Dr. Fabian Steinlechner in a discussion with an Alumnus.
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Interchanging between former and current colleagues from the IAP and Fraunhofer IOF
Dr. Fabian Steinlechner in a discussion with an Alumnus.
Image: I.Winkler, IAP (University Jena)

Good bye and Hello!

Farewell always has something of joy and regret - one is looking forward to new challenges and hopes for something good for the future. On the other hand, it is also difficult to leave the known behind. Friends and colleagues who have grown on you, familiar places and routines cherished.
Nevertheless, simply stay connected to us! We look forward to hearing from you and want to know where your path from Jena has led you.
We also want to tell you what's new over here - read about it in our common magazine for alumni of the IAP and Fraunhofer IOFExternal link.
Of course we are also in close contact to the alumni network of the Facultity of Physics and Astronomy PAF-Alumni and Friedrich Schiller University JenAlumni de.


The next Alumni-Day is on 26th September 2024 at the Fraunhofer IOF.

Dr. Falk Eilenberger and Dr. Thomas Siefke will held a talk about their reseach work.

More information about the program you will find here.

Registation under Alumni-NetzwerktreffenExternal link

Alumni in dialogue

Lösungen mit Licht - our joint Magazine about News of the Insitutes
Since 2020 dispatch via mailing list

  • Cover of 2015-1 IAP IOF Magazin
    Cover of 2015-1 IAP IOF Magazin
    Image: IAP & Fraunhofer IOF
  • Cover of 2015-2 IAP IOF Magazin
    Cover of 2015-2 IAP IOF Magazin
    Image: IAP & Fraunhofer IOF
  • Cover of 2016 IAP IOF Magazin
    Cover of 2016 IAP IOF Magazin
    Image: IAP & Fraunhofer IOF
  • Cofer of 2017 IAP IOF Magazin
    Cofer of 2017 IAP IOF Magazin
    Image: IAP & Fraunhofer IOF
  • Cover of 2018 IAP IOF Magazin 2
    Cover of 2018 IAP IOF Magazin 2
    Image: IAP & Fraunhofer IOF
  • Cover of 2018 IAP IOF Magazin 2
    Cover of 2018 IAP IOF Magazin 2
    Image: IAP & Fraunhofer IOF
  • Cover of 2019 IAP IOF Magazin 1
    Cover of 2019 IAP IOF Magazin 1
    Image: IAP & Fraunhofer IOF
  • Cover of 2019 IAP IOF Magazin 2
    Cover of 2019 IAP IOF Magazin 2
    Image: IAP & Fraunhofer IOF


Public Relations | Alumni
Ira Winkler
PR / Administration
Portrait Ira Winkler
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
IAP, Room 305
Albert-Einstein-Straße 15
07745 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link