Beiträge in referierten Zeitschriften
- Andersen, A.C., Jäger, C., Mutschke, H., Braatz, A., Clément, D., Henning, Th., Jørgensen, U.G., Ott, U.; 1999; Mid–infrared Spectra of Meteoritic SiC Grains; A&A 343, 933–938Externer Link
- Blum, J., Wurm, G., Poppe, T.; 1999; The CODAG Sounding Rocket Experiment to Study Aggregation of Thermally Diffusing Dust Particles; Adv. Space Res. 23, 7, 1267–1270Externer Link
- Blum, J., Wurm, G., Poppe, T., Kempf, S., Fiethe, B., Giel, M., Offterdinger, P., Neuhaus, D., Rott, M., Giovane, F., Gustafson, B.; 1999; The Cosmic Dust Aggregation Experiment CODAG; Meas. Sci. Technol. 10, 836–844Externer Link
- Braatz, A., Ott, U., Henning, Th., Jäger, C., Jeschke, G.; 1999; Infrared and Electron Paramagnetic Measurements of Presolar Diamonds: Implications for Optical Features and Origin; Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 35, 75–84Externer Link
- Farafonov, V.G., Il´in, V.B., Henning, Th.; 1999; A New Solution of the Light Scattering Problem for Axisymmetric Particles; JQSRT 63, 205–216Externer Link
- Feldt, M., Stecklum, B., Henning, Th., Launhardt, R., Hayward, T.L.; 1999; High–resolution Imaging of Ultracompact HII Regions. II. G 5.89–0.39 Revisited; A&A 346, 243–259Externer Link
- Gürtler, J., Friedemann, C., Reimann, H.-G., Splittgerber, E., Rudolph, E.; 1999; A comparative Study of the long–term Light Variations of six young irregular Variables; A&A Suppl. Ser. 140, 293–307Externer Link
- Gürtler, J., Schreyer, K., Henning, Th., Lemke, D., Pfau, W.; 1999; Infrared Spectra of Young Stars in Chamaeleon; A&A 346, 205–210Externer Link
- Heim, L.–O., Blum, J., Preuss, M., Butt, H.–J.; 1999; Adhesion and Friction Forces between Spherical Micrometer–sized Particles; Phys. Rev., Lett. 83, 3328–3331Externer Link
- Henning, Th., Il´in, V.B., Krivova, N.A., Michel, B., Voshchinnikov, N.V.; 1999; WWW Data Base on Optical Constants for Astronomy; A&A Suppl. Ser. 136, 405–406Externer Link
- Jäger, C., Henning, Th., Schlögl, R., Spillecke, O.; 1999; Spectral Properties of Carbon Black; J. Non–Cryst. Solids 258, 161–179Externer Link
- Kempf, S., Pfalzner, S., Henning, Th.; 1999; N–Particle Simulation of Dust Growth: I. Growth Driven by Brownian Motion; Icarus 141, 388–398Externer Link
- Klahr, H.H., Henning, Th., Kley, W.; 1999; On the Azimuthal Structure of Thermal Convection in Circumstellar Disks; ApJ 514, 325–34Externer Link
- Klein, R., Henning, Th., Cesarsky, D.; 1999; The Molecular Cloud Core M17–North: New ISOCAM Observations; A&A 343, L53–L56Externer Link
- Manske, V., Henning, Th.; 1999; 2D Radiative Transfer with Transiently Heated Particles for the Circumstellar Environment of Herbig Ae/Be Stars; A&A 349, 907–911Externer Link
- Menshchikov, A.B., Henning, Th., Fischer, O.; 1999; Self–consistent Model of the Dusty Torus around HL Tau; ApJ 519, 257–278Externer Link
- Michel, B., Henning, Th., Kreibig, U., Jäger, C.; 1999; Optical Extinction by Spherical Carbonaceous Particles; Carbon 37, 391–400Externer Link
- Molster, F.J., Waters, L.B.F.M., Trams, N., van Winckel, H., Decin, L., van Loon, Jacco, Th., Jäger, C., Henning, Th., Käufl, H.–U., de Koter, A., Bouwman, J.; 1999; The Composition and Nature of the Dust Shell Surrounding the Binary AFGL 4106; A&A 350, 163–180Externer Link
- Morris, P.W., Waters, L.B.F.M., Barlow, M.J., Lim, T., de Koter, A., Voors, R.H.M., Cox, P., de Graauw, Th., Henning, Th., Hony, S., Lamers, H.J.G.L.M., Mutschke, H., Trams, N.R.; 1999; Discovery of a Massive Disk in η Carinae; Nature 402, 502–504Externer Link
- Mutschke, H., Andersen, A.C., Clément, D., Henning, Th., Peiter, G.; 1999; Infrared Properties of SiC Particles; A&A 345, 187–202Externer Link
- Poppe, T., Blum, J., Henning, Th.; 1999; Experiments on the Effects of Dust Flux Exposure on Rosetta Spacecraft Materials; Adv. Space Res. 23, 7, 1225–1228Externer Link
- Poppe, T., Blum, J., Henning, Th.; 1999; New Experiments on Collisions of Solid Grains Related to the Preplanetary Dust Aggregation; Adv. Space Res. 23, 7, 1197–1200Externer Link
- Posch, Th., Kerschbaum, F., Mutschke, H., Fabian, D., Dorschner, J., Hron, J.; 1999; On the Origin of the 13 Micron Feature; A&A 352, 609–618Externer Link
- Schnaiter, M., Henning, Th., Mutschke, H., Kohn, B., Ehbrecht, M., Huisken, F.; 1999; Infrared Spectroscopy of Nano–sized Carbon Grains produced by Laser Pyrolysis of Acetylene – Analogue Materials for Interstellar Grains; ApJ 519, 687–696Externer Link
- Szczerba, R., Henning, Th., Volk, K., Cox, P.; 1999; IRAS 04296+3429: A 21 μm Source with a Very Strong 30 μm Emission Band; A&A 345, L39–L42Externer Link
- Voshchinnikov, N.V., Il´in, V.B., Henning, Th., Michel, B.; 1999; Extinction and Polarization of Radiation by Absorbing Spheroids: Shape/Size Effects and Benchmark Results; JQSRT 65, 877–893Externer Link
- Voshchinnikov, N. V., Semenov, D. A., Henning, Th.; 1999; The Temperature of Non–spherical Interstellar Grains; A&A 349, L25–L28Externer Link
- Wolf, S., Henning, Th.; 1999; AGN Polarization Models; A&A 341, 675–682Externer Link
- Wolf, S., Henning, Th., Stecklum, B.; 1999; Multidimensional Self–Consistent Radiative Transfer Calculations Based on the Monte–Carlo–Method; A&A 349, 839–850Externer Link
- Xu, Y., Gustafson, B..S., Giovane, F., Blum, J., Tehranian, S.; 1999; Calculation of the Heat–Source Function in Photophoresis of Aggregated Spheres; Phys. Rev., E. 60 No. 2 , 2347–2365Externer Link