
X-Ray - Bioimaging

This project aims at developing a world-unique coherent soft X-ray source for applications in imaging and spectroscopy. A high power 2µm wavelength laser system will be employed to generate high-order harmonics up to ~500 eV photon energy. This includes the so-called water window, which is particularly interesting for applications in biology and life sciences. This light source will for-example enable high performance 2D and 3D imaging of biological cells and cell-consortia with resolutions of a few-10 nanometers. In close collaboration between various research groups, these novel imaging capabilities shall be applied to latest biological research topics. In future, even the detection of smallest protein complexes being relevant for the diagnosis of a number of diseases appears feasible.
The light source will significantly strengthen the link between physics and life sciences and enable cutting-edge interdisciplinary research including researchers from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and from external partners in science and industry.

The project is funded by the Free State of Thuringia under 2017FGI0030 and co-financed by European Union funds under the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE).

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    FKZ: 2017FGI0030