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  1. Students on the campus of the University of Jena.
    Image: Nicole Nerger (Universität Jena)
  2. Prof. Dr Carsten Ronning in an experimental setup for a photoluminescence experiment.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  3. Vice-President Prof. Dr Bärbel Kracke and Vice-President Prof. Dr Thomas Pertsch.
    Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
  4. Martin Ammon is Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Jena.
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  5. Prof. Dr Klaus D. Jandt was honoured with the Heyn Medal of the German Society for Materials Science.
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  6. Prof. Dr Janine George receives research funding of 1.5 million euros for her ‘Multibondes’ project.
    Image: BAM
  7. Artistic visualization: Transformation of light properties by 2D meta-materials.
    Illustration: Christian Süß (Fraunhofer IOF)
  8. Impressions of the EMIMEO Summer School 2024 in Jena.
    Image: Canan Gallitschke
  9. Georg R. Schwartz, PhD student at the research group Ultrafast Optics, proudly present his OPTICA Student Award at the lab in the IAP.
    Image: Ira Winkler
  10. Wafers with photonic circuits, as developed in the innovation centre.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  11. Die Preisträger: Prof. Dr. Jens Limpert (r.) und PD Dr. Jan Rothhardt.
    Image: Mathias Lenski
  12. The "Lichwerkstatt Jena" (en: Light Workshop Jena) is a BMBF-sponsored makerspace with a focus on photonics.
    Image: VDI Technologiezentrum
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