Curriculum vitae Prof. Paulus

Gerhard G. Paulus, Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Lehrstuhlinhaber Experimentalphysik/Nichtlineare Optik Mitglied des Direktoriums des HIJ
Prof. Gerhard G. Paulus
Foto: Jan-Peter Kasper (Universität Jena)
Raum 306
Max-Wien-Platz 1
07743 Jena Google Maps – LageplanExterner Link

ResearcherID: A-7617-2010

  • Employment History

    Sept. 2009 
    Member of the directorate of the Helmholtz Institute Jena, Germany

    Apr. 2008   
    Director of the Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics

    Sept. 2007 
    Full professor at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany

    Sept. 2007 
    Tenure at Texas A&M University

    July 2003   
    Associate professor at Texas A&M University

    Nov. 2001  
    Scientific assistant at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München

    Aug. 1995  
    Scientific assistant at Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik

  • Education

    Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.)
    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
    Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching

    Dissertation (Dr. rer. nat.)
    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
    Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching
    (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. H. Walther)

    Diplom (Dipl. Phys.)
    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
    Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching
    (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. H. Walther)

  • Membership
    • Program committee of the International Symposium on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science ISUILS
    • International committee of Attosecond Physics ATTO
    • Editorial Board of Optics Communications
    • Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee of Centro de Laseres Pulsados (CLPU), Salamanca, Spain
    • Proposal Review Panel of the free-electron X-ray laser facility LCLS , Stanford, CA
    • Scientific Advisory Committee of ELI-ALPS, Hungary
  • Courses at Friedrich Schiller University

    Summer term 2013
    Experimental Physics II: Electrodynamics and Optics (German)
    Strong-field Laser Physics (German)

    Winter term 2012/13
    Nonlinear Optics (English)
    Physikalische Grundlagen regenerativer Energiequellen
    Physics of Free-Electron-Lasers

    Summer term 2012
    Experimental Physics 2: Electrodynamics and Optics (German)
    Strong-field Laser Physics (German)

    Winter term 2011/12
    Nonlinear Optics (English) Fundamentals of Renewable Energies (German) Physics of Free-electron Lasers (English)

    Summer term 2011
    Experimental Physics 2: Electrodynamics and Optics (German) Strong-field Laser Physics (English) X-ray Physics (English)

    Winter term 2010/11
    Experimental Physics 1: Mechanics and Thermodynamics (German) Nonlinear Optics (English)

    Summer term 2010
    Strong-field Laser Physics (German) Fundamentals of Renewable Energies (German)

    Winter term 2009/10
    Experimental Physics 1: Mechanics and Thermodynamics (German) Nonlinear Optics (English)

    Summer term 2009
    Experimental Physics 1: Mechanics and Thermodynamics (German) Fundamentals of Renewable Energies (German)

    Winter term 2008/09
    Experimental Physics 2: Electrodynamics and Optics (German) Fundamentals of Modern Optics (English)

    Summer term 2008
    Strong-field Laser Physics (German)

    Winter term 2007/08
    Experimental Physics 2: Electrodynamics and Optics (German) Fundamentals of Modern Optics (English)

