Beiträge in referierten Zeitschriften
- Henning, Th., Stecklum, B. (Hrsg.); 1986; The Role of Dust in Dense Regions of Interstellar Matter; Ap&SS 128, No. 1Externer Link
- Gürtler, J., Henning, Th. (Hrsg.); 1989; Physics and Properties of Interstellar Matter Related to the Formation and Evolution of Stars; AN 310, No. 4,5Externer Link
- Schielicke, R.; 1988; Astronomie in Jena. Historische Streifzüge von den mittelalterlichen Sonnenuhren zum Universarium; Jena: Jena InformationExterner Link
- Marx, S., Pfau, W.; 1989; Astrophotographie mit Schmidt–Teleskopen; Leipzig: Urania–Verlag, 1989
- Zimmermann, H. (Hrsg.); 1986–1989; Astronomie für Lehrer; 3 Bände. Potsdam: Pädagog. Hochschule
- Zimmermann, H., Weigert, A.; ABC der Astronomie; Leipzig: Brockhaus Verlag. 8. AuflageExterner Link
- Andronov, I. L.; 1988; Period Search by Using the DMRT Method: The Properties of the Test Function; AN 309, 2, 121–131Externer Link
- Chini, R., Henning, Th., Pfau, W.; 1991; Submillimetre/Millimetre Observations of AFGL 490; A&A 247, 157–162Externer Link
- Dorschner, J., Henning, Th.; 1986; Experimental Investigations of Astronomically Important Interstellar Silicates; Ap&SS 128, 1, 47–69Externer Link
- Dorschner, J., Friedemann, Ch., Gürtler, J., Henning, Th.; 1988; Optical Properties of Glassy Bronzite and the Interstellar Silicate Bands; A&A 198, 223–232Externer Link
- Dorschner, J., Gürtler, J., Friedemann, Ch., Henning, Th.; 1988; Pyroxene Glasses – Candidates for Interstellar Silicates; Proc. Experiments on Cosm. Dust. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publ. 227–230Externer Link
- Dorschner, J., Gürtler, J., Henning, Th., Wagner, H.; 1989; Pyroxene Glasses – Candidates for the Interstellar Silicate Dust Component; AN 310, 303–309Externer Link
- Friedemann, Ch., Gürtler, J.; 1986; Problems with the Interpretation of the 220 nm Interstellar Feature; Ap&SS 128, 1, 71–81Externer Link
- Friedemann, Ch., Reimann, H.–G.; 1990; Luminescence from Small Carbonaceous Dust Grains; Proc. IAU Symp. Nr. 139, 233Externer Link
- Friedemann, Ch.; 1990; The Relative Strengths of the 217 nm Absorption Band in the Ultraviolet Extinction Curves in the Solar Neighbourhood; Proc. Interstellar Matter, TorunExterner Link
- Gürtler, J., Henning, Th.; 1986; Circumstellar Dust Shells Around Very Young and Massive Stars; Ap&SS 128, 1, 163–177Externer Link
- Gürtler, J., Henning, Th., Dorschner, J.; 1989; Properties of Circumstellar Silicate Dust (Review); AN 310, 319–327Externer Link
- Gürtler, J., Henning, Th., Krügel, E., Chini, R.; 1991; Infrared Emission from Dust Shells Around Very Young and Luminous Stellar Objects; A&A 252, 801–811Externer Link
- Gürtler, J., Pfau, W.; 1990; The Infrared Spectra of Very Young Embedded Massive Objects; Proc. Interstellar Matter, TorunExterner Link
- Henning, Th., Gürtler, J.; 1986; BN Objects – A Class of Very Young and Massive Stars; Ap&SS 128, 1, 199–216Externer Link
- Henning, Th., Stecklum, B.; 1986; Self–Regulated Star Formation and Evolution of Stellar Systems; Ap&SS 128, 1, 237–252Externer Link
- Henning, Th., Weidlich, U.; 1988; Temperature of Cometary Dust; Earth Moon Planets 41, 197–200Externer Link
- Henning, Th., Pfau, W., Altenhoff, W.; 1990; Infrared and Radio Emission from Very Young and Massive Stellar Objects; A&A 227, 2, 542–552Externer Link
