From left to right: Dr. Alexander Sävert, Dr. Dominik Hollatz, and Dr. Georg Schäfer.
Image: Ira WinklerThe JETi200 is a commercial Ti:Sapphire laser with over 200 TW peak power. The pulse contains over 4 J of energy with a duration of 17 fs, which can be focused with a parabolic mirror to an intensity over 1021 W/cm2.
Using ultrashort laser pulses, electron bunches can be accelerated to relativistic energies, and surface high harmonic generation (SHHG) can generate X-rays. In addition, experiments using ultra-thin foils and droplet targets can test novel acceleration schemes for protons and ions. For these experiments, the intensity contrast over time must be sharp enough that the target is not plasmized before the pulse edge is reached. To achieve these conditions, JETI200 uses Chirped Pulse Amplification (CPA) in two stages. First, the stretched laser pulses are amplified to 1 mJ and compressed to a duration of less than 30 fs.