PhD student Robert Klas at the laboratory.
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Fiber & Waveguide Lasers

Breaking the limits of performance
PhD student Robert Klas at the laboratory.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

At the fiber & waveguide lasers group we are constantly striving for further developments in fiber lasers. From all the laser concepts, fiber lasers are the one which has experienced the most dramatic development in the last decades. Fiber lasers have evolved from laboratory curiosities to full-fledged high-power systems with a deep penetration in both scientific and industrial applications.

We offer multitude of opportunities for lab works, bachelor and master theses as well as PhD and postdoc positions. All the topics are strongly connected to current research activities. For any further information do not hesitate in contacting us.

Jens Limpert, Prof. Dr
Head of Department
Portrait Jens Limpert
Image: Walter, Fraunhofer IOF