-4773 (2006).
35 E. Wikszak, J. Thomas, J. Burghoff, B. Ortac, J. Limpert, S. Nolte, U. Fuchs, A. Tünnermann, "Erbium fiber laser based on intracore femtosecond-written fiber Bragg gratingExternal link," Opt. Lett. 31 (16), 2390-2392 (2006).
34 T. Schreiber, C. Nielsen, B. Ortac, J. Limpert, "Microjoule-level all-polarization-maintaining femtosecond fiber sourceExternal link," Opt. Lett. 31 (5), 574-576 (2006).
33 J. Limpert, N. Deguil-Robin, S. Petit, I. Manek-Honninger, F. Salin, P. Rigail, C. Honninger, E. Mottay, "High power Q-switched Yb-doped photonic crystal fiber laser producing sub-10 ns pulsesExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 81 (1), 19-21 (2005).
32 A. Tünnermann, T. Schreiber, F. Roser, A. Liem, S. Hofer, H. Zellmer, S. Nolte, J. Limpert, "The renaissance and bright future of fibre lasersExternal link," J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38 (9, SI), S681-S693 (2005).
31 A. Tünnermann, S. Hofer, S. Liem, J. Limpert, M. Reich, F. Roser, T. Schreiber, H. Zellmer, T. Peschel, V. Guyenot, "Power scaling of high-power fiber lasers and amplifiersExternal link," Laser Phys. 15 (1), 107-117 (2005).
30 C. Nielsen, B. Ortac, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, R. Hohmuth, W. Richter, A. Tünnermann, "Self-starting self-similar all-polarization maintaining Yb-doped fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Express 13 (23), 9346-9351 (2005).
29 J. Limpert, C. Aguergaray, S. Montant, I. Manek-Honninger, S. Petit, D. Descamps, E. Cormier, F. Salin, "Ultra-broad bandwidth parametric amplification at degeneracyExternal link," Opt. Express 13 (19), 7386-7392 (2005).
28 J. Limpert, N. Robin, I. Manek-Honninger, F. Salin, F. Roser, A. Liem, T. Schreiber, S. Nolte, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, J. Broeng, A. Petersson, C. Jakobsen, "High-power rod-type photonic crystal fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Express 13 (4), 1055-1058 (2005).
27 T. Schreiber, F. Roser, O. Schmidt, J. Limpert, R. Iliew, F. Lederer, A. Petersson, C. Jacobsen, K. Hansen, J. Broeng, A. Tünnermann, "Stress-induced single-polarization single-transverse mode photonic crystal fiber with low nonlinearityExternal link," Opt. Express 13 (19), 7621-7630 (2005).
26 T. Schreiber, H. Schultz, O. Schmidt, F. Roser, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Stress-induced birefringence in large-mode-area micro-structured optical fibersExternal link," Opt. Express 13 (10), 3637-3646 (2005).
25 T. Schreiber, T. Andersen, D. Schimpf, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "Supercontinuum generation by femtosecond single and dual wavelength pumping in photonic crystal fibers with two zero dispersion wavelengthsExternal link," Opt. Express 13 (23), 9556-9569 (2005).
24 F. Roser, J. Rothhard, B. Ortac, A. Liem, O. Schmidt, T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, "131 W 220 fs fiber laser systemExternal link," Opt. Lett. 30 (20), 2754-2756 (2005).
23 J. Limpert, N. Deguil-Robin, I. Manek-Honninger, F. Salin, T. Schreiber, A. Liem, E. Roser, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, A. Courjaud, C. Honninger, E. Mottay, "High-power picosecond fiber amplifier based on nonlinear spectral compressionExternal link," Opt. Lett. 30 (7), 714-716 (2005).
22 J. Limpert, A. Liem, M. Reich, T. Schreiber, S. Nolte, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, J. Broeng, A. Petersson, C. Jakobsen, "Low-nonlinearity single-transverse-mode ytterbium-doped photonic crystal fiber amplifierExternal link," Opt. Express 12 (7), 1313-1319 (2004).
21 J. Limpert, A. Liem, T. Schreiber, F. Roser, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, "Scaling single-mode photonic crystal fiber lasers to kilowattsExternal link," Photon. Spect. 38 (5), 54 (2004).
20 A. Tünnermann, J. Limpert, S. Nolte, "Ultrashort pulse fiber lasers and amplifiersExternal link," Top. Appl. Phys. 96, 35-53 (2004).
19 T. Clausnitzer, J. Limpert, K. Zollner, H. Zellmer, H. Fuchs, E. Kley, A. Tünnermann, M. Jupe, D. Ristau, "Highly efficient transmission gratings in fused silica for chirped-pulse amplification systemsExternal link," Appl. Optics 42 (34), 6934-6938 (2003).
