Unterseiten des Navigationspunktes Institute
Beiträge in referierten Zeitschriften
Ábrahám, P., Leinert, Ch., Burkert, A., Lemke, D., Henning, Th.; 1998; Search for cool circumstellar matter in the Ursae Majoris group with ISO; A&A 338, 91–96Externer Link
Ábrahám, P., Leinert, Ch., Lemke, D., Burkert, A., Henning, Th.; 1998; Far–infrared photometry of circumstellar matter around intermediate mass stars; Ap&SS 255, 45Externer Link
Blum, J., Poppe, T., Henning, Th.; 1998; Cometary dust flux simulation facility related to the ROSETTA Mission – Offer for a new experimental setup and the study of effects of dust flux exposure on spacecraft materials during the Comet rendezvous; ESA–Bericht Nr. 172944Externer Link
Dorschner, J.; 1998; Kosmologie und Schöpfungsglaube zwischen Konfrontation und Konsonanz; In: Dorschner, J. (Hrsg.): Der Kosmos als Schöpfung. Zum Stand des Gesprächs zwischen Naturwissenschaft und Theologie. Verlag Friedrich Pustet. Regensburg 1998; pdfExterner Link
Dorschner, J.; 1998; Astronomie in Thüringen. Skizzen aus acht Jahrhunderten. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der DDR-Zeit und der neuen astronomischen Forschungslandschaft; pdfExterner Link
Feldt, M., Henning, Th., Lagage, P.O., Manske, V., Schreyer, K., Stecklum, B.; 1998; The Chamaeleon infrared nebula revisited – Infrared imaging and spectroscopy of a young stellar object; A&A 332, 849–856Externer Link
Feldt, M., Stecklum, B., Henning, Th., Hayward, T.L., Lehmann, Th., Klein, R.; 1998; The ultracompact H II region G45.45+0.06. A pearl necklace in the sky; A&A 339, 759Externer Link
Fischer, O., Stecklum, B., Leinert, Ch.; 1998; 2D speckle polarimetry of Z CMa; A&A 334, 969Externer Link
Henning, Th.; 1998; Chemistry and physics of cosmic nano– and microparticles; Chem. Soc. Rev. 27, 315–321Externer Link
Henning, Th., Burkert, A., Launhardt, R., Leinert, C., Stecklum, B.; 1998; Infrared imaging and millimetre continuum mapping of Herbig Ae/Be and FU Orionis stars; A&A 336, 565–586Externer Link
Henning, Th., Klein, R., Chan, S.J., Fitzpatrick, E.L., Siebenmorgen, R., Stecklum, B.; 1998; Properties of the Young Stellar Object N160A–IR; A&A 338, L51–L54Externer Link
Henning, Th., Klein, R., Launhardt, R., Lemke, D., Pfau, W.; 1998; The molecular cloud core M17–North: ISO spectroscopy and IR/MM continuum mapping; A&A 332, 1035–1043Externer Link
Henning, Th., Launhardt, R.; 1998; Millimetre study of star formation in southern globules; A&A 338, 223–242Externer Link
Henning, Th., Salama, F.; 1998; Carbon in the Universe; Science 282, 2204–2210Externer Link
Henning, Th., Schnaiter, M.; 1998; Carbon – From space to laboratory: In: Ehrenfreund, P., Kochan, H. (eds.): Laboratory Astrophysics and Space Research. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 249–278Externer Link
Hoff, W., Henning, Th., Pfau, W.; 1998; The nature of isolated T Tauri stars; A&A 336, 242–250Externer Link
Jäger, C., Molster, F.J., Dorschner, J., Henning, Th., Mutschke, H., Waters, L.B.F.M.; 1998; Steps toward interstellar silicate mineralogy IV. The crystalline revolution; A&A 339, 904–916Externer Link
Jäger, C., Mutschke, H., Henning, Th.; 1998; Optical properties of carbonaceous dust analogues; A&A 332, 291–299Externer Link
Launhardt, R., Evans II, N.J., Wang, Y., Clemens, D.P., Henning, Th., Yun, J.L.; 1998; CS emission from Bok Globules: Survey results; ApJ Suppl. Ser. 119, 59–74Externer Link
Manske, V., Henning, Th., Men´shchikov, A.B.; 1998; Flared dust disks and the IR emission of AGN; A&A 331, 52–60Externer Link
Manske, V., Henning, Th.; 1998; Two–dimensional radiative transfer with transiently heated particles: methods and applications; A&A 337, 85–95Externer Link
Mutschke, H., Begemann, B., Dorschner, J., Gürtler, J., Gustafson, B., Henning, Th., Stognienko, R.; 1998; Steps toward interstellar silicate mineralogy. III. The role of aluminium in circumstellar amorphous silicates; A&A 333, 188–198Externer Link
Schnaiter, M., Mutschke, H., Dorschner, J., Henning, Th., Salama, F.; 1998; Matrix-isolated nano–sized carbon grains as an analog for the 217.5 nm feature carrier; ApJ 498, 486–496Externer Link
Stecklum, B., Henning, Th., Feldt, M., Hayward, T.L., Hoare, M.G., Hofner, P., Richter, St.; 1998; The ultracompact HII region G5.97–1.17 – An evaporating circumstellar disk in M8; AJ 115, 767–776Externer Link
Willacy, K., Klahr, H., Millar, T.J., Henning, Th.; 1998; Gas and grain chemistry in a protoplanetary disk; A&A 338, 995–1005Externer Link
Wolf, S., Fischer, O., Pfau, W.; 1998; Radiative transfer in the clumpy environment of young stellar objects; A&A 340, 103Externer Link
Wurm, G., Blum, J.; 1998; Experiments on preplanetary dust aggregation; Icarus 132, 125–136Externer Link