  • Patents
    • G. G. Paulus, A. M. Sayler, K. Rühle, T. Rathje, D. Adolph
      Principle and apparatus for phase stabilization of laser pulses
      German title: Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Phasenstabilisierung von Laserpulsen
      German Patent Pending, 10-2011-016-442.1 (April 06, 2011)
    • G. G. Paulus, A. M. Sayler, T. Rathje, M. Möller D. Hoff
      Principle and apparatus for a fast phase measurement, in particular for many-cycle pulses of laser radiation
      German title: Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur schnellen Phasenauswertung, insbesondere von Mehrzyklenpulsen einer Laserstrahlung
      German Patent Pending, 10-2011-016-441.3 (April 06, 2011)
    • G. G. Paulus, K.Rühle, A. M. Sayler, T. Rathje, W. Müller
      Apparatus for a fast phase measurement of few-cycle pulses
      German title: Vorrichtung zur schnellen Phasenmessung von Einzelzyklenpulsen
      German Patent Pending, 10-2010-019-814.5 (May 05, 2010)
    • G. G. Paulus, W. Ziegler, M. Heyer, C. Rödel
      Vorrichtung zur Verbesserung des Kontrastverhältnisses eines Hochintensivlasers
      German Patent Pending, 10-2009-036-037 A1 (August 04, 2009)
    • G. G. Paulus, C. Rödel
      Short-wavelength coherence tomography
      US Patent US 2008/0212075 A1 (Sept 04, 2008)
  • Public Lectures
    • 7 Theses on the Energy Turnaround (Thalbürgeler Gedanken, 14. Sept. 2012)
    • The Physics of Nuclear Waste (Saturday Lecture, 17. Dec. 2011)
    • Laser at the Limits (Saturday Lecture, 30. Oct. 2010)
    • Renewable Energies (Energy Day, 25. Sept. 2010)
    • Renewable Energies (Saturday Lecture, 10. Jan. 2010)
    • A Double-slit Made of Light (Saturday Lecture, 01. Nov. 2008)
    • Quantum Optics with Single Optical Cycles (Inauguration Lecture, 19. May 2008)
  • List of most-cited Papers
    • G. G. Paulus, F. Grasbon, H. Walther, P. Villoresi, M. Nisoli, S. Stagira, E. Priori, S. De Silvestri
      Absolute-phase phenomena in photoionization with few-cycle laser pulses
      Nature 414, 182 (2001). [390 citations]
    • P. Salières, B. Carré, L. Le Déroff, F. Grasbon, G. G. Paulus, H. Walther, R. Kopold, W. Becker, D. B. Milosevic, A. Sanpera, M. Lewenstein
      Feynman's path integral in the light of intense laser-atom experiments
      Science 292, 902 (2001). [270 citations]
    • G. G. Paulus, F. Lindner, H. Walther, A. Baltuska, E. Goulielmakis, M. Lezius, F. Krausz
      Measurement of the phase of few-cycle laser pulses
      Physical Review Letters 91, 253004 (2003). [250 citations]
    • G. G. Paulus, W. Nicklich, Huale Xu, P. Lambropoulos, H. Walther
      Plateau in above threshold ionization spectra
      Physical Review Letters 72, 2851 (1994). [240 citations]
    • W. Becker, F. Grasbon, R. Kopold, D. B. Milosevic, G. G. Paulus, H. Walther
      Above-threshold ionization: From classical features to quantum effects
      Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 48, 35 (2002). [230 citations]
    • G. G. Paulus, W. Becker, W. Nicklich, H. Walther
      Rescattering effects in above threshold ionization: a classical model
      Journal of Physics B 27, L703 (1994). [215 citations]
    • D. B. Milosevic, G. G. Paulus, D. Bauer, W. Becker
      Above-threshold ionization by few-cycle pulses
      Journal of Physics B 39, R203 (2006). [170 citations]
    • F. Lindner, M. G. Schätzel, H. Walther, A. Baltuska, E. Goulielmakis, F. Krausz, D. B. Milosevic, D. Bauer, W. Becker, G. G. Paulus
      Attosecond double-slit experiment
      Physical Review Letters 95, 040401 (2005). [125 citations]
    • A. Apolonski, P. Dombi, G. G. Paulus, M. Kakehata, R. Holzwarth, Th. Udem, Ch. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, T. W. Hänsch, F. Krausz
      Observation of light-phase-sensitive photoemission from a metal
      Physical Review Letters 92, 073902 (2004). [115 citations]
    • P. Colosimo, G. Doumy, C. I. Blaga, J. Wheeler, C. P. Hauri, F. Catoire, J. Tate, R. Chirla, A. M. March, G. G. Paulus, H. G. Muller, P. Agostini, L. F. DiMauro
      Scaling strong-field interactions towards the classical limit
      Nature Physics 4, 386 (2008). [110 citations]
  • Publications
    • Linear polarization of the characteristic x-ray lines following inner-shell photoionization of tungsten
      By: Kaempfer, T.; Uschmann, I.; Wu, Z. W.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW A  Volume: 93   Issue: 3     Article Number: 033409   Published: MAR 9 2016
    • Nanometer resolution optical coherence tomography using broad bandwidth XUV and soft x-ray radiation
      By: Fuchs, Silvio; Roedel, Christian; Blinne, Alexander; et al.
      SCIENTIFIC REPORTS  Volume: 6     Article Number: 20658   Published: FEB 10 2016
    • Intensity dependence of the dissociative ionization of DCl in few-cycle laser fields
      By: Li, H.; Tong, X. M.; Schirmel, N.; et al.
      JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS  Volume: 49   Issue: 1     Article Number: 015601   Published: JAN 14 2016

