Faculty Awards (Rohde & Schwarz)

Faculty Awards sponsored by the company Rohde & Schwarz, München
  • Guidelines for the awarding of the prize
    • The Faculty Prize honors thesis which are outstanding by their scientific content, the originality of the solutions and the independence in the handling and therefore are suitable to improve the image of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy as an institution for teaching and research.
    • There are two prizes: The best  doctoral thesis is donated with €1,500  and for the best diploma or master thesis one gets €1,000. The prizes should not be divided between two ore more applicants. If non of the thesis submitted was considered to deserve the award, the prize should not be awarded.
    • Each graduate of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy who finished her/his thesis in the last year can apply for the prize. Furthermore, the university teachers are eligible to nominate candidates. People are encouraged to apply for the prize by posting within the faculty in good time. Together with the thesis applicants should submit a CV and a list of publications.
    • The pre-selection of the prize winners is done by a committee of the faculty council. On the basis of the committee's proposal the faculty council decides on the prize winners. The names of the prizes winners together with an acknowledgement have to be published in a suitable way (e.g. University Journal, Journal of Rohde & Schwarz).
    • The awarding of the prize should take place in a worthy framework (physical colloquium or official certification  presentation ceremony).

Previous Prize Winners

Year Diploma/Master Thesis
1991 Dipl.-Phys. Martin Berger
Institute of Theoretical Physics
"Optischer Parametrischer Oszillator in einem Resonator mit quantisierter Pumpmode"
Dr. Peter Hartmann
Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics
"Beiträge zur Strukturaufklärung in Phosphatgläsern und Phosphatglas- keramiken mit Hilfe der hochauflösenden 31P -, 27Al - und 1H - Festkörper-NMR"
1992 Dipl.-Phys. Thomas Kandler
Institute of Solid State Physics
"Quantitative PIXE-Analyse"
Dr. Gunther Notni
Fraunhofer-Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering Jena
"Untersuchungen zur Wellenkopplung in Volumengittern und ihre Anwendung in der
Zweiwellenmischung und Phasenkonjugation"
1993 Dipl.-Phys. Otmar Wanierke
Rohde & Schwarz München
"Verfahren zur Ermittlung der Kanalimpulsantwort von Mobilfunkkanälen"
Dr. Stefan Schippel
Institute of Solid State Physics
"Ionenstrahlsynthese epitaktischer Silizidschichten"
1994 Dipl.-Phys. Ronald Rieth
Institute of Theoretical Physics
"Die Dynamik von relativistischen Binärsystemen und Gravitationswellenabstrahlung: zweite post- Newtonsche Bewegung, Spin-Effekte in der Gravitationswellenabstrahlung
Dr. Ulf Peschel
Institute for Condensed MatterTheory and Optics
"Nichtlineare Optik in hochresonanten Halbleiterstrukturen"
1995 Dipl.-Ing. Jens Stäbe
Technical Institute
"Untersuchungen der Auswirkung von Fahrzeug-Nickschwingungen auf die Abblendlichtverteilung"
Dr. Andreas Kleinwächter
Institute of Theoretical Physics
"Untersuchungen zu rotierenden Scheiben in der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie"
1996 Dipl.-Phys. Sandor NietzscheExternal link
Institute of Solid State Physics
"Aufbau und Test von Grundanordnungen für Positionsdetektoren mit SQUID"
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Dr. Jörg Gehler
Fraunhofer-Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering Jena
"ExperimentelleUntersuchungen neuartiger photonischer Komponenten auf der Basis von Resonanzwellenleitern in SiON und KTiOPO4"
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1997 Dipl.-Phys. Falk Ziesche
