HI Jena Institute’s Building

Atomic Physics with highly charged Ions and X-Rays

HI Jena Institute’s Building
Image: Helmholtz-Institut Jena

The current research program focuses on the investigation of hard X-ray radiation from charged particle collisions or photon-matter interactions.

Our special interest lies in the study of simple atomic systems in the widely unexplored domain of heavy high-Z ions in order to test and to advance our basic knowledge about the physics of strong fields. These investigations are complemented by the studies of processes which appear in high-intensity laser fields or at synchrotron facilities.

Within our experimental campaigns various X-ray detection systems such as standard X-ray detectors, 2D position-sensitive detectors, crystal spectrometers, X-ray CCDs and micro-calorimeters are used.

Our research group is part of the Institute for Optics and Quantum Electronics (IOQ) and the Helmholtz Institute JenaExternal link . Within the FAIR project we are part of the collaborations Stored Particle Atomic Physics Research Collaboration (SPARC)External link and Atomic, Plasma Physics and Applications (APPA)External link

Current Projects

Photo of the latest measurement in Hamburg. Scattering from the gold foil is done inside a vacuum chamber to minimize background radiation. The vacuum chamber has several windows to measure the scattered radiation. In addition to the measurement using a Compton polarimeter (left), a germanium semiconductor detector (right) was used to measure high-resolution energy spectra.
Polarization studies of elastically scattered hard X-rays
Rayleigh scattering of highly linearly polarized hard X-rays by a gold foil
Thomas Stöhlker, Univ.-Prof. Dr
Leader of working group
Prof. Dr. T. Stöhlker
Image: T. Stöhlker
Room 209
Fröbelstieg 3
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link
Jessica Hopfe-Reuter
Jessica Hopfe
Image: Jessica Hopfe
Room 305
Max-Wien-Platz 1
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link