SEM image of the deterministic AR structures.
watermark —

Even more precise together

Researchers at the IAP and Fraunhofer IOF develop spectrometer for ESA satellites to study climate change
SEM image of the deterministic AR structures.
Image: IAP
  • Light
  • Life
  • Forschung


SEM image of the deterministic AR structures.
SEM image of the deterministic AR structures.
Image: IAP

In 2027, the European Space Agency (ESA) is planning a satellite mission to analyze the Earth's heat balance. The spectrometer required for this, which enables precise measurements in the extreme far infrared range, is being developed in the FORUM project. The component of this measuring device is a beam splitter that is transparent for this extreme bandwidth over the entire spectral range. 
This was realized at the Fraunhofer IOF with the help of researchers from the IAP. 

The first airworthy components have already been delivered.

Read the full article here.External link

Contact persons

  1. Eilenberger, Falk, Dr Project leader Photonics in 2D-Materials +49 3641 807-274 +49 3641 9-47802

    IOF, Room B3.22
    Albert-Einstein-Straße 7
    07745 Jena

    Google Maps site planExternal link To websiteExternal link Portrait Falk Eilenberger
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  2. Siefke, Thomas, Dr Researcher Microstructure Technology +49 3641 9-47837 +49 3641 9-47802

    IAP, Room 257
    Albert-Einstein-Straße 15
    07745 Jena

    Google Maps site planExternal link Portrait Thomas Siefke
    Image: Ira Winkler (Universität Jena)