Poster session at DoKDoKlite in 2021
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Once again, good scientific exchange!

Due to the pandemic, conferences were cancelled or held online in accordance with the contact restrictions. This was necessary, but nevertheless something was missing in the research world.
Poster session at DoKDoKlite in 2021
Image: IAP (University Jena)


Fatemeh Alsadat Abtahi at the DoKDoKlite 2021
Fatemeh Alsadat Abtahi at the DoKDoKlite 2021
Image: J.Gour (University Jena)

Above all, researchers are people who value face-to-face interaction and need personal feedback.

Thus, this year's DoKDoK was therefore particularly appreciated and the joy about the successes is correspondingly great - because the achievements of IAP doctoral students were awarded no less than 3 times:

2nd place of the Poster Session goes to Fatemeh A. Abtahi. She documents Second-harmonic generation (SHG) by means of Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (PEALD) on fused silica substrates, which is well beyond the level that can be expected for simple surfaces.

The 1st place Poster Session is won by Katsuya Tanaka with the topic "Femtosecond pulse shaping with semiconductor Huygens' metasurfaces". In it, he demonstrates pulse shaping at a femtosecond time scale using a silicon metasurface installed in a 4-f system. It was possible to experimentally control the temporal width of an ultrashort Gaussian laser pulse through the metasurface design. This enables new opportunities of laser material processing, quantum state encoding, ultrafast biochemical reactions, and optical communication [1].

Maximilian Weissflog's talk "Describing SPDC in Nanoresonators Using Quasinormal Mode Expansions" was awarded as Best Talk. He talked about spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC), which is also called the workhorse for generating of photon pairs. It is what many quantum optical experiments rely on. Maximilian explains, " While most SPDC sources are implemented using devices that are much larger than the wavelength of light, recently subwavelength dielectric nanoresonators have been demonstrated as a new platform for photon-pair generation. These photonic nanostructures give control over many parameters of the scattered light (direction, polarization etc.), however their design and rigorous description is challenging. Here, we overcome this problem by describing SPDC in nanoresonators in terms of their complex-valued, natural resonances, the quasinormal modes (QNMs) in combination with a Green's function formalism. We demonstrate, that our QNM SPDC formalism provides a capable tool for designing nanoscale photon-pair sources via targeted engineering of their natural resonances."

Congratulations on these fine achievements!


[1] A. M. Weiner,, Appl. Opt. 47 A88 (2008)