    • Noncollinear Polarization Gating of Attosecond Pulse Trains in the Relativistic Regime
      By: Yeung, M.; Bierbach, J.; Eckner, E.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 115   Issue: 19     Article Number: 193903   Published: NOV 4 2015
    • HILITE-ions in intense photon fields
      By: Ringleb, S.; Vogel, M.; Kumar, Sugam; et al.
      PHYSICA SCRIPTA  Volume: T166     Article Number: 014067   Published: NOV 2015
    • Influence of higher harmonics of the undulator in X-ray polarimetry and crystal monochromator design
      By: Marx-Glowna, Berit; Schulze, Kai S.; Uschmann, Ingo; et al.
      JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION  Volume: 22   Pages: 1151-1154   Part: 5   Published: SEP 2015
    • Measurement of Maxwell's displacement current
      By: Scheler, G.; Paulus, G. G.
      EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  Volume: 36   Issue: 5     Article Number: 055048   Published: SEP 2015
    • Direct Observation of the Injection Dynamics of a Laser Wakefield Accelerator Using Few-Femtosecond Shadowgraphy
      By: Saevert, A.; Mangles, S. P. D.; Schnell, M.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 115   Issue: 5     Article Number: 055002   Published: JUL 28 2015
    • Accurate determination of absolute carrier-envelope phase dependence using photo-ionization
      By: Sayler, A. M.; Arbeiter, M.; Fasold, S.; et al.
      OPTICS LETTERS  Volume: 40   Issue: 13   Pages: 3137-3140   Published: JUL 1 2015
    • CEP-stable tunable THz-emission originating from laser-waveform-controlled sub-cycle plasma-electron bursts
      By: Balciunas, T.; Lorenc, D.; Ivanov, M.; et al.
      OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 23   Issue: 12   Pages: 15278-15289   Published: JUN 15 2015
    • Tunable Subluminal Propagation of Narrow-band X-Ray Pulses
      By: Heeg, Kilian P.; Haber, Johann; Schumacher, Daniel; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 114   Issue: 20     Article Number: 203601   Published: MAY 18 2015
    • Long-term operation of surface high-harmonic generation from relativistic oscillating mirrors using a spooling tape
      By: Bierbach, Jana; Yeung, Mark; Eckner, Erich; et al.
      OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 23   Issue: 9   Pages: 12321-12327   Published: MAY 4 2015
    • Momentum-resolved study of the saturation intensity in multiple ionization
      By: Wustelt, P.; Moeller, M.; Rathje, T.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW A  Volume: 91   Issue: 3     Article Number: 031401   Published: MAR 16 2015
    • Broadband XUV polarimetry of high harmonics from plasma surfaces using multiple Fresnel reflections
      By: Hahn, T.; Bierbach, J.; Roedel, C.; et al.
      APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS  Volume: 118   Issue: 2   Pages: 241-245   Published: FEB 2015
    • A strong-field driver in the single-cycle regime based on self-compression in a kagome fibre
      By: Balciunas, T.; Fourcade-Dutin, C.; Fan, G.; et al.
      Nature Communications  Volume: 6     Article Number: 6117   Published: JAN 2015

