Fiber Technology to Investigate the Performance Limpits of Laser Fibers


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Subproject: "Microstructure technology for overcoming the performance limits of fiber-based laser systems"

Thuringian research group

The aim of the main project is to investigate limiting effects of the power scaling of fibers for laser systems with excellent beam quality. The basis for this is the approved cooperation between the IAP / Fraunhofer IOF Jena and the Leibniz IPHT Jena.
Objective of the subproject: The aim is to promote the performance scaling of fiber laser systems with excellent beam quality. 

From a physical point of view, the reduction of photo darkening and the associated increase in the mode instability threshold are necessary. Technologically, this can be achieved by optimizing the material technology (optimization of the material system, doping concentration, etc.), in the field of fiber technology (optimization of the manufacturing conditions, ...), by nano- and / or micro structuring of the fibers and by the development of the longer-wave spectral range (2 μm ) for high-performance applications.
The combination of the diverse and comprehensive competences of the project partners provides ideal conditions for the joint development of new solution strategies for the continuation of the performance scaling of high-performance fiber lasers.