Dr. Tobias Vogl is leading the new research group "Integrated Quantum Systems".
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The new research group "Integrated Quantum Systems”

The competence field of quantum technology at the Leistungszentrum Photonik is being widened.
Dr. Tobias Vogl is leading the new research group "Integrated Quantum Systems".
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)


Dr. Falk Eilenberger, head of the research group "Photonics in 2D Materials" was persuaded Dr. Tobias Vogl to move his base of live from Australia to Jena in 2019. "Falk had approached me at a conference because we were doing research on the same topic at that time - integration of 2D materials in optical systems. And what really convinced me to work here at the Beutenberg was the excellent technical equipment, the young team and also the environment around the Fraunhofer IOF," Tobias Vogl looks back.

His scientific career began with studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and led Tobias Vogl to the Australian National University for his doctorate.

Since then, interdisciplinary projects with the German Aerospace Center (DLR), among others, have been worked on and led to success: in 2021, these results on quantum communication were awarded the 400,000 Euro "INNOspace Masters Award".

Since the beginning of this year, Dr. Vogl leads the junior research group "Integrated Quantum Systems", which is located at both the Institute of Applied Physics and the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF. „We focus on the development of optical quantum technologies with solid-state quantum emitters at room temperature. Our quantum system is based on fluorescent defects in the 2D material hexagonal boron nitride. We combine these with resonant optical systems, such as microcavities and integrated waveguide circuits. This will allow us to evaluate our single photon emitters in quantum information applications, including satellite-based quantum cryptography and quantum interferometry," Tobias Vogl explains his research goals.

In addition to Dr. Vogl, Dr. Fabian Steinlechner at Fraunhofer IOF also works with photon sources, but with a focus on entangled photon pairs, which addresses correspondingly different applications. Thus, the new research group excellently complements the portfolio of quantum research at the Beutenberg Campus and further visible successes can certainly be expected.


Research groups on the topic:

Integrated Quantum SystemsExternal link – Dr. Tobias Vogl
Photonics in 2D-MaterialsExternal link - Dr. Falk Eilenberger
Photonic QuantumExternal link InformationExternal link – Dr. Fabian Steinlechner
Quantum OpticsExternal link – Dr. Frank Setzpfandt
Quantum Photonics & SensingExternal link – Dr. Markus Gräfe