    • Low-energy electron rescattering in laser-induced ionization
      By: Becker, W.; Goreslavski, S. P.; Milosevic, D. B.; et al.
      JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS  Volume: 47   Issue: 20   Special Issue: SI     Article Number: 204022   Published: OCT 28 2014
    • New design of a multi-jet target for quasi phase matching.
      By: Hage, A; Landgraf, B; Taylor, M; et al.
      The Review of scientific instruments  Volume: 85   Issue: 10   Pages: 103105   Published: 2014-Oct
    • Off-axis low-energy structures in above-threshold ionization
      By: Moeller, M.; Meyer, F.; Sayler, A. M.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW A  Volume: 90   Issue: 2     Article Number: 023412   Published: AUG 15 2014
    • High precision measurement of undulator polarization in the regime of hard x-rays
      By: Marx, B.; Schulze, K. S.; Uschmann, I.; et al.
      APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS  Volume: 105   Issue: 2     Article Number: 024103   Published: JUL 14 2014
    • Strong-field control of the dissociative ionization of N2O with near-single-cycle pulses
      By: Kuebel, M.; Alnaser, A. S.; Bergues, B.; et al.
      NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  Volume: 16     Article Number: 065017   Published: JUN 24 2014
    • Vortex algebra by multiply cascaded four-wave mixing of femtosecond optical beams
      By: Hansinger, Peter; Maleshkov, Georgi; Garanovich, Ivan L.; et al.
      OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 22   Issue: 9   Pages: 11079-11089   Published: MAY 5 2014
    • Asymmetric photoelectron momentum distributions due to quantum interference in strong-field ionization by a few-cycle pulse
      By: Shvetsov-Shilovski, N. I.; Rasanen, E.; Paulus, G. G.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW A  Volume: 89   Issue: 4     Article Number: 043431   Published: APR 30 2014
    • Multielectron effects in strong-field dissociative ionization of molecules
      By: Gong, X.; Kunitski, M.; Betsch, K. J.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW A  Volume: 89   Issue: 4     Article Number: 043429   Published: APR 29 2014
    • Selective Control over Fragmentation Reactions in Polyatomic Molecules Using Impulsive Laser Alignment
      By: Xie, Xinhua; Doblhoff-Dier, Katharina; Xu, Huailiang; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 112   Issue: 16     Article Number: 163003   Published: APR 25 2014
    • Determination of the polarization state of x rays with the help of anomalous transmission
      By: Schulze, K. S.; Marx, B.; Uschmann, I.; et al.
      APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS  Volume: 104   Issue: 15     Article Number: 151110   Published: APR 14 2014
    • Electronic Predetermination of Ethylene Fragmentation Dynamics
      By: Xie, Xinhua; Roither, Stefan; Schoeffler, Markus; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW X  Volume: 4   Issue: 2     Article Number: 021005   Published: APR 7 2014
    • Spin dynamics in relativistic ionization with highly charged ions in super-strong laser fields
      By: Klaiber, Michael; Yakaboylu, Enderalp; Mueller, Carsten; et al.
      JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS  Volume: 47   Issue: 6     Article Number: 065603   Published: MAR 28 2014
    • Carrier-envelope-phase dependence of asymmetric C-D bond breaking in C2D2 in an intense few-cycle laser field
      By: Miura, Shun; Ando, Toshiaki; Ootaka, Kazuki; et al.
      CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS  Volume: 595   Pages: 61-66   Published: MAR 18 2014
    • Non-sequential double ionization of Ar: from the single-to the many-cycle regime
      By: Kuebel, M.; Betsch, K. J.; Kling, Nora G.; et al.
      NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  Volume: 16     Article Number: 033008   Published: MAR 5 2014
    • Absorption-aided x-ray emission tomography of planar targets
      By: Stambulchik, E.; Kroupp, E.; Maron, Y.; et al.
      PHYSICS OF PLASMAS  Volume: 21   Issue: 3     Article Number: 033303   Published: MAR 2014
    • Role of proton dynamics in efficient photoionization of hydrocarbon molecules
      By: Xie, Xinhua; Roither, Stefan; Schoeffler, Markus; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW A  Volume: 89   Issue: 2     Article Number: 023429   Published: FEB 26 2014
    • Interaction between one-dimensional dark spatial solitons and semi-infinite dark stripes
      By: Hansinger, Peter; Maleshkov, Georgi; Gorunski, Nasko; et al.
      OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 313   Pages: 106-112   Published: FEB 15 2014