18 J. Limpert, A. Liem, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, "500W continuous-wave fibre laser with excellent beam qualityExternal link," C. R. Phys. 39 (8), 645-647 (2003).
17 T. Schreiber, J. Limpert, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, K. Hansen, "High average power supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibersExternal link," Opt. Commun. 228 (1-3), 71-78 (2003).
16 J. Limpert, T. Schreiber, A. Liem, S. Nolte, H. Zellmer, T. Peschel, V. Guyenot, A. Tünnermann, "Thermo-optical properties of air-clad photonic crystal fiber lasers in high power operationExternal link," Opt. Express 11 (22), 2982-2990 (2003).
15 J. Limpert, T. Schreiber, S. Nolte, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, "All fiber chirped-pulse amplification system based on compression in air-guiding photonic bandgap fiberExternal link," Opt. Express 11 (24), 3332-3337 (2003).
14 J. Limpert, T. Schreiber, S. Nolte, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, R. Iliew, F. Lederer, J. Broeng, G. Vienne, A. Petersson, C. Jakobsen, "High-power air-clad large-mode-area photonic crystal fiber laserExternal link," Opt. Express 11 (7), 818-823 (2003).
13 A. Liem, J. Limpert, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, "100-W single-frequency master-oscillator fiber power amplifierExternal link," Opt. Lett. 28 (17), 1537-1539 (2003).
12 J. Limpert, T. Clausnitzer, A. Liem, T. Schreiber, H. Fuchs, H. Zellmer, E. Kley, A. Tünnermann, "High-average-power femtosecond fiber chirped-pulse amplification systemExternal link," Opt. Lett. 28 (20), 1984-1986 (2003).
11 J. Limpert, S. Hoffer, A. Liem, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, S. Knoke, H. Voelckel, "100-W average-powerg high-energy nanosecond fiber amplifierExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 75 (4-5), 477-479 (2002).
10 J. Limpert, T. Gabler, A. Liem, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, "SPM-induced spectral compression of picosecond pulses in a single-mode Yb-doped fiber amplifierExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 74 (2), 191-195 (2002).
9 A. Liem, J. Limpert, T. Schreiber, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, V. Reichel, S. Unger, S. Jetschke, H. Müller, "High power fiber laser and amplifier systems," Electron. Lett. 75 (C1), 211-222 (2002).
8 J. Limpert, T. Schreiber, T. Clausnitzer, K. Zollner, H. Fuchs, E. Kley, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, "High-power femtosecond Yb-doped fiber amplifierExternal link," Opt. Express 10 (14), 628-638 (2002).
7 D. Nickel, A. Liem, J. Limpert, H. Zellmer, U. Griebner, S. Unger, G. Korn, A. Tünnermann, "Fiber based high repetition rate, high energy laser source applying chirped pulse amplificationExternal link," Opt. Commun. 190 (1-6), 309-315 (2001).
6 J. Limpert, A. Liem, T. Gabler, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, S. Unger, S. Jetschke, H.-R. Müller, "High-average-power picosecond Yb-doped fiber amplifierExternal link," Opt. Lett. 26 (23), 1849-1851 (2001).
5 S. Hofer, A. Liem, J. Limpert, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, S. Unger, S. Jetschke, H. Müller, I. Freitag, "Single-frequency master-oscillator fiber power amplifier system emitting 20 W of powerExternal link," Opt. Lett. 26 (17), 1326-1328 (2001).
4 A. Liem, D. Nickel, J. Limpert, H. Zellmer, U. Griebner, S. Unger, A. Tünnermann, G. Korn, "High average power ultra-fast fiber chirped pulse amplification systemExternal link," Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 71 (6), 889-891 (2000).
3 J. Limpert, H. Zelimer, A. Tünnermann, D. Lancaster, R. Weidner, D. Richter, F. Tittel, "Tunable continuous wave DFG-based gas sensor using fibre amplified 1.5 mu m external cavity diode laser and high power 1 mu m diode laserExternal link," C. R. Phys. 36 (20), 1739-1741 (2000).
2 J. Limpert, H. Zellmer, P. Riedel, G. Maze, A. Tünnermann, "Laser oscillation in yellow and blue spectral range in Dy3+: ZBLANExternal link," C. R. Phys. 36 (16), 1386-1387 (2000).
1 D. Lancaster, R. Weidner, D. Richter, F. Tittel, J. Limpert, "Compact CH4 sensor based on difference frequency mixing of diode lasers in quasi-phasematched LiNbO3External link," Opt. Commun. 175 (4-6), 461-468 (2000).