Beobachtung / Terra-Astronomie (Neuhäuser, Dinçel):
- Age determination of stellar sub-groups in Sco-Cen-Lup with kinematic trace-back
- Brightness upper limits of historical supernovae from sky brightness estimation
- Period and phase shift in Mira after 350 years of telescopic data?
- Search for nearby neutron stars as faint, high-proper motion objects in deep imaging data from Hubble Space Telescope and 8-meter-class telescopes
- Search for runaway stars from supernova remnants and star clusters
Beobachtung (Mugrauer):
- Suche und Charakterisierung von engen (sub)stellaren Begleitern von Planeten-Muttersternen mittels hochaufgelöster Beobachtung am Very Large Telescope der Europäischen Südsternwarte
Theorie (Krivov):
- Kuiper-Gürtel als Trümmerscheibe
Further topics are possible in all areas after consultation.