    • Characterization of 700 mu J T rays generated during high-power laser solid interaction
      By: Gopal, A.; Singh, P.; Herzer, S.; et al.
      OPTICS LETTERS  Volume: 38   Issue: 22   Pages: 4705-4707   Published: NOV 15 2013
    • Few-cycle optical probe-pulse for investigation of relativistic laser-plasma interactions
      By: Schwab, M. B.; Saevert, A.; Jaeckel, O.; et al.
      APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS  Volume: 103   Issue: 19     Article Number: 191118   Published: NOV 4 2013
    • An extreme ultraviolet Michelson interferometer for experiments at free-electron lasers
      By: Hilbert, Vinzenz; Blinne, Alexander; Fuchs, Silvio; et al.
      REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS  Volume: 84   Issue: 9     Article Number: 095111   Published: SEP 2013
    • Coherent Control at Its Most Fundamental: Carrier-Envelope-Phase-Dependent Electron Localization in Photodissociation of a H-2(+) Molecular Ion Beam Target
      By: Rathje, T.; Sayler, A. M.; Zeng, S.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 111   Issue: 9     Article Number: 093002   Published: AUG 27 2013
    • Nonsequential double ionization of N-2 in a near-single-cycle laser pulse
      By: Kuebel, M.; Kling, Nora G.; Betsch, K. J.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW A  Volume: 88   Issue: 2     Article Number: 023418   Published: AUG 22 2013
    • Observation of Gigawatt-Class THz Pulses from a Compact Laser-Driven Particle Accelerator
      By: Gopal, A.; Herzer, S.; Schmidt, A.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 111   Issue: 7     Article Number: 074802   Published: AUG 15 2013
    • Vacuum-Assisted Generation and Control of Atomic Coherences at X-Ray Energies
      By: Heeg, Kilian P.; Wille, Hans-Christian; Schlage, Kai; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 111   Issue: 7     Article Number: 073601   Published: AUG 14 2013
    • High-Precision X-Ray Polarimetry
      By: Marx, B.; Schulze, K. S.; Uschmann, I.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 110   Issue: 25     Article Number: 254801   Published: JUN 21 2013
    • Radiation pressure-assisted acceleration of ions using multi-component foils in high-intensity laser-matter interactions
      By: Aurand, B.; Kuschel, S.; Jaeckel, O.; et al.
      NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  Volume: 15     Published: MAR 22 2013
    • Sensitivity calibration of an imaging extreme ultraviolet spectrometer-detector system for determining the efficiency of broadband extreme ultraviolet sources
      By: Fuchs, S.; Roedel, C.; Krebs, M.; et al.
      REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS  Volume: 84   Issue: 2     Article Number: 023101   Published: FEB 2013

