- Sun Lin (Dissertation 2021) Ab initio structural prediction of interface and defect reconstructions in group IV crystalsExterner Link
- Bisianov, Arstan (Dissertation 2019) "Nonlinearity, topology and PT symmetry in Photonic Lattices"Externer Link
- Borlido, Pedro (dissertation 2019) New first-principles approaches for the structural and electronic properties of two-dimensional materialsExterner Link
- Buschlinger, Robert (Dissertation 2018) "Modellierung der Licht-Materie-Wechselwirkung im Nanometerbereich"Externer Link
- Tiago F.T. Cerqueira (Dissertation 2017) Structural prediction and materials design : from high throughput to global minima optimization methodsExterner Link
- Sebastian Küfner (Dissertation 2015) "Electronic and topological properties of low-dimensional alpha-Sn and HgTe structure" Externer Link
- Lars Matthes (Dissertation 2015) "Structural, electronic and optical properties of group-IV honeycomb crystals from first principles"Externer Link
- Andreas Schrön (Dissertation 2015) "Ab-initio Studies of the Magnetic Properties of the3d Transition-Metal Oxides and their Surfaces"Externer Link
- Benjamin Höffling (Dissertation 2015) "The Interfaces between Silicon and Transparent Conducting Oxides"Externer Link
- Robert Filter (Dissertation 2015) "Nanoantennas: New Prospects in Light-Matter-Interactions" Externer Link
- Paul Pflugradt (Masterarbeit 2014) "Silicene on metallic surfaces" Rohde & Schwarz Fakultätspreis für "Beste Diplom-/Masterarbeit des Jahres"
- Moritz Laubscher (Masterarbeit 2014) "Elektronische und optische Eigenschaften von amorphen Germaniumnanokristallen eingebettet in eine kristalline Siliziummatrix"
- Martin Fitzner (Masterarbeit 2014) "Topological quantum states in a tight-binding framework including nearest-neighbor spin-orbit interactions"