Institute of Theoretical Physics
"Effektives Potential und Zerfall instabiler Zustände in der Quantenfeldtheorie"
Photo and Press Alma mater jenesis 27. Januar 1998jpeg, 262 kb · de
Dr. Wolf Gero Schmidt
Institute for Condensed MatterTheory and Optics
"Zum Einfluß dünner Metall- und Passivierungsschichten auf Oberflächen von III-V-Verbindungshalbleitern"
1998 Dipl.-Phys. Ralf Wolleschensky
Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics
"Aufbau und Charakterisierung eines Femtosekunden-Laser-Scanning Mikroskops für die Untersuchung nichtlinearer Effekte"
Dr. Birgit Adolph
Institute for Condensed MatterTheory and Optics
"Zur ab initio Beschreibung der optischen Eigenschaften von Halbleitern, insbesondere von SiC-Polytypen"
1999 Dipl.-Phys. Daniel Bublitz
Institute of Applied Optics
"Untersuchungen an biologischem Gewebe mit kohärent-optischen Methoden"
Dr. Joachim Hein
Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics
"Untersuchung nichtlinear-optischer Eigenschaften dritter Ordnung von neu entwickelten Materialien mit hohem Anwendungspotential"
2000 Dipl.-Phys. Jens Limpert
Institute of Applied Physics
"Multikomponenten-Gassensoren basierend auf Differenzfrequenzmischung von Diodenlasern"
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Dr. Swen Wunderlich
Institute of Solid State Physics
"Planare galvanisch gekoppelte supraleitende Quanteninterferenz- detektoren auf der Basis von Hochtemperatursupraleitern und deren Anwendung in der zerstörungsfreien Prüfung"
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2001 Dipl.-Phys. Aimo Winkelmann
Institute of Solid State Physics
"Photoelektronenbeugung an Halbleiteroberflächen"
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Dr. Karsten Hannewald
Institute for Condensed MatterTheory and Optics
"Femtosecond Dynamics of Absorption and Luminescence in OpticallyExcited Semiconductors: Theory and Simulation"
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2002 Dipl.-Phys. Tina Clausnitzer
Institute of Applied Physics
"Das Potential der Nahfeldlithographie zur Herstellung von Gitterstrukturen"
Dr. Stefan Scheel
Institute of Theoretical Physics
"Quantized light in the presence of absorbing dielectric bodies"
2003 Dipl.-Ing. Toni Blaß
Institute of Materials Science and Technology
"Untersuchungen zur Korrosionsermüdung an der Magnesiumlegierung AM50"
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Special Award for the best Habilitation Thesis
Dr. habil. Heinrich Schwoerer
Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics
"Physik in ultrakurzen und ultraintensiven Feldern"
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Dipl.-Phys. Ronny Nawrodt
Institute of Solid State Physics
"Rauschoptimierung am LTS-SQUID-Meßsystem"
Dr. Jens Limpert
Institute of Applied Physics
"High Power Ultrafast Fiber Laser Systems"
2005 Dipl.-Phys. Ulrike Fuchs
Fraunhofer-Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering Jena
"Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Propagation ultrakurzer Laserpulse durch Fokussierungsoptiken"
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Dr. Ralf Netz
Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics
"Resonante Wechselwirkung ultrakurzer Laserimpulse mit atomaren Systemen"
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2006 Dipl.-Phys. Frank Ortmann
Institute for Condensed MatterTheory and Optics
"Vergleichende Simulation von van der Waals gebundenen Systemen in Dichtefunktionaltheorie mit einer semiempirischen Erweiterung"
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Dr. Jacques Duparré
Fraunhofer-Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering Jena
"Microoptical Artificial Compound EyesExternal link"

