
Conferences and Events

Current and regular activities
Image: F. Eberhardt
  • Teacher training in astrononmy

    The Teacher training conference in astronomy is a yearly teacher training for all persons active in astronomy education, in particular school teachers, tutors of astronomy workshops, or members of public or school observatories. The programme is in German and more information can be found on the German web page de.

  • Astronomy from multiple perspectives

    The Heraeus Sommer School "Astronomy from four perspectives" is a bi-national Italienian-German teacher training seminar.

    The goal is to establish a network of school and university teachers in astronomy, who develop togehter teaching material on current topics of astrnonomy research that can be used in secondary education.

    Supper school 2024

  • QuBIT EDU conferences

    QuBIT EDUExternal link is a network of research groups in physics education, which develop curricula and implement empirical research projects to drive the field of modern quantum physics education.

    QuBIT EDU Conference 2022

    Previous meeting:
    QuBIT EDU Conference 2021 (GDCP focus meeting):
    Education in quantum physics with focus on quantum technologies – status and

  • Long night of sciences

    Every other year during the long night of sciences the scientific community in Jena opens its doors to show the public their exciting activities. Our group offers insights into phenomena from all fields of physics.

  • MINTFestival

    The MINT-Festival Jena is a public science event offering workshops, lectures, science shows, and an exhibition for school students of all age groups. Our group regularly participates with physics work shops for school students in primary and secondary education.

    Learn more de