- Henning, Th.; 1989; Influence of Molecular Outflows from Young Stellar Objects on Molecular Clouds; AN 310, 5, 363–366Externer Link
- Henning, Th.; 1990; Formation and Early Evolution of Massive Stars; Fundam. Cosmic Phys. New York: Gordon and Breach, 14, 321–442Externer Link
- Klose, S.; 1986; On the Geometrical Cross–Section of an N–Mer; Ap&SS 128, 1, 43–46Externer Link
- Klose, S.; 1986; The RHO Ophiuchi Cloud – An Overview; Ap&SS 128, 1, 135–150Externer Link
- Klose, S.; 1989; On the Problem of H2 Formation; AN 310, 5, 409–412Externer Link
- Meusinger, H., Reimann, H.–G., Stecklum, B.; 1991; The Age–Metallicity–Velocity Dispersion Relation in the Solar Neighbourhood and a Simple Evolution Model; A&A 245, 57–74Externer Link
- Ossenkopf, V., Henning, Th.; 1990; Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Dust Grains; Proc. Interstellar Matter, TorunExterner Link
- Pfau, W.; 1986; Astrophysical Influences on the Diffuse Interstellar Lines; Ap&SS 128, 1, 101–109Externer Link
- Pfau, W., Piirola, V., Reimann, H.–G.; 1987; Interstellar Extinction and Polarimetric Properties of the Star HD 200 775; A&A 179, 134–140Externer Link
- Pfau, W., Reimann, H.–G., Stecklum, B., et al.; 1987; A Simultaneous X–ray and Optical Study of TT Arietis; Ap&SS 130, 255–260Externer Link
- Pfau, W.; 1990; Diffuse Interstellar Bands and their Places of Origin; Proc. Interstellar Matter, TorunExterner Link
- Reimann, H.–G.; 1986; Observations of the Very Broad–Band Structure by Combined UVBY and UBV Photometry; Ap&SS 128, 1, 83–92Externer Link
- Reimann, H.–G., Pfau, W.; 1987; Combined UBV and UVBY Photometry of Open Clusters. I. NGC 1502; AN 308, 2, 111–119Externer Link
- Reimann, H.–G.; 1989; UVBY Photometry of Open Clusters. II. NGC 6871; AN 310, 4, 273–280Externer Link
- Reimann, H.–G., Friedemann, Ch.; 1991; Correlation Between the Very Broad Structure and the Continuum in FUV Extinction Curves in the Interstellar Extinction Curve; A&A 242, 474–479Externer Link
- Schielicke, R.; 1987; Experiences with an Autoguiding System for Optical Astronomical Telescopes; Scientific Instrumentation 2, 1, 95–103
- Schielicke, R., Tenner, B., Tietsch, R.; 1988; Rechnergestützte Steuerung und automatischer Betrieb erdgebundener astronomischer Teleskope; Feingerätetechnik 37, 6, 266–269
- Schielicke, R.; 1990; Der Einfluß Ernst Abbes auf den astronomischen Gerätebau in Jena; Sterne Weltraum 29, 2, 96–101Externer Link
- Schielicke, R., Blumenstein, K.; 1992; Goethe und die Einrichtung der Herzoglichen Sternwarte zu Jena; Goethe–Jahrbuch, Weimar 109, 173–180
- Stecklum, B., Pfau, W., Henning, Th.; 1987; Photoelectric Photometry of Comets in the System of Standard IHW Filters and the Special case of comet P/Halley; AN 308, 4, 239–246Externer Link
- Stecklum, B., Pfau, W.; 1987; Production Rates of Gases and Solids in Comet P/Halley during the 1986 Apparition; Proc. IAU Regional Meeting Prag 2, 91–94Externer Link
- Stecklum, B.; 1989; Molecular Clouds and the Formation of Open Clusters; AN 310, 5, 375–379Externer Link
- Zimmermann, H.; 1986; Interstellar Gas Depletion and Dust Parameters; Ap&SS 128, 1, 33–42Externer Link
- Zimmermann, H.; 1988; Die Elementenhäufigkeit im interstellaren Gas; Die Sterne 64, 2, 127–134Externer Link