    • Probing Polar Molecules with High Harmonic Spectroscopy (vol 109, 233904, 2012)
      By: Frumker, E.; Kajumba, N.; Bertrand, J. B.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 109   Issue: 24     Article Number: 249902   Published: DEC 14 2012
    • Attosecond-Recollision-Controlled Selective Fragmentation of Polyatomic Molecules
      By: Xie, Xinhua; Doblhoff-Dier, Katharina; Roither, Stefan; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 109   Issue: 24     Article Number: 243001   Published: DEC 10 2012
    • Probing Polar Molecules with High Harmonic Spectroscopy
      By: Frumker, E.; Kajumba, N.; Bertrand, J. B.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 109   Issue: 23     Article Number: 233904   Published: DEC 4 2012
    • Controlled directional ion emission from several fragmentation channels of CO driven by a few-cycle laser field
      By: Betsch, K. J.; Johnson, Nora G.; Bergues, B.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW A  Volume: 86   Issue: 6     Article Number: 063403   Published: DEC 5 2012
    • Carrier-envelope-phase tagging in measurements with long acquisition times
      By: Kuebel, M.; Betsch, K. J.; Johnson, Nora G.; et al.
      NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  Volume: 14     Article Number: 093027   Published: SEP 14 2012
    • Thomson backscattering from laser-generated, relativistically moving high-density electron layers
      By: Paz, A.; Kuschel, S.; Roedel, C.; et al.
      NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  Volume: 14     Article Number: 093018   Published: SEP 12 2012
    • Coherent transfer of optical orbital angular momentum in multi-order Raman sideband generation
      By: Strohaber, J.; Zhi, M.; Sokolov, A. V.; et al.
      OPTICS LETTERS  Volume: 37   Issue: 16   Pages: 3411-3413   Published: AUG 15 2012
    • A Penning trap for advanced studies with particles in extreme laser fields
      By: Vogel, M.; Quint, W.; Paulus, G. G.; et al.
    • Observation of energetic terahertz pulses from relativistic solid density plasmas
      By: Gopal, A.; May, T.; Herzer, S.; et al.
      NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  Volume: 14     Article Number: 083012   Published: AUG 10 2012
    • Dependence of high-order-harmonic-generation yield on driving-laser ellipticity
      By: Moeller, Max; Cheng, Yan; Khan, Sabih D.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW A  Volume: 86   Issue: 1     Article Number: 011401   Published: JUL 26 2012
    • Branching optical signals by fractional vortex dipoles
      By: Maleshkov, Georgi; Hansinger, Peter; Dimitrov, Nikolay; et al.
      OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 285   Issue: 16   Special Issue: SI   Pages: 3529-3534   Published: JUL 15 2012
    • Carrier-envelope phase-tagged imaging of the controlled electron acceleration from SiO2 nanospheres in intense few-cycle laser fields
      By: Zherebtsov, S.; Suessmann, F.; Peltz, C.; et al.
      NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  Volume: 14     Article Number: 075010   Published: JUL 10 2012
    • Order-dependent structure of high harmonic wavefronts
      By: Frumker, E.; Paulus, G. G.; Niikura, H.; et al.
      OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 20   Issue: 13   Pages: 13870-13877   Published: JUN 18 2012
    • Generation of 10 mu W relativistic surface high-harmonic radiation at a repetition rate of 10 Hz
      By: Bierbach, J.; Roedel, C.; Yeung, M.; et al.
      NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  Volume: 14     Article Number: 065005   Published: JUN 7 2012
    • Interference Carpets in Above-Threshold Ionization: From the Coulomb-Free to the Coulomb-Dominated Regime
      By: Korneev, Ph A.; Popruzhenko, S. V.; Goreslavski, S. P.; et al.
      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 108   Issue: 22     Article Number: 223601   Published: MAY 31 2012
    • Interference structure of above-threshold ionization versus above-threshold detachment
      By: Korneev, Ph A.; Popruzhenko, S. V.; Goreslavski, S. P.; et al.
      NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  Volume: 14     Article Number: 055019   Published: MAY 21 2012
    • Attosecond tracing of correlated electron-emission in non-sequential double ionization
      By: Bergues, Boris; Kuebel, Matthias; Johnson, Nora G.; et al.
      NATURE COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 3     Article Number: 813   Published: MAY 2012
    • Review of attosecond resolved measurement and control via carrier-envelope phase tagging with above-threshold ionization
      By: Rathje, T.; Johnson, Nora G.; Moeller, M.; et al.
      JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS  Volume: 45   Issue: 7   Special Issue: SI     Article Number: 074003   Published: APR 14 2012
    • Optical coherence tomography using broad-bandwidth XUV and soft X-ray radiation
      By: Fuchs, S.; Blinne, A.; Roedel, C.; et al.
      APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS  Volume: 106   Issue: 4   Pages: 789-795   Published: MAR 2012
    • Note: A large aperture four-mirror reflective wave-plate for high-intensity short-pulse laser experiments
      By: Aurand, B.; Roedel, C.; Zhao, H.; et al.
      REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS  Volume: 83   Issue: 3     Article Number: 036104   Published: MAR 2012
