Unterseiten des Navigationspunktes Institute
Beiträge in referierten Zeitschriften
Ábrahám, P., Leinert, C., Burkert, A., Henning, Th., Lemke, D.; 2000; Far–infrared Photometry and Mapping of Herbig Ae/Be Stars; A&A 354, 965–982Externer Link
Blum, J.; 2000; Laboratory Experiments on Preplanetary Dust Aggregation; Space Sci. Rev. 92, 265–278Externer Link
Blum, J., Wurm, G.; 2000; Experiments on Sticking, Restructuring and Fragmentation of Preplanetary Dust Aggregates; Icarus 143, 138–146Externer Link
Blum, J., Wurm, G., Kempf, S., Poppe, T., Klahr, H., Kozasa, T., Rott, M., Henning, Th., Dorschner, J., Schräpler, R., Keller, H.U., Markiewicz, W.J., Mann, I., Gustafson, B.A.S., Giovane, F., Neuhaus, D., Fechtig, H., Grün, E., Feuerbacher, B., Kochan, H., Ratke, L., El Goresy, A., Morfill, G., Weidenschilling, S.J., Schwehm, G., Metzler, K., Ip, W.-H.; 2000; On Growth and Form of Planetary Seedlings; Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2426–2429Externer Link
Braatz, A., Ott, U., Henning, Th., Jäger, C., Jeschke, G.; 2000; Infrared, Ultraviolet, and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Measurements on Presolar Diamonds: Implications for Optical Features and Origin; Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 35, 75–84Externer Link
Burkert, A., Stecklum, B., Henning, Th., Fischer, O.; 2000; Multi–Wavelength Imaging of the Peculiar Vela Molecular Ridge Nebula BBW 192E; A&A 353, 153–162Externer Link
Fabian, D., Jäger, C., Henning, Th., Dorschner, J., Mutschke, H.; 2000; Steps toward Interstellar Silicate Mineralogy, V. Thermal Evolution of Amorphous Magnesium Silicates and Silica; A&A 364, 282–292Externer Link
Henning, Th., Lapinov, A., Schreyer, K., Stecklum, B., Zinchenko, I.; 2000; IRAS 12326–6245: Luminous Very Young Stellar Objects with a Massive Molecular Outflow; A&A 364, 613–624Externer Link
Henning, Th., Schreyer, K., Launhardt, R., Burkert, A.; 2000; Massive Young Stellar Objects with Molecular Outflows; A&A 353, 211–226Externer Link
Käufl, H.-U., Ageorges, N., Dietzsch, E., Hron, J., Relke, H., Scholz, D., Silber, A., Sperl, M., Sterzik, M.,Wagner, R.,Weilenmann, U.; 2000; First Astronomical Light with TIMMI 2, ESO´s 2nd Generation Thermal Infrared Multimode Instrument at the La Silla 3.6m Telescope; Messenger 102, 4 pdf Externer Link
Poppe, T., Blum, J., Henning, Th.; 2000; Analogous Experiments on the Stickiness of Micronsized Preplanetary Dust; ApJ 533, 454–471Externer Link
Poppe, T., Blum, J., Henning, Th.; 2000; Experiments on Collisional Grain Charging of Micronsized Preplanetary Dust; ApJ 533, 472–480Externer Link
Voshchinnikov, N.V., Ilin, V.B., Henning, Th., Michel, B.; 2000; Extinction and Polarization of Radiation by Absorbing Spheroids: Shape/Size Effects and Benchmark Results; JQSRT 65, 877–893Externer Link
Voshchinnikov, N.V., Semenov, D.A.; 2000; The Temperature of Nonspherical Circumstellar Dust Grains; Astron. Lett. 10, 679–690Externer Link
Wurm, G., Blum, J.; 2000; An Experimental Study on the Structure of Cosmic Dust Aggregates and their Alignment by Motion Relative to Gas; ApJ 529, L57–L60Externer Link
Wolf, S. Henning, Th.; 2000; Accelerated Self–consistent Radiative Transfer Based on the Monte Carlo Method; Comput. Phys. Commun. 132, 166–188Externer Link