15.-16.12. 2022 QPhoton Networking Symposium 2022

The networking workshop, is meant as platform to discuss further collaborative research within the recently founded Carl Zeiss Foundation Center QPhoton. All participants are welcome! The Workshop is running at the 3 locations of the partners in Stuttgart, Ulm and Jena.



Abbe Center of Photonics Albert-Einstein-Str. 6 07745 Jena Auditorium, ground floor, main entrance.
Online https://uni-jena-de.zoom.us/j/66539113437 Meeting-ID: 665 3911 3437External link Kenncode: QPhoton


Thursday, 15.12.2022

11:30 Arrival ACP Foyer
11:45 Joint walk to Abbe Center Casino for lunch Hans-Knöll-Str. 1, 07745 Jena
13:00 QPhoton Introduction (Tilman Pfau, IQST, 5. Phys. Institut, Uni Stuttgart) Session 1: Chaired by Thomas Pertsch (ACP, Uni Jena)
13:10 Prof. Dr. Tilman Pfau (IQST, 5. Phys. Institut, Uni Stuttgart) Introducing the Stuttgart node
13:25 Dr. Aparajita Singha (IQST, MPI-FKF Stuttgart) Controlled surface-modification to revive shallow NV-centers
13:45 Dr. Ralf Klemt (IQST, 5. Phys. Institut, Uni Stuttgart) A dipolar quantum gas microscope

Session 2: Chaired by Tilman Pfau (IQST, 5. Phys. Institut, Uni Stuttgart)

14:05 Prof. Dr. Joachim Ankerhold (IQST, Institute for Complex Quantum Systems, Uni Ulm) Introducing the Ulm node
14:20 Dr. Dario Cilluffo (IQST, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Ulm): Simulating a real Gaussian Boson Sampling experiment through Tensor Networks
14:40 Dr. Dominik Maile (IQST, Institute for Complex Quantum Systems, Universität Ulm) Performance of quantum registers in diamond in the presence of spin impurities
15:00 Coffee Break and Poster Session

Session 3: Chaired by Prof. Dr. Joachim Ankerhold (IQST, Institute for Complex Quantum Systems, Uni Ulm)

15:30 Prof. Dr. Andreas Tünnermann (ACP Jena & Fraunhofer IOF Jena) Introducing the Abbe Center of Photonics and the Quantum Activities in Jena
15:45 Dr. Valerio Flavio Gili (ACP Jena, Institute of Applied Physics, Pertsch/Setzpfandt group) Fast Quantum Ghost Imaging in the Infrared with a 2D SPAD array in reverse START-STOP configuration
16:05 Vipin Krishna (ACP Jena, Institute of Solid State Physics, Soavi group) Titel und Abstract werden bis 7.12. nachgereicht
16:25 Dr. Ciprian Padurariu (IQST, Institute for Complex Quantum Systems, Uni Ulm) Vortex dynamics in superconducting nanowires under magnetic field: towards infrared single photon detection
16:45 Dr. Marc Scheffler (IQST, 1. Phys. Institut, Uni Stuttgart) Optical properties of quantum materials – also for quantum technologies
17:05 Sandra Mennle (IQST, 4. Phys. Institut, Uni Stuttgart) Tunable niobium-based plasmonic superconducting photodetectors for the near- and mid-IR
17:25 Poster session and group discussion in the ACP foyer
20:00 Transfer of all interested participants to the restaurant in the city center, organized by the Jena hosts (private cars and/or public transport).
20:30 Dinner at L’Osteria, Leutragraben 1, City Center

Friday, 16.12.2022

Session 4: Chaired by Prof. Dr. Tilman Pfau (IQST, 5. Phys. Institut, Uni Stuttgart)

09:00 Dr. Sina Saravi (ACP Jena, Institute of Applied Physics, Pertsch/Setzpfandt group) Hybrid nonlinear systems for a new generation of hardware for quantum technologies
09:20 Dr. Robert Löw (IQST, 5. Phys. Institut, Uni Stuttgart): Nonlinear optics with hot atomic vapors
09:40 Prof. Dr. Heidemarie Schmidt (DEP Quantum Detection/Leibniz-IPHT e.V. Jena & IFK, Uni Jena) Cryogenic single photon detectors in the European quantum ecosystem – fascinating properties and still too exclusive
10:00 Concluding Remarks
10:05 Coffee Break and Poster Session
10:30 Lab Tours
12:30 Lunch at Abbe Center Casino, Hans-Knöll-Str. 1, 07745 Jena
14:00 Departure