Safeguarding good scientific practice

Good academic practice affects all faculty members. Scientific misconduct damages the public's trust in science and destroys the trust of scientists among themselves. Help and link collection on here.
  • Good scientific practice at Friedrich Schiller University Jena

    Safeguarding good academic practice affects all faculty members. Scientific misconduct damages the public's confidence in science and undermines the trust of scientists among themselves.

    Good scientific practice includes...

    • observing professional standards
    • documenting results
    • consistently and rigorously questioning one's own findings
    • practising strict honesty and openness with regard to the contributions of partners, competitors, and predecessors
    • cooperation and leadership in working groups
    • supervision of young researchers
    • safeguarding and storing primary data
    • scientific publication as primary medium through which scientists give an account of their work
    • respect for the intellectual property of others
    • observing ethical standards when carrying out surveys

    Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific PracticeExternal link

  • Good scientific practice at other research institutions

    For all researchers from non-university research institutions further regulations apply. Take care to know the rules which apply to your research.

    Here is a selection:

    Leibniz AssociationExternal link

    Helmholtz AssociationExternal link

    Max Planck SocietyExternal link

    Fraunhofer AssociationExternal link

    German Physical SocietyExternal link

  • Research data management helpdesk

    The research data management helpdesk advises on the backup, archiving and publication of research data. For more transparency and reproducibility of your own research results!


    Guidelines and recommendations on research data management at the FSU JenaExternal link

    Policy on the handling of research data at the FSU JenaExternal link

  • Storage possibilities

    FSU Cloud

    You have 5 GB storage in the FSU cloud.

    With the start of your contract and the activation of your user account you will have acces to the cloud..

    More informationExternal link

    Login Uni CloudExternal link

    Home directory

    Each employee receives a 5 GB home directory, students: 3 GB

    More informationExternal link

    Research date management helpdesk (see above)

  • Confidants

    At the FSU Jena confidants are available to consult in case of conflict. For doctoral students there are mediators and ombudspersons available, in case conflicts in terms of supervision occur.

    commissioners and confidantsExternal link

    The Graduate Academy advises you on all questions concerning your (intended) doctorate, i.e. on general surrounding conditions, financing, international mobility, compatibility of family and career as well as in conflict situations.The purpose of the Ombudsperson for International Students is to ensure that their voice is heard, and that problems can receive impartial attention; in cases where international students have experienced or are aware of complaints of maladministration, rights violations, harassment, bullying, and discrimination, both friendly and professional help can be provided by the ombudspersons.

    Graduate academy ombudspersonsExternal link

  • Reference management software and citation rules

    As the unauthorized use of material claiming authorship (plagiarism) is scientific misconduct, here are some hints how to deal with references and how to do proper citations.

    Offers from the library ThULBExternal link

    Citation rulesExternal link

    other software providers: Mendeley, Jabref (LaTeX), Zotero …

  • Courses

    PhD students and advanced bachelor's degree students, as well as master's degree students, are offered regular courses on good scientific practice. These can be can be searched for and found by using Friedolin (additional courses).

    FriedolinExternal link

    You may also find courses in the qualification portal of the FSU Jena under Graduate Academy.

    Course catalogExternal link

placeholder image — Stylized representation of a film projector

Graphic: Freepik


Dorit Schmidt, Dr
Coordinator Master's degree program
Dr. Dorit Schmidt
Image: Ira Winkler (Universität Jena)
Room E.2.206
Hans-Knöll-Strasse 1
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link