Interferenzversuch mit Laser

Physics Education in Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies

QuBIT EDU Conference 2022 of the CZS Center QPhoton​
Interferenzversuch mit Laser
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper/FSU

QuBIT EDUExternal link is a network of research groups in physics education, which develop curricula and implement empirical research projects to drive the field of modern quantum physics education.

The conference is hosted by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung Center for Quantum Photonics Jena –
Stuttgart – Ulm. The project CZS Center QPhoton is supported by Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung.


he conference will be in German. More information and the registration form can be found on the German Web page de de.

In a nutshell

  • Date, time, and place

    Date and time:
    Wednesday, 21st September 2022, to Friday, 23rd September 2022
    Max-Wien-Platz 1, 07743 Jena

  • Topics
    • Didactical concepts in quantum physics and quantum technologies for secondary and tertiary education (keynote talks and short talks)
    • Empirical studies on learning of quantum physics
    • Lab courses and experients in quantum physics and quantum technologies
    • Overview talks about quantum technologies
  • Contact