Digital media in quantum didactics

Physics Education with Quantum Technologies 2.0

Development of new approaches and methods of quantum physics teaching
Digital media in quantum didactics
Image: S. Aehle

The topic

With the increasing value of second generation quantum technologies, topics of modern physics research are already finding their way into socio-political and economic discourses that will not only influence the natural sciences, but also work and everyday life of tomorrow. Committed to providing students with the basics for understanding nature and modern technology, physics education must also be able to cover current advancements in research and, in particular, address topics such as quantum computers, quantum sensors, and quantum cryptography. This requires new teaching concepts that try to illustrate the extraordinary characteristics of quantum mechanical processes and phenomena and explain their significance for the world of tomorrow.

Therefore this work is dedicated to exploring such teaching concepts and to developing new means and methods for teaching quantum physics.

In doing so, different projects are tackled: On the one hand - also due to the current great demand - several digital tools are being developed, such as a quantum computing Moodle course in cooperation with the quantum didactics network QuBIT EDUExternal link. Considerations of quantum random number generators (QRNG) and their educational value as an example of modern quantum technologies have already yielded initial results that could be tested on a small scale in physics classrooms. On the other hand, in addition to electronic materials, the ultimate goal is to create a product that can be used in the students lab and that succeeds in introducing students to the inherent complexity of quantum physics.

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Stefan Aehle
PhD student
Stefan Aehle
Image: F. Eberhardt
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