Different simulation results of different effects and tools.
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Laser-Simulation Tools

Different simulation results of different effects and tools.
Image: IAP (University Jena)

The extreme performance that are nowadays required from fiber laser systems demand a detailed understanding of the physical processes occurring in them. This often requires a multi-physics analysis of the laser operation involving, for example, the impact of thermo-optic and elasto-optic effects in the laser dynamics. The operation of such complex systems can only be fully understood using (and developing) state-of-the-art simulation tools, which allow predicting and analyzing the laser performance.

At the fiber & waveguide lasers group we have developed over the years a wide variety of numerical tools that allow simulating complete multi-stage fiber laser systems, complex fiber designs, laser dynamics, the propagation of electromagnetic radiation within active fibers, thermo-optic and elasto-optic effects, the modal behavior of advance fiber laser systems, etc. These versatile tools help us in our daily task of advancing the technology of fiber lasers and coming up with new and improved fiber designs.

  • Selected publications

    [1] C. Jauregui, T. Eidam, H. Otto, F. Stutzki, F. Jansen, J. Limpert, and
    A. Tünnermann, "Temperature-induced index gratings and their impact on mode instabilities in high-power fiber laser systems," Opt. Express 20, 440 (2012).
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    [2] C. Jauregui, C. Stihler, A. Tünnermann, and J. Limpert, "Pump-modulation-induced beam stabilization in high-power fiber laser systems above the mode instability threshold," Opt. Express 26, 10691 (2018). link to journalExternal link

    [3] C. Stihler, C. Jauregui, A. Tünnermann, and J. Limpert, "Modal energy transfer by thermally-induced refractive index gratings in Yb-doped fibers," Light Sci. Appl. submitted, (2018). link to journalExternal link

    [4] C. Jauregui, H.-J. Otto, F. Stutzki, J. Limpert, and A. Tünnermann, "Simplified modelling the mode instability threshold of high power fiber amplifiers in the presence of photodarkening," Opt. Express 23, 20203 (2015). link to journalExternal link

    [5] C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, and A. Tünnermann, "Derivation of Raman threshold formulas for CW double-clad fiber amplifiers," Opt. Express 17, 8476-8490 (2009). link to journalExternal link

    [6] D. Nodop, C. Jauregui, D. Schimpf, J. Limpert, and a Tünnermann, "Efficient high-power generation of visible and mid-infrared light by degenerate four-wave-mixing in a large-mode-area photonic-crystal fiber.," Opt. Lett. 34, 3499-501 (2009).
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    [7] C. Gaida, M. Gebhardt, F. Stutzki, C. Jauregui, J. Limpert, and A. Tünnermann, "Self-compression in a solid fiber to 24 MW peak power with few-cycle pulses at 2 um wavelength," Opt. Lett. 40, 5160-5163 (2015). link to journalExternal link