Andreas receives one of the 2023 IMPULSEproject awards

Dr. Andreas Stark

Optical Structured Illumination based Measurements from Meters to Nanometers
Andreas receives one of the 2023 IMPULSEproject awards
Image: Christian Franke

Research Topics

Andreas' research comprises the developement and high-end application of

  • precise 3D measurement techniques
  • Stereophotogrammetry
  • 3D Endoscopy
  • Holography
  • Multi-Scale Structured Illumination
  • (Fluorescence) Microscopy
  • Super-Resolution Microscopy

in industry and life-science.

Current Mentoring​ and Teaching

Andreas is leading our stereophotogrammetry team and is currently (co-) supervising the student projects of:

  • Valentin      (Research Assistant, Medical Photonics)
  • Ade              (Research Lab & Master Thesis, Medical Photonics)
  • Kristina       (Research Lab & Master Thesis, Medical Photonics)
  • Matthew     (Research Lab & Master Thesis, Medical Photonics)

and is organising and running the seminars for our Physical Optics & Optical Engineering lectures, as well as regularly tutoring several undergraduate practical courses (for physics, photonics, medicine, biology, chemistry students).

Short Vita

Andreas came to Jena in 2009 to study physics at the FSU and graduated in 2015. During his studies, he produced a Bachelor Thesis on the combination of holography and interferometry and a Master Thesis on the application of the Moire effect to digital holography, both at the Institute of Applied Optics (Prof. R. Kowarschik, IAO).

He then specialized in precise optical 3D measurement techniques, e.g. stereophotogrammetry, and investigated approaches to optimize speckle-based methods, both on a hardware and post-processing side.

Andreas joined the Franke Lab @IAOB after his very productive PhD with Prof. Kowarschik. His scientific output includes multiple first-author papers and several technology patents, for which he has been awarded the 2022 Ph.D. Award of Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Werth Foundation. Andreas leads our charge into the macro-nano-verse, while broadening his expertise in industrial 3D measurements towards biological and clinical applications. He was recently awarded within the FSUs IMPULSEproject to further push his research in multiscale structured illumniation.

Since May 2024, he is aso the project leader and scientific coordinator of our BMBF funded consortium 3DVens.

Recent Publications

  • "A primary sensory cortical interareal feedforward inhibitory circuit for tacto-visual integration" Simon Weiler, Vahid Rahmati, Marcel Isstas, Johann Wutke, Andreas Walter Stark, Christian Franke, Christian Geis, Otto W. Witte, Mark Hübener, Jürgen Bolz, Troy W. Margrie, Knut Holthoff, Manuel Teichert, bioRxiv 2022.11.04.515161 link
  • "Miniaturization of a coherent monocular structured illumination system for future combination with digital holography" A. W. Stark, E. Wong, H. Babovsky, C. Franke und R. Kowarschik,                      Light: Advanced Manufacturing (2022) link
  • "View-syntesized 're-calibration' of an array projector for 3D measurement from arbitrary monocular view" E Wong, S Heist, C Bräuer-Burchardt, A. W. Stark, H. Babovsky, R. Kowarschik
    Optics and Letters in Engineering 141, 106559, 2021. link