Prof. Fabian Steinlechner is working at his Lab at Beutenberg Campus.
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Inauguration lecture Prof. Fabian Steinlechner

?Verschränkte Photonen: Von der spukhaften Fernwirkung zu neuen Anwendungen in der Informationstechnik«
Prof. Fabian Steinlechner is working at his Lab at Beutenberg Campus.
Image: Ira Winkler
  • Light
  • Studium

Published: | By: Ira Winkler

Theme: "Entangled photons: From spooky action at a distance to new applications in information technology"

When: Wednesday, 17.04.2024, 4 p.m.

Where: Aula in the main building of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Fürstengraben 1

The lecture will be followed by a reception in the foyer. All interested parties are warmly invited.