LogN-LogS simulation

Former interface for simulation


Net-PSICoNS - is a web tool to perform population synthesis of close-by isolated cooling neutron stars (NSs). The tool is described in Boldin et al. 2010, ANExternal link. It is based on the population model by Popov et al. 2010, MNRAS 401, 2675External link.

Users could upload their sets of cooling curves for different NS masses, specify mass values and corresponding radii, and run the code for a chosen number of tracks. The output included the Log N - Log S distribution compared with the data observed by the ROSAT. Comparison of the calculated and observed Log N - Log S distributions could be used as an additional test of cooling curves (see Popov et al. 2006External link).
In addition we provided age and distance distributions of the calculated sources for three ranges of ROSAT counts. The mass spectrum used in the calculations (specified by the user, or the default one) was shown as a graph for clarity. The user could download all data files with these results, and some additional data (for example, the sky distribution of sources with ROSAT count rates above 0.05 in galactic coordinates).

The typical time of calculations was about a few minutes depending on the number of simulations and on how busy the computer was.

The tool is no longer operational.