    • X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, S. Roither, M. S. Schöffler, D. Kartashov, H. Xu, T. Rathje, G. G. Paulus, A. Baltuska, S. Gräafe, M. Kitzler
      Strong-field control of fragmentation and isomerization of polyatomic molecules
      Physical Review Letters (in press).
    • D. S. Steingrube, M. Kretschmar, D. Hoff, E. Schulz, T. Binhammer, P. Hansinger, G. G. Paulus, U. Morgner, M. Kovacev
      Sub-1.5-cycle pulses from a single filament
      Optics Express (in press).
    • C. Rödel, D. a.d. Brügge, J. Bierbach, M. Yeung, T. Hahn, B. Dromey, S. Herzer, S. Fuchs, A. Galestian Pour, E. Eckner, M. Behmke, M. Cerchez, O. Jäckel, D. Hemmers, T. Toncian, M. C. Kaluza, A. Belyanin, G. Pretzler, O. Willi, A. Pukhov, M. Zepf, G. G. Paulus
      Harmonic generation from relativistic plasma surfaces in ultra-steep plasma density gradients
      Physical Review Letters 109, 125002 (2012)
    • M. Kübel, K. J. Betsch, N. G. Johnson, R. Moshammer, J. Ullrich, G. G. Paulus, M. F. Kling, B. Bergues
      Accurate carrier-envelope-phase tagging in measurements with long acquisition times
      New Journal of Physics 14, 093027 (2012)
    • A. E. Paz, S. Kuschel, C. Rödel, M. Schnell, O. Jäckel, M. C. Kaluza, G. G. Paulus
      Thomson backscattering from laser generated, relativistically moving high-density electron layers
      New Journal of Physics 14, 093018 (2012)
    • J. Strohaber, M. Zhi, A. V. Sokolov, A. A. Kolomenskii, G. G. Paulus, H. A. Schuessler
      Coherent transfer of optical orbital angular momentum in multi-order Raman sideband generation
      Optics Letters 37, 3411 (2012)
    • M. Vogel, W. Quint, G. G. Paulus, T. Stoehlker
      A Penning trap for advanced studies with particles in extreme laser fields
      Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 285, 65 (2012).
    • A. Gopal, T. May, S. Herzer, A. Reinhard, S. Minardi, M. Schubert, U. Dillner, B. Pradarutti, J. Polz, T. Gaumnitz, M. C. Kaluza, O. Jäckel, S. Riehemann, W. Ziegler, H.-P. Gemuend, H.-G. Meyer, G. G. Paulus
      Observation of energetic THz pulses from relativistic solid density plasmas
      New Journal of Physics 14, 083012 (2012)
    • M. Möller, Y. Cheng, S. D. Khan, B. Zhao, K. Zhao, M. Chini, G. G. Paulus, Z. Chang
      Dependence of high-order-harmonic-generation yield on driving-laser ellipticity
      Physical Review A 86, 011401(R) (2012)
    • G. Maleshkov, P. Hansinger, N. Dimitrov, A. Dreischuh, G. G. Paulus
      Branching optical signals by fractional vortex dipoles
      Optics Communications 285, 3529 (2012)
    • S. Zherebtsov, F. Süßmann, C. Peltz, J. Plenge, K. J. Betsch, I. Znakovskaya, A. S. Alnaser, N. G. Johnson, M. Kübel, A. Horn, V. Mondes, C. Graf, S. A. Trushin, A. Azzeer, M. J. J. Vrakking, G. G. Paulus, F. Krausz, E. Rühl, T. Fennel, M. F. Kling
      Carrier-envelope phase-tagged imaging of the controlled electron acceleration from SiO2 nanospheres in intense few-cycle laser fields
      New Journal of Physics 14, 075010 (2012)
    • E. Frumker, G. G. Paulus, H. Niikura, A. Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum
      Order-dependent structure of high harmonic wavefronts
      Optics Express 20, 13870 (2012)
    • J. Bierbach, C Rödel, M. Yeung, B. Dromey, T. Hahn, A. Galestian Pour, S. Fuchs, A. E. Paz, S. Herzer, S. Kuschel, O. Jäckel, M. C. Kaluza, G. Pretzler, M. Zepf, G. G. Paulus
      Generation of 10-μW relativistic surface high-harmonic radiation at a repetition rate of 10 Hz
      New Journal of Physics 14, 065005 (2012)
    • Ph. A. Korneev, S. V. Popruzhenko, S. P. Goreslavski, T.-M. Yan, D. Bauer, W. Becker, M. Kübel, M. F. Kling, C. Rödel, M. Wünsche, G. G. Paulus
      Interference carpets in above-threshold ionization: From the Coulomb-free to the Coulomb-dominated regime
      Physical Review Letters 108, 223601 (2012)
    • Ph. A. Korneev, S. V. Popruzhenko, S. P. Goreslavski, W. Becker, G. G. Paulus, B Fetic, D. B. Milosevic
      Interference structure of above-threshold ionization versus above-threshold detachment
      New Journal of Physics 14, 055019 (2012)
    • B. Bergues, M. Kübel, N. G. Johnson, B. Fischer, N. Camus, K. J. Betsch, O. Herrwerth, A. Senftleben, A. M. Sayler, T. Rathje, T. Pfeifer, I. Ben-Itzhak, R. R. Jones, G. G. Paulus, F. Krausz, R. Moshammer, J. Ullrich, M. F. Kling
      Attosecond tracing of correlated electron-emission in non-sequential double ionization
      Nature Communications 3, 813 (2012)
    • T. Rathje, N. G. Johnson, M. Möller, F. Süßmann, D. Adolph, M. Kübel, R. Kienberger, M. F. Kling, G. G. Paulus, A. M. Sayler
      Review of attosecond resolved measurement and control via carrier-envelope phase tagging with above-threshold ionization
      New Journal of Physics 45, 074003 (2012)
    • S. Fuchs, A. Blinne, C. Rödel, U. Zastrau, V. Hilbert, M. Wünsche, J. Bierbach, E. Frumker, E. Förster, G. G. Paulus
      Optical coherence tomography using broad-bandwidth XUV and soft X-ray radiation
      Applied Physics B 106, 789 (2012)
    • B. Aurand, C. Rödel, H. Zhao, S. Kuschel, M. Wünsche, O. Jäckel, M. Heyer, F. Wunderlich, M. C. Kaluza, G. G. Paulus, T. Kuehl
      A large aperture four-mirror reflective wave-plate for high-intensity short-pulse laser experiments
      Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 036104 (2012)

