How basic University research can be transformed into innovative industral applications in most rapid manner

Friedrich Hund Award 2021 to Daniel Werdehausen


Daniel Werdehausen presents his research results.
Daniel Werdehausen presents his research results.
Image: PAF (University Jena)

"... This was impressively demonstrated by Daniel Werdehausen in his doctoral thesis on "Nanocomposites as next generation optical materials: fundamental properties and potential", said the doctoral supervisor and laudator of the Friedrich Hund Dissertation Award 2021 of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy Prof. Thomas Pertsch.
Mr. Werdehausen has investigated the fundamental properties of optical nanocomposites and their potential for further development of real optical systems. His work thus continues the approximately 20 years of very intensive research activity worldwide on optical metamaterials, which, however, had so far found little entry into real optical systems, and this despite the fact that from an application point of view there is a high demand for material innovations for the further development of optical systems. "In this regard, Daniel Werdehausen has created a very precise scientific work, which gives the research field of nano-optics a completely new and extremely realistic application perspective and will therefore serve as the basis for a wide range of further research work in the future," Prof. Pertsch further compliments, referring to the 6 publications, 3 patent documents and a monograph published by Springer in just three years of doctoral studies, which were produced in addition to the doctorate.
"Likewise, with his dissertation, he has achieved the amazing success of once again taking a completely new perspective on an already well-advanced field of research and developing it further in a new application-relevant direction." In addition, Prof. Pertsch is pleased about the deepening networking with industry through an EU-funded cooperation, whereby basic university research could be transferred into innovative industrial applications in a very short time.

Congratulation to this work!

Another prize was awarded to Dr. Andre Luiz Marques Muniz from the Institute of Solid State Theory and Optics for the topic "Experiments on Synthetic Dimensions in Photonics".

Thomas Pertsch, Prof. Dr
Head of Department
Prof. Dr. Thomas Pertsch
Image: privat
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