
Meldungen filtern

Die Meldungen filtern
  1. A schematic of the discrete cluster truncated Wigner approximation.
    Foto: Adrian Braemer, Javad Vahedi and Martin Gärttner
  2. Verteidigung von Moritz Reh
    Foto: Prof. Dr. Martin Gärttner
  3. Illustration of relevant processes
    Foto: Yannick Deller, Martin Gärttner, Tobias Haas, Markus K. Oberthaler, Moritz Reh, Helmut Strobel
  4. An illustration of the two-step Floquet cycle of the one-dimensional (1D) system considered in this work.
    Foto: Niklas Euler, Adrian Braemer, Luca Benn, Martin Gärttner
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