Dr. J. Rothhardt at a research laboratory
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Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy and Microscopy

Research Group
Dr. J. Rothhardt at a research laboratory
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

The Soft X-ray Spectroscopy and Microscopy group led by Jan Rothhardt is based at the Helmholtz Institute JenaExternal link and the Institute of Applied Physics. It focuses on the development and applications of high photon flux XUV and soft x-ray sources. Such sources are enabled by high harmonic generation with high average power femtosecond fiber lasers. This combination enables average powers up to the Milliwatt level in the XUV. In addition, these source provide excellent beam quality and spatial coherence, which enables coherent diffraction imaging down to the nanoscale. Moreover their ultrashort pulse duration enables ultrafast spectroscopy of fundamental dynamics in atoms, molecules and (highly-charged) ions.

  • Research areas

    The group investigates matter on smallest spatial and temporal scales by using modern laser-based XUV and soft x-ray sources. Our research interests include:

    • laser-based short wavelength sources
    • nanometer scale imaging techniques
    • ultrafast XUV spectroscopy of molecules and highly-charged ions
  • Research methods

    The group uses a variety of modern imaging and spectroscopy techniques including:

    • coherent diffraction imaging and holographic techniques
    • XUV Laser spectroscopy & XUV Fourier-Transform spectroscop
    • ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy

    The group utilizes modern experimental equipment including:

    • high average power femtosecond lasers
    • high photon flux table-top XUV and soft x-ray sources
    • XUV and soft x-ray spectrometers and detectors
Themes for Internship and Thesis  - Job offer
Themes for Internship and Thesis - Job offer
Image: IAP