Selection commitee for M.Sc. Physics

The selection commitee proves the applications for the study programme Master of Science in Physics and gives a recommendation above admission to the study.

Members of the selection commitee

  1. Bernuzzi, Sebastiano, Univ.-Prof. Dr WG Gravitational Theory
  2. Röhlsberger, Ralf, Prof. Dr X-ray optics group

    Room 206
    Fraunhoferstraße 8
    07743 Jena

  3. Peschel, Ulf, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professur Theoretische Physik/Festkörperoptik

    Abbeanum, Room 107
    Fröbelstieg 1
    07743 Jena

    Prof. Dr. Ulf Peschel
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  4. Botti, Silvana, Univ.-Prof. Dr Lehrstuhl Theoretische Physik/Festkörpertheorie

    Abbeanum, Room 109
    Fröbelstieg 1
    07743 Jena

    Prof. Dr. Silvana Botti
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  5. Grünewald, Marco, Dr F-Praktikum
  6. Sambale, Agnes, Dr Dekanat der Physikalisch-Astronomische Fakultät/Studentenbüro
  7. Wusch, Sarah Dekanat der Physikalisch-Astronomische Fakultät/Studentenbüro