    • J. Strohaber, T. Mohamed, N. Hart, F. Zhu, R. Nava, F. Pham, A. A. Kolomenskii, H. Schroeder, G. G. Paulus, H. A. Schuessler
      Intensity-resolved ionization yields of aniline with femtosecond laser pulses
      Physical Review A 84, 063414 (2011)
    • N. I. Shvetsov-Shilovski, A. M. Sayler, T. Rathje, G. G. Paulus
      Carrier-envelope phase effect in the yield of sequential ionization by an intense few-cycle laser pulse
      New Journal of Physics 13, 123015 (2011)
    • S. D. Khan, Y. Cheng, M. Möller, K. Zhao, B. Zhao, M. Chini, G. G. Paulus, Z. Chang
      Ellipticity dependence of 400nm-driven high harmonic generation
      Applied Physics Letters 99, 161106 (2011)
    • W. Merkel, S. Wölk, W. P. Schleich, I. S. Averbukh, B. Girard, G. G. Paulus
      Factorization of numbers with Gauss sums and laser pulses: II. Suggestions for implementations
      New Journal of Physics 13, 103008 (2011)
    • M. Möller, A. M. Sayler, T. Rathje, M. Chini, Z. Chang, G. G. Paulus
      Precise, real-time, single-shot carrier-envelope phase measurement in the multi-cycle regime
      Applied Physics Letters 99, 121108 (2011)
    • D. Adolph, A. M. Sayler, T. Rathje, K. Rühle, G. G. Paulus
      Improved carrier-envelope phase locking of intense few-cycle laser pulses using above-threshold ionization
      Optics Letters 36, 3639 (2011).
    • F. Süßmann, S. Zherebtsov, J. Plenge, N. G. Johnson, M. Kübel, A. M. Sayler, V. Mondes, C. Graf, E. Rühl, G. G. Paulus, D. Schmischke, P. Swrschek, M. F. Kling
      Single-shot velocity-map imaging of attosecond light-field control at kilohertz rate
      Review of Scientific Instruments 82, 093109 (2011)
    • P. Hansinger, A. Dreischuh, G. G. Paulus
      Vortices in ultrashort laser pulses
      Applied Physics B 104, 561 (2011)
    • B. Aurand, S. Kuschel, C. Rödel, M. Heyer, F. Wunderlich, O. Jäckel, M. C. Kaluza, G. G. Paulus, T. Kuehl
      Creating circularly polarized light with a single-mirror reflection system
      Optics Express 19, 17151 (2011)
    • J. Strohaber, G. Kaya, N. Kaya, N. Hart, A. A. Kolomenskii, G. G. Paulus, H. A. Schuessler
      In situ tomography of femtosecond optical beams with a holographic knife-edge
      Optics Express 19, 14321 (2011)
    • M. Behmke, D. a.d. Brügge, C. Rödel, M. Cerchez, D. Hemmers, M. Heyer, O. Jäckel, M. Kübel, G. G. Paulus, G. Pretzler, A. Pukhov, M. Toncian, T. Toncian, O. Willi
      Controlling the spacing of attosecond pulse trains from relativistic surface plasmas
      Physical Review Letters 106, 185002 (2011)