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2007 Dipl.-Phys. Thomas Kiefer
Institute of Theoretical Physics
"Post-Newtonsche Entwicklung des Gravitationsfeldes einer rotierenden Staubscheibe"
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Dr. Henrike Trompeter
Institute for Condensed MatterTheory and Optics
"Discrete optics in inhomogeneous waveguide arraysExternal link"

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2008 Dipl.-Phys. Steffen Hädrich
Institute of Applied Physics
"Ultrafast OPCPA system for amplification of ultrashort pulses and application of hihg intensity pulses to tabletop Lensless Imaging in the EUV region"
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Dr. Kerstin Riedel
Fritz Lipmann Institute Jena
"Methoden zur Untersuchung biologischer Moleküle mittels Festkörper- Kernresonanzspektroskopie"
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2009 Dipl.-Phys. Falk Eilenberger
Institute of Applied Physics
Untersuchung der nichtlinearen Raum-Zeit-Dynamik von Lichtpulsen in Faserarrays
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Dr. Ronny Nawrodt
Institute of Solid State Physics
Kryogene Gütemessung an optischen Substratmaterialien für zukünftige GravitationswellendetektorenExternal link
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2010 M.Sc. Lourdes Patricia Ramirez
Institute of Applied Physics
Ultrafast laser induced nanostructures in fused silica
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Dr.- Ing. Andreas Undisz
Institute of Materials Science and Technology
Optimierung von strukturellen und funktionellen Eigenschaften von NiTi mit Pseudoelastizität / Formgedächtnis für den medizinischen EinsatzExternal link
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2011 Dipl.-Phys. Michael Zürch
Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics
Limitations of Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics in Nanostructured Samples
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Dr. Ulf Zastrau
Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics
Innovative XUV and X-ray Plasma Spectroscopy to Explore Warm Dense MatterExternal link
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2012 Dipl.-Phys. Marco Grünewald
Institute of Solid State Physics
Organische Heteroepitaxie von PTCDA und SnPc auf einkristallinem Silber
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Dr. Christoph Menzel
Institute for Condensed MatterTheory and Optics
Characterization of Optical Metamaterials -Effective Parameters an BeyondExternal link
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2013 Dipl.-Phys. Silvio Fuchs
Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics
Optische Kohärenztomographie mit kurzen Wellenlängen
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Dr. Christian Borschel
Institute of Solid State Physics
Ion-Solid Interaction in Semiconductor NanowiresExternal link
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2014 M.Sc. Christian Gaida
Institute of Applied Physics
Peak power scaling of nanosecond pulses in thulium based fiber lasers
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Dr. Sebastian Geburt
Institute of Solid State Physics
Lasing and ion beam doping of semiconductor nanowiresExternal link

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2015 M.Sc. Paul Pflugradt
Institute for Condensed MatterTheory and Optics
Silicene on metallic surfaces
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Dr. Falk EilenbergerExternal link
Institute of Applied Physics
Spatiotemporal, Nonlinear Optics and the Quest for the Observation of Discrete Light BulletsExternal link
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2016 M.Sc. Felix Otto
Institute of Solid State Physics
Untersuchung der Kalium-Dotierung von Tetraphenyldibenoperiflanthen mittels Photoelektronenspektroskopie
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Dr. Christian Katzer
Institute of Solid State Physics
Gold-Nanopartikel und deren Auswirkungen auf die physikalischen Eigenschaften dünner Schichten
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2017 M.Sc. Johann Jakob AbelExternal link
Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics
XUV Kohärenztomografie - Auf dem Weg zur dreidimensionalen Nanoskopie
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Dr. Robert Röder
Institute of Solid State Physics
Semiconductor nanowire based coherent light sources: Temporal dynamics and tunabilityExternal link
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2018 M.Sc. Malte Per SiemsExternal link
Institute of Applied Physics
Untersuchung und Anpassung der Eigenschaften ultrakurzpulslasergeschriebener Volumen-Bragg-Gitter in Kieselglas
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Dr. Benjamin KnorrExternal link
Institute of Theoretical Physics

Asymptotic Safety in QFT - from quantum gravity to grapheneExternal link

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2019 M.Sc. Lukas Heller
Institute of Applied Physics
Cavity enhanced cold atom quantum memories for temporally multiplexed quantum repeater nodes
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Dr. Silvio FuchsExternal link
Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics

Optische Kohärenztomographie mitExternal link extrem ultravioletter StrahlungExternal link
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2020 M.Sc. Michael Seifert
Institute for Condensed MatterTheory and Optics
CuI als potentielles p-leitendes transparentes Material: Ab-initio Berechnung optischer und elektronischer Eigenschaften
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Dr. Christian Gaida
Institute of Applied Physics
Power-scaling of ultrafast thulium-doped fiber laser systems

M. Sc. Ruben Küspert
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Spin-base-invariant formulation of Hilbert-Palatini gravity
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Dr. Richard Hollinger
Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics
Extreme nonlinear optics in hihgly excited semiconductorsExternal link

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M.Sc. Felix WechslerExternal link
Leibniz-Institute Photonische Technologien
Kaleidomicroscope - A Kaleidoscopic Multiview Microscope
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Dr.-Ing. Robert WonnebergerExternal link
Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research
Frühe Stadien der Oxidation des nichtrostenden Austenits 316L – Zur Bildung mehrlagiger Oxidschichten
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M.Sc. Josefine Krause
Institute of  Applied Physics
Coupling of Quantum Emitters in 2D Materials into Laser-Written Waveguides
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Dr. Jan Sperrhake
Institute of  Applied Physics
Semi-analytic modeling of stacked metasurfacesExternal link
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M.Sc. Johanna Conrad
Institute of  Applied Physics
Engineerig spectral purity of telecom wavelength photons generated via SPDC for multi-particle quantum communication
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Dr. Rosella GambaExternal link
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Fast and faithful effective one body models for gravitational waves from generic compact binariesExternal link

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